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I pretend to be asleep when Jin leaves the hut, Jimin curling into my body for warmth as he dreams heavily.
I slowly sit up and listen to him talk softly to Taehyung. I'm surprised when he goes off with him, too. That's very dangerous.
Rubbing my arms, I peak out of the hut to see the two other sleeping alphas on the ground close by. Glancing back at Jimin, I crawl out and survey the night forest. It's quiet and cold. A light dusting of snow and dew covering everything in sight.
       Where did Jin go? Did that alpha convince him to go far into the forest to hurt him? Force a mating? No, no Jin is smarter than that. He would have put up a loud struggle at least.
"Your little friend is safe, omega." My eyes widen and I jerk in surprise as the alpha beside me sits up, rubbing his eyes. "My brother Taehyung would never harm him. He's fine."
For some reason I feel I can trust his words and feel my body relax. "Oh. Okay."
He stares making me a little uncomfortable. "You're more beautiful up close."
      My mouth falls open in surprise. "E-excuse me?"
     Smirking, he shakes his head before standing. "Want to stretch your legs? We can go for a quick walk."
       Seeing no reason to object, I nod, tucking my arms around myself to keep warm. "So...why did you murder a beta?" I ask randomly as we walk away from the camp.
      His head snaps around to gauge my expression. "He insulted me and Taehyung as well as tried to frame me for something I did not do."
       My eyebrows raise in confusion. "What do you mean? Framed you?"
       He sighs and stares off into the tree line ahead. "He accused me of trying to touch an already claimed omega and tearing his clothes to reveal his skin." He explains quietly.
       I gasp at the picture of such an act. "That's awful! That poor omega."
       He laughs. "The funny thing is that it wasn't even an alpha that did it—it was another beta. I saw them in an alley. A beta tugging the top off of a trembling and crying omega that was clearly pregnant." He grabs hold of my wrist, gaining my undivided attention. "Alphas aren't the only thing you have to fear. Betas are primal beings as well. Strong and trained. They can hurt and force a mating as well as any alpha and honestly they have the best position for such a devious mindsets."
       I blink, reliving in my head, Jungkook—my most trusted beta—shoving me hard against the wall of my room and kissing me. Taking my lips confidently.
        I clear my throat and the memory. "Not all betas are like that. It's very rare."
      "Not as rare as you'd like to think, omega. Your he overly protective of you? Maybe a little controlling or possessive?" He asks, an underlying accusation in his tone.
      I gasp and jerk my wrist away. "Of course not! He's...he's..."
      "He's what? I saw you on the balcony the other night." He admits in a rush. "He was there. Putting his hands on you and forcing you into the room. Tell me—did he touch your body? Are you even still pure to mate?" He demands harshly.
      I stiffen and without thinking, slap him hard across the face. "You have no right to talk about me and my guard. You were spying on me?! How does that make you any better than what you've been accused of and my purity is none of your business, alpha!" I snarl, anger replacing my usual timidness.
      He seems as shocked as me at my rash outburst, holding his cheek and gazing in awe at me. I flush at the realization of what I'd just done.
I hit an alpha. Holy crap. I slapped an alpha. In the middle of the forest. All alone with no one to keep me safe if he decides to hit me or worse in anger.
      I take a step back but he immediately grabs hold of my robe and jerks me back to his side. He clenches my clothing tightly in his fist while taking several deep breaths to calm himself down.
      Opening his red eyes, he peers down at me before laughing. He laughs and releases me. "You're just full of unexpected surprises, aren't you?" He smiles and I refuse to admit a part of me really likes it. "You're certainly not like the others, are you?"
      I straighten my shoulders, trying to stand taller and braver. "No and you don't have to keep calling me 'omega'. My name is Yoongi. I'm more than just an omega." I fuss.
      His lips continue to twitch. "I'd love to see how your future mate takes this little fiery attitude of yours, Yoongi."
     I cross my arms defiantly. "Yes's not like I really want to be mated." I blurt out by accident.
       "You...don't want to be mated? Isn't that your entire goal in life?" He snickers.
      I flush in anger. "Is your goal in life to fill an omega with pups? You don't seem to think thats the only possibility of life." I remark snidely.
       We both start walking again without thinking, our bodies just naturally in tune with the other. "I suppose it's not. Then again, how can I bring a weak omega into this life of crime? Caring for a pregnant omega and pups out in the wild? Yeah, not happening."
      I furrow my brow. "And when you're free of your accusing crimes? You're never claiming a mate? At all?"
       "You seem so sure you can actually change the masters' minds."
      "And you doubt it so much?"
      He scoffs. "Of course I do. I'm only doing this for Taehyung. My love and loyalty for him is benefiting you. After all, I'm sure you're dying to return to your beta, right? I'm sure he's terrified right now without you." He mocks.
       I glare at him. "You don't have to be cruel or crude. There is nothing but familial love and family and friendship between Jungkook and I."
       He stops once more and stares intently into my eyes. "You're lying."
      My mouth drops open. "W-what? How dare you call me a liar! Why would I lie?"
      "Why are you so defensive over him, huh? He did do something to you, didn't he?"
      I groan in annoyance. Why is he being like this? So intent on ruining my credibility. "You're w-wrong."
       Suddenly I'm being pressed roughly against a tree. I yelp in shock as he leans down so close to my face I can taste his breath, his overwhelming caramel scent surrounding me. My stomach aches with nerves. "You stuttered. Now tell me—what did that beta do? Did he touch you?"
      My lips part as I suck in air, trying to free myself but only seeming to entrap myself more. I can't speak. Heart pounding.
     I stare in confusion as his hand slowly caresses my face, brushing hair out of my eyes before trailing his fingers down my neck to the top of my robe.
      My entire body shakes in fear as he slowly eases the robe to the side, parting it and revealing more and more of my chest in slow motion.
      I choke as his eyes follow his hand, his fingers drifting down my chest, his other hand holding me firmly by the waist.
      "W-What are you—"
      "Did he touch you here? Like this?"
      Wide eyed, I shake my head in silence.
      Clicking his tongue, he ghosts over my nipples forcing out a strangled cry from me as they perk up and begin aching. "No?" He moves lower to the enclosure to my robe and pulls the tie free, the frigid air held at bay by his hot body pressing tightly to mine.
      I can't breath, frozen in a strange terroristic fascination as his fingers graze over my quivering pale stomach, a moan leaving my suddenly parched lips. "Here? Did he touch you here?" His eyes are firm and serious as he forces me to hold his gaze.
      Whimpering and knees weakening, I nod, gasping. He removes his hands as suddenly as they appeared. "Did he kiss you, too?" He demands, his tone no longer gentle and teasing but harsh and panting. "Answer me!" He growls.
      My head immediately tilts down in shame as tears spring into my eyes. Gasping, I nod. "Y-Yes."
      Cursing, he pulls away from me and I drop to the ground in a heap, hastily fixing my robe back around me as he punches a nearby tree, his entire form trembling with barely controlled rage.
      I pull myself back to my feet by a hanging branch and watch him for a moment before the urge to flee takes root in my mind and without waiting for him to speak or pay any more attention to me, I run back to the campsite and hide myself away in the hut.
      I squeeze my eyes closed and try hard to get the alpha's touch out of my head. The lingering feeling of his warm fingers on my body affecting me in ways I can't describe in words. My thighs clench.
       The ache in my stomach increases as I curl into Jimin and force myself to sleep just to escape my realities for even a little while.
     So much has happened much too fast that my body and mind can't dare to keep up. What has my life become? Why can't I stop thinking of that annoyingly invasive and mean alpha?

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