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"You really do hold up the Kim family name. Your father would be proud, Taehyung."
The smile on my face is strained as I shake the hand of my successor. I've worked tirelessly to find a proper replacement for the family business of mating alphas to appropriate omegas. It's not something I enjoy, to be honest.
My thoughts on the whole institution has changed drastically since finding Jin. It's barbaric and outdated. Just thinking about what becomes of some of these omegas make me sick. What could have become of Jin.
Thinking about him...I miss him so much. I can't wait to finally finish up here and make it back to him. Calling him every night just seems to make it worse. The distance greater between us.
I know Namjoon and Hoseok is taking care of him for me but it's not the same as me being there doing it. He's my responsibility at all times. Always.
"Yes, well, just doing all I can to keep things moving smoothly. Omega lives and health and the happiness of our alphas are the most important to me." To be honest I could care less about the happiness of those selfish alpha pricks.
The man laughs heartily. "Well I'll certainly do everything I can to live up to your family's reputation." He bows.
I clap my hand over his shoulder then shake his hand. "I have the utmost faith in you to handle everything here."
"When are you leaving? Do you need any assistance?"
"I'll be gone by the end of the day. Noon at the latest. Everything has already been moved and taken care of but thank you." This shit has taken way too long. Two weeks have turned into almost over a month now. I'm slowly dying inside being away from my soulmate.
A proud smile covers my face as I think about soon meeting my mate again. I miss him so much I could die. It's been too long since I saw his face and touched his skin. Smelled his lovely scent.
"Alright, well, thanks for this opportunity. I'll be sure to keep in touch."  
    "Please do so." I smile. "I'm leaving this to you now. Continue on with your day accordingly. I'll be leaving first."
     Once I'm alone, I let my shoulders sag and the forced smile to disappear. It takes everything in me not to run from the facility to the car already waiting for me at the gates.
     Giving the address to our new home nearly five hours away, I can tell the driver isn't happy but I could care less about his wants. I just need to see Jin. I need to make sure he's truly okay.
     I broke my promise to him and have delayed here too long but I honestly had no choice. I wish I would have told him to stay with me but know it was the safer decision to make him go.
     I'm exhausted from countless days with no sleep but can't close my eyes the entire long distance trip to thinking about finally reuniting with my mate. My body literally shakes with nerves.
      I don't call ahead. I want to surprise him. I told him yesterday that it might be another two days before I could leave but I can't take it anymore. I'm coming home now. To him.

     The driver pulls up into the nice driveway that leads to a decently sized and cared for home. Perfectly large enough for our family but not too conspicuously huge. I purchased it with company funds nearly two months ago. It was a great choice.
     I take a deep breath and get out, tipping the driver quite a lot in appreciation to the long drive. He leaves immediately and I grab my only remaining bag that I brought with me.
     My heart pounds out of my chest as I slowly make my way to the door and hesitate to knock. It's been so long now. Does he hate me? Curse me? Is he hurt—thinking I've abandoned him?
     Gathering up all the alpha courage I have, I forgo knocking and twist the knob, stepping inside and looking around. It's nice and well kept. I can hear the voices of the others in the kitchen as I walk towards them and peak around to see Namjoon scolding Jimin for picking something up while Yoongi is curled up on Hoseok's lap sleeping.
     All is well and normal.
    But one person is missing.
    I clear my throat and they look at me.
    "Hey! Finally! I was beginning to think you changed your mind and ditched our asses." Hoseok teases, tightening his arms around his sleeping mate.
     "Welcome home, Tae." Namjoon smiles, sliding me a plate of freshly made lunch. My stomach growls as I look at it but hunger can wait.
     "Where is he?"
    The both exchange a smug look. "Probably napping upstairs. Second room on the right."
     Nodding, I drop my bag and make my way up to the correctly given room. I pause at the door and just stare at my omega sleeping peacefully on the bed in one of my oversized shirts and baggy sweat pants.
     I've never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life. Smiling softly, I creep over and place a kiss on his plump cheek. He groans, rubbing his eyes.
     "Jimin....let me sleep..."
     Scoffing, I kiss him again. "Does Jimin often wake you with kisses, hm?" Tickling his side a little. A little jealous and possessive of the thought no matter how irrational.
      His eyes snap open and he looks at me in shock. All tiredness gone from him at once. "Y-you''re here."
      "I'm here." I caress his face, taking in every inch of his lovely features and etching them into my memories permanently. My lips press onto his and I savor his sweet taste, craving it like a long forgotten addiction. Re-inviting it to wreak havoc on my body.
     His breath catches as my tongue slips into his mouth, reclaiming ever inch of space inside as mine. "I've missed you so much I could die." Whispering against his lips.
      His fingers dig into my arms. "Then don't ever leave again. I'll never forgive you."
     Smiling, I run my nose over his entire face just taking him in. "I won't."
     A sigh leaves his lips as he pushes me away, his eyes devouring me like mine has been to him. "How have you gotten even more attractive?" He whines.
     Grinning, I shrug. "It's because I've finally reunited with my other half. I looked like a disgusting bum without you. Now I can once again return to my full glory."
     "Cocky bastard."
     "How are you? Have you been okay?" I run my hands over his sides, checking.
     He nods then turns to look around me to the right. I pause, following his gaze then completely stiffening up in shock.
     He chuckles. "Why don't you go say hello to your son? He's been waiting for you?"
     My eyes are frozen on the little crib in the corner. Something I completely missed while focusing on Jin. I snap my head back to the omega and lift his shirt, noticing for the first time his flat stomach. It was covered with my big shirt so I couldn't see clearly.
    "Two and a half weeks ago. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to stress you out. I know you were really busy and not ready to come home yet. We've been waiting."
     Tears well up in my eyes as I kiss his cheek before hesitantly walking over and looking down at the tiny sleeping baby boy. His little diaper the only thing covering his little firm. He looks just like Jin. So beautiful and perfect. His plump lips firmly fastened around his thumb in slumber.
     "I missed his birth." How can I ever forgive myself for that?
      "It's okay. You couldn't help it and it hasn't been so bad. Jimin and Yoongi have been helping me a lot. It's good practice for them, too." He says, rubbing my back in encouragement.
     Turning to face him, I pull him into my arms and squeeze him, lifting him off his feet as I bury my face in his neck and just breathe him in. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart."
     He cups my face, eyes shining brightly with tears and happiness. "You're here now. That's all that matters, okay? Just don't leave us again."
     "I won't. From now on, you go where I go. Forever, okay? I realize I can't survive another day without you."
     "Good you know it." He smirks.
     "What did you name him?"
     "I thought so, too."

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