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    After dragging Hoseok into the bedroom, I attempt to think of something to calm him down. He doesn't understand just how hard our heats can be. How sensitive it can make us.
      I know Jin didn't mean to hurt the alpha he's obviously crushing on and wants to be with. It's making them understand that's difficult, though.
"What did you want to talk about?" He sighs, sitting on the bed and rubbing his face.
I hesitantly walk over and sit beside him. "I w-was just wondering..."
"Well...we're supposed to be mates, right?"
"What's your point?"
I sigh hard. " heat will be coming up soon. Are you going to..." I don't continue, my cheeks turning pink.
His head snaps up and he looks at me with wide eyes. "How soon?"
      Looking away, I turn my focus to the floor. "It usually hits soon after Jin's. Omega's heats are synced most of the time. It'll be soon." I explain quietly.
      He takes a few deep breaths. "Okay. Do you want me to take care of you?"
      Flushing, I twist my hands anxiously. "I don't know. I g-guess. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
      He snorts. "How the fuck should I know? I've never been around omegas and have no experience. Figured I was never getting a mate so I haven't considered a situation like this before."
       My lips press into a hard line, my curiosity running rampant. "H-Hoseok?"
       "H-have you...been with others? You that?" I ask timidly.
       He smirks, dropping his hand on my knee. "I have. Why? Are you jealous, baby?"
       Swallowing hard, I roll my eyes. "N-no, I was just curious."
       He grabs my chin, forcing me to meet his amused gaze. "I think you are. You're very much jealous, hm."
       Scoffing, I shake my head free. "I'm not jealous. It's not like I've never had a-any experiences myself."
      His eyes darken and the humor drops from his face instantly. I blink at the abrupt change.
      "Right. That fucking beta, right? Touching what's mine. Taking your first kiss that belonged to me." He growls low in his throat.
       I gape at him, griping. "Now who's jealous."
      "I'm your alpha! I have every right to be jealous. You belong to me and me only." He demands, grabbing my wrist and tugging me closer to him, his nose dipping down to skim my throat, breathing me in.
"I t-think you're overreacting just a bit." I huff.
"No, no I really don't think I am. Most alphas would kill anyone that touches their mates."
I look at him. "But I'm not your mate. We hadn't even met each other yet, Hoseok. How can you be so angry about something that happened before you ever met me?"
"Time doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is that no beta should have ever put his hands on you in any way outside of his job requirements. Even showing you his affections is completely inappropriate by law. It was wrong. Why do you keep downplaying it?"
I hesitate. "Because Kookie is my friend and very much family to me. I've known him a long time and know he'd never hurt me. As soon as he realized what he'd done, he stopped and left me alone. Nothing else happened besides the kiss." I reassure him.
He shakes his head. "You omegas are deadly, you know that?"
My lips twitch. "How so?"
       He scoffs. "You fucking know."

      We don't do much else after our conversation. I also realized that he'd never answered my question about what to do when my heat hits. Just great. I really don't want to bring it back up.
      Jimin and I take turns trying to help Jin but the more we do for him to get him to relax the more tense and pained he becomes. I give up after a couple hours and let Jimin deal with it. He's always been better at stuff like that.
       I flip down on the bed, so tired, and close my eyes. Hoseok is outside chopping fire wood so I'm alone as I drift off to sleep.
      I wake to a chilling scream down the hall hours later. I shoot up in bed but Hoseok stops me from running out, his hand tightening on my wrist. My heart pounds in fear as I hear another scream and loud crying.
      "Taehyung is with him now. He'll make it better." Hoseok yawns, rubbing his face.
      I gasp at the horribly pained wails coming from the next room. "How is he helping him?! It sounds like he's being murdered!"
      He snorts. "Maybe stabbed a few times but he'll survive."
      My jaw drops in shock as I stare at him. "Taehyung is stabbing him?!" I scream.
      Hoseok covers my mouth, pressing my body down onto the sheets with his own powerful one. "I didn't mean in a violent way. It was...a joke." He rolls his eyes.
      I gasp. "How is that a joke?! I don't get it!"
      He smirks, eyes trailing over my body in the dark. His hand removes from my mouth to slowly trail down my chest to my shorts. Licking his lips, he leans down and kisses me. Our lips barely brushing. Distracting.
      I whimper as his hand slides under my shorts to palm my erection before sliding down to my butt, running his fingers gently over my clenching hole. "Mhm hm. Maybe he's...stabbing him here by now. Get it, pretty baby?" He chuckles darkly, rubbing against my hole a little faster.
      I blink up at the ceiling, flushing in humiliation as I get the joke. Pervert. I whine, smacking his chest. "N-not funny."
       "Why not? I'll be stabbing you here soon enough and you'll love it." He groans, licking around my ear.
      My breathing becomes harsh pants as I wiggle my hips to escape his gropey perverted hands, definitely not ready for that. Didn't sound like Jin was ready for that either...
      I shudder, just trying to imagine Hoseok's larger body over mine, dominating me into submission, putting his me. Nope. Nope nope nope. Not ready for that. Not today!
      "P-please. I'm tired. C-can we just go back to sleep?" I whisper, afraid he will try to force himself on me.
       He stops immediately, however, with a sigh. I can still feel his hand between my legs as he pulls free, licking his fingers with a wink. "Mhm, so tasty. Can't wait to eat you." He groans.
       I gasp and turn away from him, shy and embarrassed. He r-really touched me there and...and...tasted it. Isn't that disgusting? How could he do that?
      "I can't wait until that heat of yours, Yoongi. I'm going to show you what mates are made more." He sighs, pulling me back against his body. "What your lovely body was made for. Going to have to be careful, though. Don't want any accidental pups right now." He says, kissing around my nape.
       I blush, playing with my fingers. Oh god...I really hope my heat doesn't come anytime soon even though it's just a matter of time. I hate it. In the past mine usually hits right after Jin's.
      I cover my ears and try to block out the loud moans and cries from the next room. Oh god...I don't think I'll survive a mating with Hoseok.
      Taehyung is the nice one and yet...he sounds ferocious and terrifying. Is that what heats turn alphas into?

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