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     I wake up warm and snuggled against a hard chest, strong arms firmly holding my waist. Peaking my eyes open, I realize that it wasn't a dream. Namjoon really came for me and...and...
     I tear up. He really said he wants me. He didn't push me away or h-hurt me. I'm confused by the sudden change but also happy about it. Wary as well. What if he changes his mind? What if he just pities me and accepts our mating out of fear of me hurting myself.
     I'm pathetic enough right now to take it.
    "You're awake?"
I tense up at the sound of his deep groggy voice. Rough from just waking. I love the sound.  "Y-Yeah."
     Groaning, he stretches and sits up, rubbing his face. "You hungry?"
     I sit up slowly, just staring at him.
     He glances back at me, expectant. "Well? Are you hungry, Jimin?"
     Biting my lip, I nod. I'm starving actually. I haven't really ate in...a long time.
     He leans towards me and grasps my chin, staring into my eyes. "Words, baby."
     I shiver at the name he calls me. "S-starving." It comes out a timid whisper more so than intentional.
     "That's more like it." Winking and grinning, he gets up and tugs a shirt on over his shorts before heading out. "Stay here and rest. I'll bring some food up for us, okay? You've been too stressed out lately, baby. Let me take care of you like I should have been doing from the start."
      I stare after him in shock as he leaves the room. Now alone, I think everything over. All the changes, all the suffering from us both. I really want to be a mate he can be proud of. Even if he can never show me off proudly...
      I don't care if he's a criminal—a rogue. That's all my fault as well anyway. He's mine and I want him. I just want him to be my mate. It's right. We're right.
     He comes back quicker than expected with a huge tray of food. Everything from toast and eggs with gravy and biscuits to yummy cinnamon rolls and cut fruit and cereal. My mouth salivates at the sight and smell.
     My stomach lets  out a huge roar. He chuckles. "Breakfast in bed alright with you?"
     Nodding, I make room for him, awed at his sudden roundabout attitude. I snatch a biscuit and nibble, eyeing him. "What changed?"
He pauses, glancing at me. "Huh?"
"You were so against this...why did you change your mind?"
     He seems to thinks it over. "I guess I just refused to let myself see your side of things. I was stubborn. Once I realized how much pain I was causing broke me. It made me realize a lot of things about myself that I've been holding back. I don't want to be that way anymore."
      I swallow the lump in my throat. "I'm sorry I made you angry and...and for—"
     "Stop. You have nothing to apologize for. You were just trying to get me on the same page as you. I just wasn't ready. I'm ready now and I'm going to make up for all the pain I've put you through."
      "You don't have to."
    He snatches my hand and threads our fingers together. "I want to." He pauses, looking me up and down. "Do you really think you're pregnant?"
      I blush, looking away. "I mean...I can't be sure like Jin and Yoongi but I've felt different lately. My body...I mean..."
     He hums.
     I stare at him, concerned and confused as he leans forward and presses his nose to my jaw, slowly trailing it down to my throat and sniffing. "W-What...what are you..."
     "You do smell just a bit sweeter." He comments, sitting back. "I think you might be right. Especially after last time—" he stops abruptly, closing his mouth.
      I frown. Until I realize why. He's talking about our actual mating. I look away. "I-it's Okay. You don't have to worry. I'm over it."
      He growls a little. "It's not okay. I hurt you. I didn't mean to but I did. That was unforgivable."
     "No, it wasn't. I forgave you already. It's fine."
    Shaking his head, frustrated, he picks up some fruit and begins feeding me. I smile widely as I munch away happily from his fingers. I love this a little too much.
      His eyes progressively darken as I lick the juices off his fingers, naively. "Baby."
     "Hm?" I finish the last yummy strawberry, licking my own fingers clean.
     "I think I should make up for our claiming. Replace that memory."
     I freeze, looking up at him. "R-replace the memories?"
     Growling a little, he nods. His eyes slowly look me up and down. I blush. "Yeah. I think I owe that to you. To the both of us—now that I'm in my right mind."
     I get the good sense to stop licking my fingers. I'm embarrassed. "Joonie—"
     "Shh." He pounces on me, tackling me to the bed and tickling my sides. I wail, struggling under his weight. Laughing. "S-stooopppp!"
     "Beg me." He grins, attacking my sides and thighs.
     I pant, whimpering as my body arches up under him. Our hips grinding.
     The teasing glint in his eye turns wicked. His roaming hands turn from tickling to feeling...massaging. I moan. "P-please..."
      "Please what, baby?" He whispers in my ear.
      I shudder. "P-please...kiss me."

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