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     I wipe sweat from my brow and shiver in my huge winter coat. My arms throbbing with every blow I make to the large tree trunk I've been working for the last few hours.
      It's too cold to remove my coat but I'm too hot from overwork. Fucking Namjoon. Too damn lazy to help me chop more fire wood. He got the easy job of hunting food. Prick.
      I drop the axe and breathe heavily as I glare around the snow covered frozen grounds. Barren and forlorn. It would be nice to have Taehyung for company but he's been busy with his little omega. His heat apparently ended very early in the morning but now Tae has been catering to the sore and fragile omega all day. Refuses to leave his side.
      I sigh.
      Heaving the loads of heavy chopped wood into my arms, I carry them inside by the fireplace. I catch sight of Jimin and Yoongi conversing comfortably on the couch. I stuff the fireplace with the frigid wood and light it up, filling the room with immediate warmth.
       Rubbing my hands together, I walk towards the bedroom and strip out of my icy clothes, planning on taking a hot shower to uncoil my tense muscles. As I drop my pants and peel out of my soaked and sweaty shirt, I hear a little squeak.
      Glancing behind me, I see Yoongi blushing and looking away, covering his eyes. "S-sorry."
      I hide my smirk and finish undressing. "What is it, Yoongi?"
      "I was just going to see if you needed any help doing anything else."
     "Nope. Just stay inside so I don't have to worry about any of you. Namjoon should hopefully be back soon with food. Or maybe not." I mumble under my breath. A little worried. He's been gone a long time now. A few hours.
       "Oh. Okay..."
       I tuck a towel around my waist and turn towards him, smiling. "Don't worry. If he doesn't turn up soon I'll go search for him. He's probably just taking so long to be an ass."
       He doesn't look convinced. "If you think so."
       "I do. I'm going to shower. Be out in a bit. If you need anything just ask Taehyung."
       He nods, watching as I walk into the bathroom and start the hot water. I instantly relax as the hot steam hits my face. So good. As soon as the storm passes, we have to make a choice. Stay or continue on after the settlement. If they even made it to the next destination. The weather is very worrisome.
       After my long shower, I put on a pair of ripped old jeans and a t shirt. I find Taehyung looking anxiously outside while making hot chocolate for everyone.
      I lean against the counter. "How are you doing?"
       He gives me a little smile. "Amazing. I'm really happy, hyung. Being mated. It's like...unlike anything you could ever imagine." He chuckles. "I'm so glad I gave in."
        I nod slowly. "I just hope you're ready to take care of him properly. It's not going to be easy."
       "I know that. I will do anything necessary to keep him safe."
       "Do you think we should attempt to follow the settlement or stay here?"
       He chews on his bottom lip. "I don't know. I guess it depends on if Namjoon finds any food. If there is nothing we can hunt and eat then we might need to move on."
       "Alright." I glance out of the window, eyeing the darkening sky. "It's getting late. He's been gone since morning. You don't think..."
       "That maybe something has happened to him? I'm afraid. It's possible. He can't fight off a swarm of betas alone."
       Sighing, I sip a cup of hot chocolate. "I'll go find him. You stay here and protect the omegas."
       He frowns. "I don't like that. What if something happens to you?"
       "That's why you are staying here. To keep them safe if something does happen to me." I point out. I lean forward and hug him. He smells of rich vanilla and hot chocolate. Hm. "I'll stay safe, Alright? I'm going to get ready."
      I leave the kitchen, feeling followed as I stride into my bedroom and begin pulling out warm clothes for the cold elements.
      Yoongi closes the door and looks at me with concern. "You're really going out there? What if you don't come back?!"
      I look at him. Strangely taken aback by the fear in his voice. "You mean you actually care about me?" I tease.
        Scoffing, he walks forward and smacks my chest. "I don't want you to go! P-please." He whispers, tugging on my arm.
"I have to. Despite my feelings for the bastard, we're a team. I have to go make sure he's okay and doesn't need any help. Now go back in there with the others. I'll be back before you know it."
He doesn't release me. "W-What if I start my heat while you're gone?"
I scoff. "Is that what this is about? I thought you were terrified of me touching you anyway? Now all of a sudden you want me to take care of you?"
      Blushing, he grunts in annoyance. "Let me go with you." He demands.
      I eye him. "Are you serious? No way. What the hell can you do to help me? You can't protect yourself out there and I don't need to be worried about you."
       His grip on me tightens. "Fine. J-just promise me you'll come back as fast." He demands.
      Forcing back a smile, I nod. "I promise, Yoongi. I will come back as fast as I can."
      Hesitation shines in his eyes before he lifts up onto his tippy toes quickly and pulls me into a kiss.
      Surprise makes me pause before I take advantage of the moment and pull him tightly into my arms, my hands clutching his hips as I slip my tongue into his mouth.
      It's heady, hot and rushed. Frantic. It almost makes me want to stay here and continue this...but I don't. I can't. I have to go find Namjoon. He may need serious help.
      With reluctance, I pull away, pecking his wet lips one last time before separating us. "I'll be back."
      And with one last look at his beautifully flushed and panting face, I walk out of the door and into the stormy evening.

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