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My body goes cold as soon as the sudden wetness drenches my legs through my jeans. Yoongi shifts on my lap, pale and shaking. A whimper barely held back by his teeth.
I caress his cheek, trying to keep him calm while not freaking the hell out myself. God, this is really happening right now. He's in labor. Oh shit. This is it.
"Baby. Baby, look at me." His dark eyes finally meet mine. Panic and pain battle for dominance in their depths. "It's okay. I'm here, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to make sure you are okay, yeah?"
Clenching my shirt in his fists, he nods. I get up with him still in my arms and gather as much as I can before heading downstairs. Namjoon looks up at me and I know he senses it. Can smell it. It's time.
Cursing, he immediately grabs the phone to call the doctor that specializes in omega births. Everyone moves fast around us helping while I take Yoongi to the car and prepare the short drive to the birthing clinic.
He doesn't say one word the entire time but I can tell he's in serious pain by his pale face and shaking hands. Hands that clutch me relentlessly.
"Almost there. This doctor is the best. Jin was fine during his labor and I know you will be, too."
He shakes his head, fear choking him. He swallows convulsively. "I'm not as strong as him. I c-can't do this! I can't do this, Hoseok!" He screams, tears suddenly pouring down his face. A damn well and truly shattered.
We arrive at the hospital with the others close behind in the other vehicle as I scoop my mate up and rush him inside.
Monitors and IVs are hooked up to him as they begin monitoring how close he is to delivering.
I grab his hand and squeeze, looking him in the eye. "You can do this, Yoongi. You're so fucking strong, baby. A lot strong than me. You will make it through this and bring a new life into this world. You can do that. It's a miracle, you know? How is that not strong."
He grimaces in pain, squeezing my hand so hard I feel my bones crack. I wince but refuse to let go. "You're wrong."
"No. I'm right. There is no one stronger than you, baby. I'm right here. Please..." I pause, almost stuttering. "Please lean on me for once, Yoongi. I'm here to be your pillar. Don't shut me out anymore. Not now."
Groaning, he nods slightly. "H-hurts."
"It'll be over soon. Jin had Taehyun within the hour, remember? It will be fast and over." I try to reassure him the best I can.
His face blanches and he clutches his stomach, curling up into a ball as pain overwhelms him. The sight humbles and terrifies me. I call for the doctor to hurry.
Not long after, they have to sedate Yoongi. Shivering with nerves and anxiety, I kiss his sweaty forehead as the doctor wheels him into the delivery room to prep his body.
I'm fucking scared. I can't lose him. I can't. It's not possible, right? No way he can leave me like this...

Namjoon and Taehyung find me sitting on the floor in front of the door, head in my hands. It's been hours now. Four to be exact. Four hours since he disappeared from my sight to bring our pup into the world.
Four. Hours.
Jin was only in labor for two and was awoke within the third perfectly fine. What's wrong? Something must have went wrong.
God, I feel sick.
"He's okay, Hoseok." Taehyung pulls me up and hugs me tightly. Comforting me.
"Y-Yeah." I have to hope. That's all I have.
Namjoon nudges is as the doctor finally makes an appearance. It's clear he's tired and his scrubs are bloody. Like...a lot of blood.
A small smile still graces his lips, however, as he looks at me. "Your mate is tough. He's been through a lot but I can confidently say he's going to be fine."
I swallow the lump in my throat. "But?"
He sighs. "Well, we had a small complication while delivering..." He trails off, stretching his head,
"What problem?!"
A laugh escapes his mouth. "The craziest thing. I've never seen an omega like him." He holds up three fingers. "You're mate just delivered three perfectly healthy baby boys. I've never had an omega deliver more than one with no issues or fatalities. It's truly a miracle."
I blink. Unable to comprehend anything.
Three. Did he say...three pups? Yoongi just gave birth to three boys?!
Namjoon and Taehyung gape at the doctor. "How is that possible?"
The doctor shrugs. "I've never experienced it before, myself, but these things do happen. Rare but possible." He claps my shoulder, looking me in the eye. "You need to take special care of him. He's going to be unable to do much for the next couple months. Your pups need you to care for them in the meantime."
I nod. "Of course. Can I...can I see them?"
Grinning, he nods and leads me back to the delivery and recovery room. There I find Yoongi weak and exhausted holding a squalling baby in his hands. Two more little wrapped blue bundles lay between his legs on the bed, safe and happily sucking on their pacifiers.
Tears fill my eyes as Yoongi meets my gaze. For the first time in months...maybe sense I met him...true love and joy shines out and bright. Despite the pain and suffering and fears...he's okay and I know he loves me and our pups.
Looking at him and our baby boys...I know everything will he okay. Our future his unsure but it doesn't matter. We have each other and our pups.
I slowly take a seat on the edge of his bed and touch his leg lightly. "Are you still in pain?"
Smiling softly down at the baby in his arms, he shakes his head. "I don't feel any pain." A strange look passes over his face. "I'm...happy, Hoseok. I'm really happy right now. I thought I couldn't do it or wouldn't want to...but...holding them and seeing them look at me like I'm everything...I'm so happy." A tear slides down his cheek.
I kiss it away. I move down to give our sons kisses, too. "I'm happy, too. So fucking happy, Yoongi." My lips find their way onto his and he doesn't push me away but instead responds. "You did good."
A sigh leaves him. "What are we going to do with three new pups in the house? We not prepared for one." A pout leaves his mouth.
"We can make more space easily."
"What about when Jimin has his!"
"We can make another room and build on." I remind him. "Everything is going to be fine. Stop worrying."
He glares at me, some of his strong stubborn spirit returning. It makes me smile. "Do you realize...we have three boys!! How the hell are we going to do this!"
"We have four others to help us." I remind him gently, tucking a lock of sweaty hair behind his ear.
"But Jin and Taehyung have to focus on their own..."
"We help them and they help us. We're a family, aren't we?"
His eyes widen in surprise. "A family..y-yeah. I guess we are a big family."
"Right. And family always stick together and help one another."
"What if I'm a bad parent?"
"Judging by the way you're looking at the pup in your arms...I'd say you don't have to worry about that."
He sighs. "What are we naming them?"
I tilt my head, not considering that, to be honest. Well shit.
The door behind us busts open and our 'family' all come tumbling in. "I want to choose!"
"Let me pick one!"
I wince, smiling at Yoongi as he attempts to hide the pups under his blanket from the raving mob.
Yeah. Our family will be okay.

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