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     I glare at the arrogant alpha as he rests on the bed, head behind his head and all stretched out. He smirks at me in the dark as I cross my arms stubbornly and scoff.
      "I'm not sharing a bed with you." I repeat for the millionth time.
      He laughs softly. "I never said you had to. I only said we share a room. I'm here for your protection, sweetheart." He coos mockingly.
       "I don't. Need. Your. Help." I spit, grinding my teeth. "I'd rather die than trust you—especially after w-what you did—"
        "And what did I do? I asked simple questions about that fucking beta touching you, didn't I? You didn't want to speak up so I used touch instead. You never would have told everything he did otherwise."
       "How is it any of your business anyway?! You aren't my alpha! You will never be my mate!" I cry.
       An imperceptible flinch from him startles me. I stare at him with unease. The expression clears instantly though and he returns to his normal smirk. "For the best. Who'd want an annoying little disobedient omega like you anyway."
I snort. "Good." As soon as the word leaves me lips, the power shuts off in the small cabin. My eyes widen in terror and I jump on the bed and burrow under the sheets.
Hoseok sits up instantly. "What's wrong?"
I shiver and squeeze my eyes closed. Most omegas fear the dark because we've never had to experience it. The sanctuary is always lit up somehow and we always have protection with us.
"Yoongi." His voice is much softer, kinder than before. The teasing gone. I feel his body stiffen. "You don't have to be scared. I'm just teasing you, okay? I really will protect you. The storm just knocked the power out. That's all."
I nod and slowly peak my head out from under the blankets, blinking up at his hulking shadowy figure. For some reason...I believe him. I feel safe with him despite everything. Maybe that makes me crazy but it's true. I feel deep down that he won't hurt me.
I take a few deep breaths and feel my body unclench, slowly relaxing. "S-sorry." I flush in the dark. "Y-you probably think I'm a big baby."
I expect a mocking reply but instead I'm shocked to feel his arms wind around me. "Why would I? Everyone has fears...even alphas. This situation is hard especially after what you went through—being kidnapped and all. It's understandable."
Now I avoid his gaze for other reasons. God, why couldn't Jimin just tell the truth? I don't like lying. It hurts me stomach. Will the alpha's view or me change when he learns the truth? That we just stupidly walked out and got lost. I feel ashamed.
Why the hell should I care about his opinion, though?! It's not like he's anything to me. Just a grumpy alpha that doesn't understand boundaries or personal space.
"I-I'm Okay. You can let go now." I say, pointedly looking down at his arms tightening around me.
Chuckling right in my ear, he falls backwards taking me with him. I gasp in surprise and struggle but he refuses to release me.
"Can't. You'll be the most safe in my arms."
I huff, unable to move. How the hell is he so strong?! Alpha or not it seems ridiculous. "Hoseok!"
He buries his face in my neck and I can feel and hear him breathing in my scent. "You smell so good. Did you know that? Like minty strawberries." He muses quietly in the dark.
My lips part as I take another breath. "You don't smell awful, either." I mumble, embarrassed.
"Mhm, really? What do I smell like to you?" Nothing but curiosity in his voice.
       I hesitate. "Chocolate and cherries."
      "You got a sweet tooth, omega?" He teases.
      I blush. "M-maybe. What does that have to do with anything, though?"
      I feel him looking at me but he doesn't answer. Instead he simply holds me tighter and relaxes his body under the sheets. "I'm tired. We have an early day tomorrow."
       "A-are you taking us back to the sanctuary tomorrow?"
       He laughs. "In this storm? No. We have to wait it out here. When it's over in a few days we'll head back, okay?"
      Oh. A few days... "We're supposed to be mated by then." I whisper mostly to myself.
       "I thought you didn't want to be mated anyway? Isn't this good for you? A break of sorts."
       My lips twitch but I have no idea why. "I guess. I just don't want to get into trouble when we go back." If they even let us go back.
      If they think us tainted or touched in any way they won't let us. We'll be kicked out, unable to be claimed. Its a scary thought. Omegas have to have alphas at some point. I've never known an omega to be without a mate and those that we've been told about die young for living hard lives.
      Omegas may be cherished and coveted like royalty but only if they remain pure. No one wants to support a used omega. It takes away the charms, I guess.
       "I'm sorry for being so harsh to you before. I shouldn't have lost my temper and touched you in any inappropriate way."
      I glance down at him but his head is resting on my chest with his eyes closed, arms still wrapped around me like a snake. "I-it's okay." I whisper. "You didn't hurt me."
       He nods gently and begins running his fingers down my arm, it's soothing and before I know it—my eyelids flutter closed.
      "Goodnight, alpha."
      I feel his tired smile against my chest. "Sleep well, omega."

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