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I feel regret as pain flashes in my mate's eyes as he turns away from me. I hesitate to speak. I know that I should have told him.
     It's was a long time ago when I chose an omega. Getting in trouble, I put the mating out of my mind and then I saw an angelic blue haired beauty in the moonlight, tempting my sanity.
       When I saw them in the woods for the first time—sure I recognized Jin but he couldn't hold my attention for a second. Not like my blue haired angel by his side. I was enraptured and thought nothing more of the other. Not that Jin isn't worthy or beautiful but it was obvious Taehyung was enamored and I wasn't going to ruin that.
      I let it be. I didn't want Jin. Wasn't attracted to him. Not like Yoongi. Making him understand that, however, is a challenge I don't think I can win. He's too stubborn. I just don't want to lie to him. Even if it hurts us both. He does deserve to know.
       I don't want Tae to know, though. He'd be pissed even understanding the situation at the time. I was being pressured to choose a mate and basically just chose the first one I saw that caught my interest. Nothing more.
       "Yoongi." I whisper.
      He curls in on himself, ignoring me.
      Sighing, I put my hand on his shoulder but he shakes me off. "Go! Go claim Jin since you want him so much. Just l-leave me alone." His voice crack gets to me.
"Just stop." He covers his ears and shoves me away from him. "Stop. I want some space."
I could press the issue but I don't see the point. He's not going to listen to me or understand. I roll onto my back and stare up at the stars through the mesh of the tent. Hearing Taehyung and his mate, Jin, laughing softly and talking. So easy. They always seem to do everything so much easier.
I have no idea how to make this better. I want to be honest with him but I should have known he couldn't take it. Doesn't he understand I didn't know he existed then? That I just had to choose quickly to appease my father? No, no he doesn't know this.
Eventually I get some rest, barely waking when Namjoon takes over for Taehyung. We have to leave soon.

We make it to our—Taehyung's—town house right on the outskirts of the city. Away from prying alphas and betas. Luckily the spare key was exactly where we last left it.
Letting ourselves in, we all groan in relief and begin settling. Taehyung and I walking down into the cellar to fix a good hiding spot for us in case people ever come to investigate.
Conveniently the cellar door is well hidden and unless you know it's there you could never find it. I give Yoongi space and decide to busy myself with cleaning up the dusty room while Tae makes calls to have the electricity and water turned back on.
Being who he is, the power is back on within the hour. Thank fuck. It's freezing. While working, I notice Yoongi giving a wide berth to Jin as well. Opting to only talk to Jimin. I frown. That's really completely unfair. It's obviously concerning the other two omegas as well.
He's really going to blame Jin for something he knows nothing about? Shaking my head, I grasp his wrist and pull him into the cellar with me, closing the door and turning around to scowl at him.
"Seriously? You're really going to be like this?"
He scoffs. "Fuck off."
My eyebrows raise. "Wow. Sweet words from such a pure omega."
Rolling his eyes, he tries to open the door but I simply press back against it, ending his efforts. He shoves me but I don't budge. "Let me out!"
"Let me out, alpha." He mocks angrily.
Okay, my patience is beginning to wear thin. I get he's sensitive and hormonal but I've just about had it. He asked me and I told him the fucking truth. What the hell does he want from me? Lies?
      My eyes narrow in anger, my temper flaring. "Listen to me, omega." I use my most commanding alpha tone making him flinch and glare at me. His entire body shudders from the force of trying to defy me even still.
      I grab his shoulders, forcing him around against the door and pressing my body tight against his giving him no choice but to stay still.
       My hands travel up to his face and I cup his cheeks, forcing him to look at me. "Why are you so mad at me? You're upset about something that happened before I ever knew you existed and still never came to fruition." I exclaim.
       Huffing, he looks away.
      "Look at me."
      Angrily, he does. "Stop it. Let me out."
      "No. Not until you lose the temper. You are my omega and I'm your alpha. No one else's. Not Jin's. Just yours, Yoongi. I chose Jin randomly because of the pressure my father was putting on me. I didn't want to even choose a mate to begin with. I basically chose the first omega shown to me." I admit.
      "When we first met in the woods—you had to have recognized Jin as yours. You acted as if you didn't know him."
      My brow furrows. "Yes, I recognized him but it didn't matter to me."
      His lip tremble. "W-Why not?"
      I sigh, leaning my forehead against his and staring into his teary eyes. "Because the night before our meeting, I was completely enamored by a certain blue haired angel. He completely stole all my attentions and affections. When we met in the woods, Jin held no interest to me. Only you. I couldn't stop looking at you, wanting you. I was jealous for fucks sake over something that happened to you before I even had any right to you."
      Sniffling, he looks down. "B-But why? Jin is...he's perfect. He even took the mating perfectly. You would have had it made with him. It would have been so much easier. Why bother with me? I'm not pretty or beautiful like him or even Jimin. I'm not timid or obedient. Jin is everything an alpha could want in an omega. You could have had that."
      I stare at him in wonder. Awed at how low he truly views himself compared to his other counterparts. I can't help myself, I lean down and capture his lips with my own, effectively licking his tears away.
       "Oh, baby, you are everything to me. Jin is an amazing omega." I admit. "But he's not meant for me. Never was. It's you that's perfect for me in every way. I love your temper and arrogance. I love that defiant fighting spirit and spark of fire in you. I love your milky pale skin and the contrast it leaves comparing to your dark eyes and blue hair. You are gorgeous. A true angel sent to drive me mad. I fucking love you and would die for you. Jin could never hold a candle to you in my eyes. How can you not understand that? I told you the truth because I thought you understood the depths of my feelings for you. We are meant to be. How can you think for a second otherwise?" I ask softly, holding him tightly in my embrace.
      He breaks into sobs against my chest, clinging to me for dear life as I rock him, sliding us down to the floor so I can just hold him in my arms. I kiss his hair, his cheeks, his lips—anywhere I can reach. Breathing in his thick addictive scent. 
       "You are mine and I'm so fucking thankful that I found you. That I did get in trouble because mating Jin would have been the biggest mistake of my life."
       His red puffy eyes meet mine. "How can you love me? How can you truly want me...over him?" He cries, his insecurities laid bare for me to see them all. Vulnerable.
      Groaning, I help him straddle my legs and pull him into another deep kiss. Caressing every part of his body in reach. "Because you are just you, Yoongi. You are my mate, my omega, and my entire world. Nothing will change my feelings or want and need for you. I love you because you were made for me. Everything I could ever want. Don't you get that?" I frown, cupping his face and kissing his lips over and over again.
      He wipes his face. "All my life I've just felt second or third best. I've never been a perfect omega like the others. Always felt different like I didn't belong. Then I met you. I feel like you awakened the real omega part of me deep inside that's been missing. I hated it at first but slowly you make me love that part of me. Make me want to love myself...I g-guess just hearing my fears confirmed...that Jin belonged to you first...j-just brought back all those feelings of inadequacy." He whispers.
       "He was never mine, love. It could have been anyone. I pretty much picked blind. If I knew you were an option for me..." I shake my head. "You better believe you would have been first choice. Always. Never last to me."
      He ducks his head, toying with my hands. "I just feel like I keep disappointing you as a mate."
       "You are still upset about our mating and the claim? None of that was your fault and you know that." I remind him. "It happens to a lot of omegas. It's common. Jin is really the annomoly. Yes, Taehyung got lucky but I don't envy him his mate. Never once crossed my mind." I say softly.
       He nods, still looking away. Unconvinced. I sigh.
      "What will it take to make you see what you mean to me, Yoongi?" I ask, desperate.
      He bites down on his bottom lip, hesitant. "I d-don't know." He sounds just as defeated as me. "I guess I just need time."
     Closing my eyes, I rest my head against his, holding him against me. I breathe in his warm breath. "I'll do anything, baby."
His gaze finally raises. He seems nervous. "Anything?"
He takes a deep breath. "I want to m-mark you. Claim you, too." He whispers shyly.
I blink in surprise. Omegas have never claimed or marked their alphas. It's not the way it's done. Of course everything about us is pretty much unconventional.
He waits anxiously for my answer and I can feel his fingers digging into my shoulders.
I kiss his head. "You can mark me. I'm yours, sweetheart. Never doubt that and if I have to prove it physically—permanently...well I'll gladly take your mark."

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