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"Ah! N-no more! Alpha..."
Groaning, I bury myself deeper inside my mate and bite down on his throat. I can feel his heat racing as he claws at my back, leaving delicious marks all over me.
I grab one of his legs and tug it up over my shoulder, thrusting inside him at a blinding pace, nearing my limit. He wails and spills more cum on the growing puddle on his stomach. His tears drenching his cheeks. So beautiful.
My hips stutter and I release inside him for the third time. Growling, I lean down and kiss him hungrily, tugging on his lip and sucking on his tongue desperately. He cries breathlessly against my chest, shivering and moaning, his tight hole clenching around me so good as my knot pushes inside him, pulling a loud yelp out of him.
I coo to him, smothering his face in kisses and whispering praises in his ear as his oversensitive body quivers under me, milking my erection as my knot latches onto his prostate.
"Are you sore, baby?"
He whines. "A l-little. Can you cuddle me?" He asks, eyes watery.
I continue to kiss and caress him until my knot releases and I slip out. He groans in pain and rolls onto his side. I lay beside him and spoon him, running my fingers through his hair.
"I can't wait to take you to my house, Jin. It's not like the sanctuary but it's very nice. You'll have everything you could ever dream of. I'll give you everything. Food, clothes, sweets, jewelry...whatever you want."
He smiles. "I just want you."
I nose his nape. "You have me, baby. I'm here and I'm yours. Forever." I lace our fingers together.
"I promise. I made the decision to make you mine so nothing will ever take you away from me. I swear on my life."
"I love you. Thank you for loving me back." He whispers shyly.
"How could I not love you? You're everything to me. I knew from the first moment I met you there was something between us. I felt it right away. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. My feelings for you were just too strong."
He leans back and kisses my cheek sweetly. "I felt something, too. It scared me. I wasn't used to feeling anything like it and my body and mind fought about it. I didn't want to give in but I couldn't not. The more time I spent with you the m-more I fell in love." He admits.
I smile. "I fell in love with you, too. You're perfect for me in every way."
He yawns. "It's late."
"Sleepy, baby?"
"Mhm. C-can we just take a bath tomorrow?"
"Of course. Sleep, love. I want to hold you all night."
He giggles. "Sounds good to me."

"So...I guess you're right. Our best option is going back and hiding out. The only problem is going to be never found out. We can't hide forever." Namjoon sighs.
As soon as we woke the next morning, we began planning. We've decided to head back in three days after the storm officially passes and Jimin's heat is over.
      I glance over to see Jin sitting on the couch with Jimin and Yoongi who finally looks better. He's slowly started to integrate himself back with the others. Hoseok seems less exhausted as well. He looks, well not happy but much better. His spirits seem to be a lot higher. At least he agrees with me on the plan.
        "Are you going to take over father's company now?" He asks me.
        I frown and glance back at my mate who isn't paying any attention to us. I sigh. "I don't know."
       He gives me a look. "Someone has to take it over and we all know I can't. They've been waiting for a successor for a few years now. You were too young to take it when he died and I was already in trouble too much to be considered."
        "I know. I just...I never wanted to be a part of it. I hate it and you know why." I glare at him.
        Namjoon looks between us in confusion. "What the hell are you two talking about? What company?"
       I blow out a exasperated breath, hesitating. "Kim Society Corps." Wincing when he gasps.
        "Your family is the one in charge of matching alphas with omegas?! Why the fuck am I just finding out about this? I've always wondered how that shit worked!"
       Groaning, I shake my head. "It's a fucked up system and I've never agreed with it. Basically all eligible alphas are placed in a database by the company and somehow 'matched' with the best omegas for their personalities but it's twisted and doesn't work. So many omegas suffer because rich alphas pay to tweak the system to what they want their omegas to be instead of matching them naturally and correctly." I explain.
        Hoseok frowns. "Our great great grandfather created the system when the society was first built along with the sanctuary. He was a part of the original masters."
        Namjoon curses. "You guys are descendants of the founders? Why didn't you tell me you were basically royalty?" He scoffs.
       "What does it matter? We've never wanted special treatment. It's just a fact that our family is very familiar but we, ourselves, are not for a reason."
         "You should tell your mates. They may not like it." He tilts his head. "Or maybe they will."
        I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off. "Wait! Doesn't that mean you could have chosen your mate basically? You were complaining about that but you could have gotten Jin if he had stayed and you'd searched him up!"
       Rolling my eyes, I tap my fingers impatiently. "I didn't even know he existed and I never would have done that to the system. I'm against it—remember?"
       "Such a waste though."
       I sigh. "I'm glad everything worked out this way. If I had stayed and taken over the company I never would have discovered my mate out here. I'm satisfied."
        Hoseok huffs. "That's all good and shit but you'll have no choice when you go back. They're waiting for you and if you want to keep us hidden and your mate safe then you have to play along and not act suspicious. If you don't accept your duties to the family then people will begin to wonder."
        I scowl. "I don't want to."
       "You're going to be the CEO of the most important company in the entire society. You don't have a choice. You have to do it besides maybe you could use your knowledge and morals to make it better."
        I glance back at Jin. Could I make it better for omegas like them? Scared and naive and knowing nothing about the world around them or their own bodies....
        But I'm only one alpha. I can only do so much. The system has been so broken and corrupt for so long I don't even know it it's possible...but I guess I can try.

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