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     Biting my nails, I stare nervously at Yoongi as he lays silently on the couch. He seems...different. More subdued? Jin has become louder and bolder and more outgoing since his mating—happier really—while Yoongi just seems to...curl into himself.
       I keep looking between him and Hoseok. His alpha has been checking on him frequently and even pleads for him to get up and move around but Yoongi just shakes his head and burrows under the small blanket deeper.
       Jin is worried, too. He frowns at me in concern. I get up and wander into the kitchen. "What's wrong with him, Jin? Why is he acting like that?"
      Right after his heat a couple days ago, he was okay...he seemed happy it was over but then he just stopped talking to us. I don't get it.
        Jin sighs. "I don't know. He should be feeling better and happier and more energetic. I think it's a mating thing." He frowns. "I'm worried about him. I think he's sick."
        "There's no way we can find an omega medic." I fret. "Do you know if Hoseok has said anything?"
        He shakes his head. "I mentioned it to Tae but he's says he's fine."
Just then, the alphas walk in from the outside. I notice Namjoon looking a lot better after his accident. Stronger and less pale. That's good.
"I think Yoongi needs a medic." I blurt out.
Hoseok pauses while Namjoon glances at him nervously. "He's fine, Jimin." He sighs.
I pout defiantly. "He's not! Have you seen him?! He doesn't move or talk or eat! He has to be sick!"
Groaning, Hoseok sits down across from me and nods. "He is." He glances out towards the couch where his mate lays. "This is normal, Jimin. You have to understand that every mating is different and takes some time. Sometimes bondings happen instantly and make omegas more energetic and clingy to their mates while sometimes..." he pauses, shaking his head. "Sometimes when it's harder for an omega to accept a mating, they withdrawal a little while their bodies endure the changes. It's difficult on some omegas."
I gape at them then at Jin. "How come we were never taught about this?! You're lying!"
Namjoon grasps my jaw, forcing me to look up at him. "I highly doubt those great masters in the society would want omegas scared about the negative possibilities of a mating. More than likely all of you would have experienced this period of withdrawal and depression with any other alphas."
"So Yoongi doesn't want to be mated to you?" I ask, looking at Hoseok.
"It's not like that. It's just harder for his body to accept the mating. It happens more often than not. Jin was lucky, honestly."
The spoken omega blushes, glancing up at his own mate. Tae kisses his cheek.
"We didn't want to mention it because we actually never planned these matings, remember? It's a small side effect and he'll recover and be fine in another day or so. Sometimes the bondings happen instantly while others take a few days."
Hoseok nods and walks out into the living room. He looks down at Yoongi for a long moment before gently scooping the whimpering omega up and carrying him into their bedroom, closing the door firmly behind them.
"What's he going to do?" I ask.
Namjoon shrugs. "Maybe retry the mating and quicken up the bonding process. He's okay, Jimin. Hoseok won't hurt him and Yoongi did not reject the mating. Give it time."
Swallowing hard, I ponder this new information. It's terrifying and something I never knew to be possible. "Will I be like that? I don't want to be like that." I ask, panicked.
Jin hugs me. "Calm down. It didn't happen to me." He reminds me. "Mine was the opposite affect."
       I want to scream. I've never been so worried about my heat coming. This is awful! How could they keep something like this from us?! We deserved to know this and be prepared. I don't like being sideswiped like this.
      I feel arms wrap around me and whine as Namjoon carries me to our bedroom. I'm so scared I'm literally shaking. "W-Why is it like that?"
        He sits me down on the bed and kneels in front of me. "You know why alphas bite their omegas, right?"
        I scoff. Of course I do, I'm not stupid. "To mate and bond them together."
       He nods. "Our bite is venomous, Jimin. We can bite our enemies in a fight or while hunting and it helps put them down. It's not toxic to omegas, of course, but sometimes it takes their systems awhile to adjust to the changes." He pauses, letting me take it in.
       I blink. I hadn't known that.
       "You see...without being bitten and marked by an alpha it's actually very difficult for an omega to get pregnant just by force or sex." He says bluntly.
       I flinch a little. It's never been called that. Sex. It's always been called mating. Being mated. Our alphas showing us makes me feel stupid and naive. "Why don't they teach us any of that?"
        He ponders my question. "Maybe because they don't expect you to need to know. You are born and groomed to be mated to specific alphas. They never plan for you to be taken or things to go wrong. Of course you would never have trouble conceiving for your mated alpha and they know you'd never have a chance to have sex without being marked first." He explains. "The point of keeping your pure and innocent."
       It's an embarrassing conversation but I'm glad he's being honest with me. "How do you know all of this?"
        He chuckles. "Believe it or not, alphas are also taught things about their own biology and omegas just like you are just maybe you get the cliff notes while we get the full lesson." He shrugs.
       I frown. "That's not fair."
       He laughs. "The society isn't fair, Jimin. Not to you or to betas or alphas. It never has been. You've just been sheltered more from it all. Once you leave the sanctuary with your chosen alphas you learn rather quickly how unfair it all is."
       I throw myself back on the bed in frustration, feeling his eyes on me. " you want me to mark you during your heat? It's coming soon, right?"
       I bite my lip, conflicted. "I d-don't know." I mumble honestly.
       He sighs but nods. "If you want me to relieve you during your heat without mating you...I can do that. If you're not ready and don't want to be mine yet...we can still...I can make it better without biting you." He stumbles.
       I look at him in surprise. "Really? You'd really do that? Even if I don't want to get mated right now..." I ask meekly.
       He nods. "I will and you won't have to worry about getting pregnant. As I said, the changes are very low without an alpha's bite. I also won't knot you until then. Or ever if you don't want." He mumbles, uncomfortable.
       I sit up. "'s—is that what you called it? Mating without bonding and marking?"
        He nods, clearing his throat. "Right. Just sex. It'll make you feel better but you won't be bound to me."
        "Oh." It's not that I don't want to be bound to him. I do, actually. I'm just scared seeing what Yoongi is going through and need more time.
       "We'll do it this way now and reconsider mating on your next heat, is that alright?" He asks.
        I nod. "T-thank you, Joonie."
       He smiles, bringing out the stunning dimples I really like. "You're welcome."

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