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"Are you avoiding me again?"
I jump slightly, not expecting to see my mate leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom, watching me.
Hastily, I tuck my robe back around me and glance through the mirror to meet his gaze. "No. I'm not avoiding you. I know you are very busy. Working and dealing with your brother..." I sigh.
Uncrossing his arms, he walks into the bathroom and presses his front to my back, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Mhm. I have been and I'm sorry for that, sweetheart. You're the most important to me, though. All my focus should be on you."
I shrug, hating how needy I'm feeling. Selfish. "I'm fine. I've been handling everything just fine." I remind him. And I have been. I've taken well to my role here as taking care of Yoongi and Jimin—cooking and cleaning. I've been letting the alphas deal with everything else. I like things this way.
     He rests his chin on the dip of my shoulder, staring at me through the mirror, his lips close to my cheek. My body stirs as I continue to gaze at our reflection.
      "Maybe you're fine but I'm not." He sighs, turning me to face him and grabbing my hands. His eyes burn into mine, cupping my cheeks. "I've been neglecting you, baby. I've been leaving you to take care of everything here at home and that isn't fair. You deserve my full undivided attention." He smiles.
     I can't help it. I turn to mush. Blushing, I duck my head. Showing a lot more now, I can see my belly pushing against Taehyung's own shirt. "It's okay. I get it."
      I yelp as he scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the bed, setting me down gently and kissing my head. "You smell so good, omega."
     "I j-just took a bath."
    Shaking his head, he traces his tongue over my lips causing a shiver to run down my spine. "No. You smell good. You. Naturally." His nose skims down to my throat, nipping at my flesh.
     My thighs squeeze together and I tighten my robe against me, feeling vulnerable. It's been a minute since we've been intimate and my body has been changing. A lot.
     I don't even think he's seen me naked in a couple weeks maybe. "T-Tae..."
     "Hm?" He mouths over my collarbone, pushing the robe to the side a little to kiss closer down my chest. I push against his shoulders, stopping him. He leans back a bit, surprise and confusion showing on his face. "What's wrong, Jin? Are you okay? Are you hurting?"
     "N-no." I don't want him to know about my insecurities. I rack my mind for an excuse. "It's just...I need to check on Yoongi. He and his alpha have been fighting so much. I don't feel right to be like this...with you...when he's suffering so much." I curse my lack of lying ability.
     He frowns. "Baby, I know you care about them but we can't give up our own happiness for everyone else's problems."
     "Yes but please...I want to check on him. Just for a minute." I plead.
     Sighing, he nods. "Alright. Hurry back, though, love. I want some alone time with you."
     Smiling, I get up. "I'll be right back."
    He heads into the bathroom probably to shower. I walk down the hall and pause, looking in Namjoon and Jimin's room to see them lying on the bed watching a movie together. Both now content with one another. I'm so glad they've finally stopped fighting themselves.
     Now if only Yoongi and Hoseok would work it out. I know Jungkook is mostly to blame but apparently Hoseok has lied and neglected to be fully upfront with Yoongi. I understand his anger.
     At first, I was a little worried about whether Taehyung has hidden things from me but I've gotten over it—for the most part. I trust him. He's given me no reason not to anyway.
I move on to the living room where Yoongi has been staying. He's refusing to step foot in their bedroom and he's avoiding the cellar, too. Mad at both alpha and beta. I don't really blame him.
I sit on the couch and watch as Yoongi sleeps. I don't want to wake him but I also don't want to go back to Taehyung right yet. I know he's going to want me. I'm just not ready for it right now, though.
"You okay?"
I jerk my head up to see Hoseok lounging across the room. In the dark. God, that's creepy. Is he watching Yoongi sleep?
Clearing my throat, I sit up and nod. "F-fine."
He sits up as well, rubbing his face. "I haven't been here long. Just checking on him. I know he's been hurting a lot but won't tell me." He admits.
I frown. "He has?"
"Yeah. I also saw bloody toilet paper in the bathroom when he left it the other day. He won't talk to me but the stress is getting to him. It's my fault, I know."
At least he's properly shamefaced about it. "He'll come around."
"You think so? I think his stubbornness is going to drive him to lose our pups." Bitterness in his voice.
I sigh. "He just needs space. He'll come back to you when he's ready." I urge.
Nodding slowly, he eyes me up and down. I tighten my robe around me. "What about you? Why are running from Taehyung?"
"I'm n-not—"
"You are. You're hiding out here in the dark alone just to avoid going back into your bedroom. He's waiting for you, right? He's been missing you. You're all he ever talks about. Do you know how much he fucking loves you? How in love with you he is?"
I flinch, feeling chastised. "I do know. I love him just as much. I'm not running or hiding. I just...I mean..." I glare at him, upset. "My feelings really aren't any of your business, Alpha. You aren't my mate."
Scoffing, he stands up. "Then why are you still here?"
I open my mouth but nothing comes out. Why am I still here arguing with him and not in my own mate's arms? "I'm hungry." Stalking around him and entering the kitchen.
Unfortunately, he follows me. "Really?"
Huffing, I turn around and poke his chest. "Why are you harassing me? Because Yoongi refuses to speak to you now you're taking your frustrations out on me?" I frown, raising my voice. I hate that I also sound guilty.
     He grabs my fingers, squeezing them tightly. I wince. "Remember your place, omega. My brother may let you get away with your little temper but I'm not as nice as Taehyung."
      I glare at him. "I can see why Yoongi despises you."
     His eyes flare, red glowing in the dim light of the kitchen. "I honestly don't see what Taehyung sees in you." He spits.
     "The hell is going on in here!"
     We both flinch and step away from each other as Taehyung stares at us in confusion from the door. I blink, rubbing my wrist.
      Grumbling under his breath, Hoseok stalks back into the living room. I avoid my mate's gaze as he looks at me expectantly. Ugh, Hoseok really does ruin everything.

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