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    "You're lying!"
    I watch silently as Yoongi jerks away from me and begins pacing the room. My eyes following him, just now noticing the slight catch of the tight fitting shirt pressed against his stomach.
    "I'm not. I've always known. It's why I fell in love with you despite it being against the rules. It's why I've never wanted to give up on losing you. It's why..." I stop, unable to continue. Images of JB play in my mind. It's why it's so hard to give myself to him...
     "W-why...why would you—you never said anything."
     "Of course not." I give him a little smile. "I'm a beta. I know I never had a chance with you. You were already promised to an alpha since birth. I didn't want to make it harder. You obviously couldn't sense it like me so I left it alone but sometimes my feelings would slip out. I'm sorry."
     A look of absolute devastation plays over his features. "This isn't right. I don't believe it."
     I nod. I knew he wouldn't. "You don't have to but you should at least let me show you that that mate you love and trust so much isn't what he seems."
      He hesitates.
     "Please. I want you to prepare yourself. I'm not trying to get you to fall for me. I've given up on the idea of us. I know you don't feel the same since you told me so a long time ago. Our connection was never able to grow. It doesn't help that I'm a beta. Maybe if. I were an alpha things would have been different." I shrug. It hurts but it is what it is. "I don't want you to get hurt, though."
      He shakes his head. "Kookie—"
     "I've actually moved on. I've met another beta...he wants to mate me." I admit quietly. "I'm sure he's dying to find me right now."
      His lips part in surprise. "Y-you do?"
     "Yeah. You remember Jin's beta, JB? H-he wants to be my mate." I snort at the shocked expression on his face. "Crazy, right?"
      "Wow...s-so you're not just saying all this to make me go to you?"
     I huff in offense. "No! I still care about you—that will never change but I'm just being honest. I will show you how manipulative your mate is. How he's messed with you head. I just want to protect you." I repeat.
      He doesn't respond.
     I tug at the chain around my wrist. "Please, Yoongi? Give me a chance and let me show you what I know. If you still want to come back to him...then I won't stop you."
      He reluctantly turns back at me. "Okay. Fine." He walks swiftly to the key on the opposite side of the room and unlocks my wrist.
      I rub the soreness away and grasp his hand, staring into his troubled eyes. "Let's go. I'll take you to where we store all our evidence against criminals and rogues."
      "Y-you won't try anything? You won't turn them in?"
      "Not if it will hurt you. My job has and always will be to protect you. No matter what. You will always come first." I vow. "Fuck the society."
He flushes, looking nervous as I silently begin leading him up the stairs, checking to make sure the coast is clear. My grip tightens as I slide the back room open and walk outside with him in tow.
      "W-What about Jin and Jimin?"
      I glance back at him. "When you make your decision we can come back for them."
     "You make it sound like I'm already going to agree with you. I can't go back to the sanctuary, Jungkook. I'm tainted. I'm pregnant and mated. I would be thrown away or killed, too!"
      I pause, hesitant. "Did you know that there's actually a second sanctuary for abused omegas? It's away from the society. Like those encampments for rogues, they have them for tainted omegas that can't be mated as well. It's like a safe place for them. I could help you three get to one of them."
      His eyes are wide as he takes it in, thinking about it. "Really?"
     I nod. "It's for omegas that have been abused or forced into matings and pregnancies or omegas that have lost their mates."
We walk in silence for a log while, my eyes continuously scanning the surroundings for other betas or alphas. Yoongi struggles to keep up pace so I slow a little.
"Kookie, can I—"
"Watch out!" I grab him, jerking him to my chest as he barely misses falling into a huge trap. The hole nearly seven feet deep. Gasping, he buries his face in my neck as I swing him onto my back, carrying him.
"It's okay." I whisper, hiking him up a little higher and continuing the rough terrain back towards the sanctuary.
"Kookie...I...I'm sorry. I left the way I did. I'm sorry I avoided you. It was just—"
"I know I made you uncomfortable. I don't blame you. I scared you. I'm not going to make the same mistake again. I won't take advantage of you, Yoongi. I just want to be your friend."
"Do you...really like JB?"
A small smile slips onto my face. "I do."
"Does he make you happy?"
"He's an arrogant asshole but I guess he amuses me." I tease, locking my hands under his thighs to grip him tighter to me.
His arms hang loosely around my neck. "That's nice...I guess."
" really love that alpha asshole?"
"I do. He's...never hurt me, at least not intentionally." Despite everything I still want to believe in him.
"Well then...I'm surprised you agreed to trust in me." I admit.
"Why not? I can still love him and keep my beliefs while wanting to trust in you as well. You're family to me, Jungkook. I've...missed you."
His words warm me. "Thank you."
"I didn't do anything."
I clutch his palm and kiss it softly. "You've done more than you know."

"We're here." I carefully place the omega on the ground and survey the area. I know all betas are in training right now. I need to disable the security camera, though. "Wait here for a moment."
He nods and sits down against a tree, waiting for me. I quickly run around the most insecure area of the evidence building and climb up the trellis, smashing the camera from behind before jumping down.
When I walk back around, I help him up and guide him into the building, locking the door behind us. I rummage through the files until I find the one for Jung Hoseok.
Pulling it out, I find the video regarding the murder and assault. I load it up and sit him down in front of the video.
As a beta, we've all had to be briefed on every live criminal and rogue so we would know who to keep eyes out for while protecting our charges. I've already seen it maybe times.
I, instead, watch his expressions closely as he watches his mate attack the unassuming beta before assaulting the pregnant omega. Neither survived. The rogue then disappeared back into the forest. It was a rather random attack to be honest. Seemingly for no reason. I, myself, never understand what provoked it.
Yoongi just sits in stunned silence, replaying it over and over again. "I wouldn't lie to you, Yoonie. I care about your wellbeing."
His fingers tremble as continues to play it again and again. "I d-don't...he wouldn't...he's not like this..."
"Maybe he's just pretending to be innocent but I don't understand why he would now since he's already mated you." I admit. "He has no more reason to hide his true intentions."
Yoongi remains silent, just staring off into space. "I...gave myself to him. I gave him everything...for him to lie to me..."
I begin to speak but stop when I hear the door being opened. Cursing, I urge Yoongi to hide under one of the tables.
I watch, heart pounding, as JB walks inside. His eyes fall on me. "Jungkook! Where have you been? This building was broken into."
Gulping, nod. "Y-Yeah. I saw. I came inside to investigate." Shit.
He glares at me, pinning me against the wall. "Why would you come in here without backup! You should have called me! What if you got hurt?"
Rolling my eyes, I shove him back. "I'm just as capable as you and you came in here alone!" I huff.
A little annoying smirk plays on his lips. His fingers trail over my chest playing with the buttons on my shirt. Licking his lips, he sizes me up. "Baby, have you been avoiding me? You know, since..."
"No!" I panic, glancing down at the table Yoongi is under. "I'm not avoiding you. I've got a job to do just like you do."
Chuckling, he cups my face and kisses me. "You're so cute."
I return the kiss softly before pulling back. "We should go alert the others to the break in." I mutter, wanting to stop this before he takes it too far.
His eyes are hooded as he stares down at me. "I don't think I can wait. Everyone is busy. Let me have a taste, hm. I need you."
My face turns bright red, feeling the curious eyes on us. "N-not now. Please. I'm really too busy." Removing his hands from me. "I promise. Later. I'll spend time with you later."
Sighing, he finally relents. "I'm holding you to that, Jungkook. As soon as you are finished here, come back to my room."
I nod, practically pushing him out of the door and shutting it in his face. I roll my eyes at his laughter from outside. God. Embarrassing.
Reluctantly, I run over and help Yoongi up. He's blushing and avoiding looking at me. Just great. "Sorry about that."
"JB really likes you a lot." He smiles.
I rub the back of my neck. "Y-Yeah. I think he does."
"I'm sorry I couldn't be that one for you, Kookie."
I touch his cheek. "It's alright. Sometimes things just can't work out. Now...what do you want to do? I made a promise. I can help you get away from that alpha or...I can take you back."
He stares at the floor, thinking. "Can you give me some time? I want to find out some things on my own. Will you please return with me? It will make it easier when I give you my decision."
"Want me to play prisoner?" I joke.
Smacking my arm, he bites his lip. "Please?"
"Just for you." I hold out my hand and he places his own in it. I carefully make sure we aren't seen as I begin leading him back up towards his home. "This is really stupid, you know?"
"Maybe but he's my mate still. I want to know what really happened once and for all and I want him to tell me. I have to know if the others are in danger, too."
Groaning, I allow him to drag me back to that stupid cellar. JB isn't going to be happy about me ditching him again. Shit. Next time I see him I know I won't be able to hold him off at all.

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