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     I can hardly breathe through my rage. My vision red and hazy as I try to calm down. I know the little omega is long gone back at camp, running away from me. I don't blame him.
      I don't know what's wrong with me. I didn't mean to touch him. I didn't mean to get jealous. I didn't mean to lose it after finding out that fucking beta bitch did, in fact, touch and kiss what's mine. Just like I thought.
And he is. I can feel it. He's supposed to belong to me. Perhaps in other circumstances, I would have claimed him legally this week. As soon as I scented his rich strawberry mint flavor, I knew. I sensed the pull from a distance that night but looked over it but now? I can't deny the truth.
      He's definitely mine and someone else has already taken his first kiss. Something that belongs to me. Fuck!
     I growl and drop to the icy ground, forcing my body to relax. Those simple touches and quick breathy sounds from his mouth was enough to nearly drive me insane with want and need.
      I had to step away from him. The urge to go back to that godforsaken sanctuary and end that fucking beta of his is almost irresistible. The only thing holding me back is the fact that the omega—my omega—is now currently in my care.
      Despite what I've told him—there's no way I can take him back. No matter what I said or believed...none of it matters now that I know for certain he's mine. My plans of never mating an omega...of living only for myself and Taehyung has changed.
       It's nature. Instinctive. The man in me having no control over what the beast wants and needs. He needs to claim his mate. The beast needs to protect his omega from the beta eager to snatch him and his purity from me. Something that's fucking mine!

     I somehow manage to make it back before Taehyung comes down, my eyes solely on the hut containing the omegas as I lay back on the cold ground and pretend to sleep.
      I'm startled, though, when I hear a second voice besides Tae's. Jin, the other omega, by the sound of it. I listen to their hushed and frankly frivolous conversation before they separate and he shakes me awake. Tae likes that omega. Fuck, this isn't good.
      Taehyung has amazing control. He's as proper as any high standing alpha can be. If he's slipping away secretly with the omega's huge. Are they perhaps mates, too? What kind of fucked up fate is that?

     After chatting with Tae, I decide to keep watch until morning while Joon goes to hunt again. He really is the best at it—not that I'd ever admit it aloud or praise him for it.
      The others are just waking up when the sun rises enough and I climb down from the high tree, alls quiet and well. For now, at least.
      I start another fire as Joon comes back with a nice large kill. Flaying and cooking the meat for the sensitive omegas that look wonderstruck at his hunting skills.
      I scowl at the fire as Yoongi watches Namjoon the whole time, seeming awed. He should only look at me like that.
      "We should reach the settlement by nightfall if we keep good time." Tae speaks up as we eat as much as we can and fast.
      I nod, observing the new members of our journey. Jimin looks scared, Jin has bandages on his feet with dried blood and Yoongi...well Yoongi hates me and refuses to acknowledge my existence. "I'm not sure whether they can make it or not." I admit.
       Joon seems to pick up what I'm getting at. "What happened to your shoes? It's dangerous to be barefoot out here." He demands of Jin.
      He shivers and huddles closer to Jimin. "They fell into the river." He whispers.
      Groaning, I look up at Tae expectantly. He doesn't disappoint.
      "I'll carry him." He says simply.
      "Can you two walk this far without collapsing? It's a long trip." I ask them.
      Yoongi looks at me defiantly. "Yes. We aren't totally useless and incapable even for omegas."
      Well okay then.
     Jimin glances nervously towards Joon again and again before gulping. "We can make it. Anything to get us home to safety."
       Joon's hands tighten at his words but he says nothing. "Alright. We need to finish up and go. It would be nice to make it before nightfall and the snow storm coming." We all look up towards the sky and the barely peaking out sun from the huge swirling storm clouds drifting in the distance.
      If we don't find shelter by then...we won't make it to the settlement. Our lives depend on it. We quickly finish eating then double check our supplies. Two bottles of water left and a few bags of berries. That's it.
      Taehyung heaves Jin up onto his back effortlessly while I grab his bags along with mine. I lead the group with Tae in the middle with the omegas and Joon rounding out the back for added measure and protection from attackers of other rogues or betas.
       We can't stop. I seriously hope Yoongi and Jimin aren't just putting on a brave face and can actually hack this. We can't afford anymore stops or distractions.

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