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     Do you want to mate me?
I tense up, not really understanding why this is so hard. Jin is my mate—my omega. It shouldn't be a question, at least to me. I never told Jin he was my mate but perhaps he overheard me arguing with Namjoon.
I know I want to keep him here with me whether it's a good decision or not. I know that I don't want anyone else to mate him. He belongs to me.
And yet why can't I open my damn mouth?
Jin releases my arm, his expression turning into one of hurt and regret as he turns away from me, his body shivering from pain as he curls up in on himself.
I try to clear my throat. "I do." Barely managing a whisper.
He peaks over his shoulder at me, the pain still lingering in his eyes. "What?"
"I do." My voice raising a little. "I do want this—want to help you."
He scoffs, shaking his head. "Forget about it. J-just go. I'll manage on my own."
Frowning, I grasp his shoulder. "No, baby. I said I want to."
He turns around, anger replacing hurt. "You just said you'd help me—not that you want to mate me! You're obviously forcing yourself to spare my feelings. Well, don't bother. Just go!"
My eyes widen in shock, realizing he's right, I worded it all wrong. "N-no—"
"Just go! Get out!" He pushes me off the bed before breaking into sobs, burrowing under the sheets to avoid me. "Leave!"
Shell shocked, I slowly stand up and stare down at his shaking form. I'm not leaving him like this. No way. God, why am I so stupid? Why can't I get over myself and be more sensitive!
"I do want to mate you. I do! I'm not forcing myself!" I try to explain, jerking the sheets off him. I get a pillow to the face.
Growling, I shred it, tossing the remains to the floor as I grab his ankle and jerk his body down towards the edge of the bed. He cries out in shock and fear, wincing as if he expects a beating.
The sight horrifies me so much I release him.
And get a kick to the face.
Grunting, I land hard on the floor just as the door bursts open to see the other frozen and scared omegas looking in.
"What's going on in here!" Jimin demands as Yoongi rushes towards Jin's side and pulls him into his arms.
I stand up and throw my hands in the air in exasperation. "I was just trying to help! He kicked me in the face!" I gripe.
Hoseok wrestles his way past Jimin and Namjoon and checks my face. He scowls at my supposed mate. "The fuck?! You beg for his attentions and throw yourself at him to get to stay here and yet you pull this shit! What the fuck!" He screams at Jin.
I grab the arm of my overprotected hyung with a sigh. I look at Jin who drops his gaze, shamefaced, and shake my head. "Let's just go, hyung. I think he needs space."
I don't wait for him as I escape the room and harsh judgements around me. Hoseok grumbling to himself behind me, obviously still pissed off. "Can't believe he did that! What kind of fucked up entitled omega actually thinks they can hit an alpha like that!"
I grab a glass of water and drink some before putting some ice on my face. Leaning against the counter, I try to smile at him. It's a broken smile. "My fault. I hurt his feelings."
"And that gives him the right to be physically violent?! You saved his ass and the others! You were the one that decided to rescue them—not us! He needs to fucking respect you!" He growls angrily.
I stay silent as Yoongi walks into the room. His expression calm. "I'm sorry on behalf of my brother." He bows to me, shocking the hell out of both of us. "Though it doesn't excuse his behavior, he's never acted like that before. I believe it has to do with his heat." He admits.
I sigh, placing my glass down. "It's fine. I'll let you two handle him. I won't step foot near him if he wishes." I say.
Frowning, he nods and glances over at my still fuming hyung. "Hoseok?"
He fidgets nervously. "C-can I talk to you? Alone?"
Groaning, he allows the omega to drag him off towards their room. Once I'm left alone, I let my head drop and the pain in my chest overpower the pain in my face. Talk about rejection.
Perhaps Namjoon was right. We shouldn't try to keep them here. It obviously won't work. I'm going to have to take him back. Maybe he'll find more happiness with a different mate no matter how much the thought of such a thing drives me insane. I push back the pain of separation and clear my mind—decision made.

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