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The last couple weeks have been hell. Absolute torture for me. My mate distancing himself from me and the others. His pain and anger. I deserve it all but what I couldn't handle was his own self loathing.
That's the only thing that made me stop trying to talk to him. The emotions pouring out of him by just looking at me became too much. The worst thing was it wasn't directed at me. He took it all upon himself for some unfathomable reason.
That hurt me the most. So I left him alone and made myself barely visible so he would stop. I know it helped little but it was the only thing I could do for him.
It wasn't easy though. He's my soulmate. My other half. I need him. I need him probably more than he needs me. I could barely focus at my work which could have ended up disastrous. Luckily, I made minimal problems that were fixable.
Having him back in my arms right now, finally being able to touch him again, soothes something deep inside me that was slowly breaking apart. The pain slowly easing away with every touch and little moan from his mouth.
I can't handle losing him. Not again. It would literally kill me. The depression I've sank into recently is clue enough what I'd be without him. God, I never imagined I'd need someone like this. That I'd need someone in my life so much that I'd go crazy and most likely end my life without them.
That can't be normal and yet...I know with certainty that this is how it should be between us. Our souls are intertwined permanently. To hell with the norm. I know what I know.
"So beautiful." My voice is barely a whisper, reverently in awe of the person under me. The one made for me.
He blushes, thighs squeezing around me. "I'm not."
Growling, I kiss him hungrily, hands holding his hips as I fully remove his shirt, baring him to me. "You are. It's a fact not an opinion, sweetheart."
"I think you're biased." He mumbles under his breath.
A grin slides over my mouth. "So what? I'm allowed to be." Brushing hair from his face, I observe everything about him. Every little detail—every line and freckle. All perfect. "I love you."
"I love you, too." His mouth twists. "I'm sorry I've been so cold lately."
My kisses become more lingering and soft. "No, baby. I understand. I'm not happy about you thinking of yourself that way but I get it." I look down into his lovely eyes. "Hate me if you need to but never hate yourself. You have done nothing wrong. Don't do that."
I watch a plethora of emotions cross his face before he settles on resignation. "I can't help it. It's my fault—"
     "No. It's not your fault. It's Hoseok's  and my fault. Even Namjoon's fault. You, Jimin, and Yoongi have done nothing to deserve what we've put you through. Take it out on us but not you. You don't need that kind of stress and I can bear it for you."
      He shudders, breathing deeply. "I don't know if I can do that. It's not who I am. It's my job as the eldest omega to care for them. I failed—"
      I kiss him again to silence him, my tongue invading his mouth and taking. "No. Stop it. You, yourself, are an omega. There's not much you can do in your position. Age doesn't really matter and you should know that. You don't need to assume responsibility for everyone else's actions, love."
      We stare into each other's eyes for a long time—him struggling internally—before he finally nods slightly. "O-Okay. Maybe you're right."
      "I am. I know if you talk to the others they would say the same thing, Jin. You shouldn't be taking all this onto your shoulders. You're carrying my pup as well, remember? That's all that you need to worry about. I am your alpha. Your burdens are mine to bear. I'm strong enough to carry them."
      He blinks back tears and I kiss them away as they fall. My hand sliding down to rub over his stomach. It's much bigger than it was last time I saw him naked.
     "I d-don't...I don't know how to be without you, Tae." He admits softly, avoiding looking at me.
     "You never have to be without me, love. I'm always going to be here to protect you. In any way you need. Physically and mentally." I promise solemnly.
      He grabs my face and kisses me hard, our breaths mingling as one. My body reacts to his eagerness and becomes healthy desperate for him.
     "Tae...take me. Please, take me. Remind my body it's yours..."
     A deep growl leaves my throat at his words. My touch becomes rougher and more impatient as I touch him, bringing him to the brink of pleasure only to stop him from climaxing.
      I kneel between his legs and feel how ready he is, how wet. "So wet for me, love." Groaning, I tug his bottom lip between my teeth making him arch up as I trail my fingers lightly over his hole, feeling it quiver at my touch.
      He whimpers, spreading his legs wide. I bend down and take his cock into my mouth, sucking hard and lapping at his taste, moaning in pleasure as I drink it down like water. 
      His fingers latch in my hair and pull sharply as I work him with my mouth, my fingers impaling him and sliding deep. He screams, cum filling my mouth almost immediately.
     "Nghnnn! Tae! Ahhhh...." Sweat blooms on his skin as his chest heaves for air.
     Releasing his erection, I kiss him again long and deep before lining up with his body and sliding home. Both of us release shouts of pleasure as I begin pounding into him, my need and hunger for him unleashing into an uncontrollable beast.
      "So tight." I growl into his mouth, my hips pistoling powerfully. He clings to me as my body forces his up the bed. I can't stop. The alpha in me needing to reclaim its mate. To re-bond our bodies as one.
      He gasps and clenches around me. His juices wet and squelching loudly with every stroke into his body. I shudder, the sound driving me more insane with want.
     "Tae!" His body arches and cum spews from his cock, hitting me in the face and chest. Growling, I grab his wrists and pin them over his head as I destroy his tight little ass. Wanting him to feel me inside him for days after this. Need him to remember me every second of every fucking day.
      His strangled cries of pleasure spur me on as my own release builds, tipping. My entire body shakes and I know my eyes are flashing red as I bite down on his throat and finally explode inside him.
      He moans brokenly, clawing my back as I pulse inside him, his body sucking my dry.
      "F-fuck." I rasp, breathless and shaking.
      He's trembling. "T-Tae..." He continues to sob my name with his eyes closed, holding on to me tightly.
     I twitch, groaning as I force my hips to continue moving, slowly taking him throughout my climax. He whimpers, oversensitive.
     I open my eyes and look down. His neck is bleeding. Sloppily, I bend down and lick it clean. With a loud groan, I roll off him and feel satiated. Complete once more.
     He rolls onto my chest. I wrap my arms around him, kissing his sweaty hair. This is right. This is how it should always be with us.
    After a long while of silence and catching our breaths, he sighs and buries his face in my neck, his teeth nipping at my throat. Chuckling, I tilt my head up and he latches his teeth into my skin.
     Hissing, I force myself to relax and take what he needs from me. I rub his back soothingly as he laps the blood from my wound.
     Our lips find one another's again and again until sleep becomes too prominent to ignore. For the first time in weeks, I can relax and drift off with Jin tightly in my arms. Our pup nestled safely between us.

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