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After eating our light meal of freshly hunted deer meat and just picked from the garden salads, we all retire to our own rooms.
It's not so bad here, really. I don't understand why Yoongi hates it so much or why Jimin is always immensely bored. Sure, we're always monitored by our betas and forced to eat small nutritious meals to maintain our smaller statures and maybe it sucks not being able to really step least we're protected and loved.
All else would kill to be born an omega. To be in my very position here. To have my beautiful face and body and my ability to have pups. Sure, we sacrifice our freedom but what really is freedom in the society?
Betas are forced into a rigorous training program then thrust upon us to serve and protect us like guardian servants until our mating day. They aren't allowed to love or leave either. They sleep with us, feed us, bathe us, cater to our every whim while always staying on guard from threats. Their lives are dictated completely by their omegas.
I pity them, really. Society claims they have freedom but do they really? Alphas are allowed to mate with betas but high standing and very important alphas get to claim us omegas. Only omegas can have pups to populate our planet.
I've never really understood why our biology made that so. I suspect it has something to do long past with the society and it's creation. I've heard stories of centuries ago when we shared a world with more than our own kind. Humans, I believe they were called. I read somewhere.
For a time, we lived in peace but something happened and a war was started. Humans lost and were quickly eradicated. Perhaps that is how the change took place. The change that prevented betas from the ability to birth pups. I guess we'll never really know. It's simply a fact of life now.
I glance into the large golden set mirror behind my bed and observe my lithe body. I gently untie the robing and let it hang from my nude body. I'm not nearly as flaunting as Jimin nor as self conscious as Yoongi.
I suppose I'm a happy middle. Content in my body and my being. Ready for my duty to provide a future for my alpha's pups. I'd imagine our true purpose solely is to continue populating the planet and putting our pure bloodlines out to flourish.
Half breeds are forbidden in the society. Killed at birth. Unworthy. Unwanted. The only way a half breed could be birthed is by a beta impregnating an omega and that usually only happens by forced coercion.
No omega would allow their temples to be sullied by such undeserving hands. No properly raised omega would ever dare to let their bodies be tainted by beta seed and filled. It's wrong. It's against the rules.
And I hate it.
Because maybe I'm truly not proper. I'm fully infatuated with my beta, JB. He's gorgeous and also obsessed with Yoongi's beta, Jungkook. It's wrong and I know that but I can't stop myself from trying to make him see me. Really see me and my potential.
It's stupid and could get him killed. He would never touch me with sensual intentions. He fully knows the laws. So do I.
I jerk in surprise at the sound of JB's soothing voice behind me. I quickly tuck the robing back around my body and cut off his view. I flush hotly as he holds out his hand for me.
Taking it, I allow him to lead me to the bathing pool and fill it with warm water and vanilla scented bubbles, fresh poured petals floating against the gentle current.
He removes the robe from my body and helps me settle down into the shallow water. His eyes roaming over my body simply in a clinical way that makes me angry and yet dejected, resigned.
Why would he want me? Betas do not need omegas. They can't. I'm not irresistible to him like I'd be to an alpha. He doesn't feel undeniable lust upon gazing at my naked body or the urge to fill my body with his pups.
Sighing, I swirl the water around me as his hands begin to wash my skin. I love the feel of his hands on me. It's relaxing.
"You're heat is coming soon." He remarks, rinsing the cloth clean.
My breath catches. "Yes." He already knows. He knows my body better than I do. It's his job. Our personal betas and other omegas are the only ones allowed to attend an omega in heat.
It's shouldn't be a big deal but to me it is. I've always asked him not to be present and asked Jimin or Yoongi to attend to me, ashamed of what I could beg of him to do to me in my vulnerable state.
Thankfully heats don't last long. Every month but only lasting a full day. It could be worse. Our heats only happen to prepare our bodies for future pups. Once we're mated, our heats will only happen until we become pregnant.
Pregnancies only last about six months. After the birthing, our cycle returns to normal. It doesn't really change us unless an alpha is present. Yes, it makes us crave the act of sexual mating and marking but that really doesn't hit too badly until we come in contact with our alphas. If I suppose any alpha would trigger it but it doesn't matter.
As of now, our heats are simply a painful experience like cramps and slicking constantly as well as feverish sweating. Some claim our bodies glow with a healthy sheen, our natural scents soaking the air. Sometimes our bodies respond sexually which is when assistance is needed to calm the reaction.
It's normal. An omega begins having heats at the age of twelve but it gets stronger and stronger the older we get until a mating.
Omegas are mated quickly after turning seventeen. Some younger but it's rare. The older an omega gets the less likely they are to conceive regularly, the less fertile they become. Basically we peak at the age of twenty five. That's practically old age for omegas by society standards. A little ridiculous, I think. Secretly, of course.
We're expected to have several liters of pups by that age, properly doing our duty for our alphas and our society.
Yes...we truly live a cherished and coveted life.

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