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I feel the heavy judgement as the other alphas glare at me. "Stop it."
Tae shakes his head. "You're really going to do this to him? Ruin him with no intention of claiming the poor thing? He needs to be mated, Joon." He admonishes.
Surprisingly, Hoseok nods in agreement. "This won't end well and you know it." He crosses his arms. Scolding.
After my conversation with Jimin, both asked how the omega was doing so I explained our planned agreement. Unfortunately, neither of them think like Jimin or I do.
"I didn't even decide it! Jimin did. Besides, it's all your fault." I glare accusingly at Hoseok.
He scoffs. "Excuse me? How the hell is this my fault?!"
"You're mating scared him! Yoongi still can't get out of bed as far as I know, right? Jimin is terrified to end up like him. If you knew how to do a mating properly then there would have been no problem."
"I have nothing to do with his body and the way it takes my marking and you know it! It doesn't work that way. I kinda wish I would have went over all this with Yoongi." He sighs. "I feel horrible. He's been crying and upset all day. He's in a lot of pain. I don't understand why his system is fighting the mating so much." He groans.
I sigh, feeling guilty for mentioning it. "Sorry. Look, I just want to help him feel better. He's the one that doesn't want the mating right now. He's mine. We both know it and accept it. If he needs me to wait on the claiming to calm his mind then I'll do it and you two should respect that decision seeing as it's neither of your business really."
Tae looks away pointedly. "Fair enough. This sucks."
"Yeah." I smile grimly. "And another thing...we're running out of supplies. I think we'll have to move on soon."
Hoseok groans. "Shit. I was hoping we'd have enough for a few more weeks."
"I was checking our inventory. We have enough to last all of us another week at most."
Tae taps his fingers anxiously on the counter. "I have an idea. It's risky but I think it's the best possibility of us making it."
I eye him. "What?"
He glances between us. "I've been thinking...I want to do everything I can to protect my mate and...well...our family." He blushes.
I smile. "Aw, my little brother." Cooing teasingly but secretly I'm happy that he considers me a part of his family now. I've never really had a close family.
"Shut up! No, but listen." He takes a deep breath. "I've been thinking about maybe going back to the society."
Both Hoseok and I protest loudly but he stops us. "Hear me out! I'm the only one here that technically isn't a criminal—as far as they know. I can walk back in easily without any issues." He looks at his brother. "I still have the large house appa left us. What if...we snuck you and the others in there to live? We have that huge storm cellar that's hidden."
I blink. I don't want to give the suggestion hope. So many things could go wrong and it's extremely dangerous...
"No. It's too dangerous. Tae, I'm not putting all of that on your shoulders. You would have to do everything because we can't go out and be seen. No way."
He scoffs. "If I can handle living out here with you in deadly circumstances then I can handle hiding you back home. I can go back to work and we wouldn't have to worry about food or shelter or being cold."
"What about the omegas? How do you think they will feel going back and never being able to set foot outside again, huh? It's not healthy for them. They are too noticeable."
He bites his lip. "I could forge mating papers. I know an alpha." He whispers.
I gasp. "What? You know an alpha that actually forges mating papers for alphas that illegally acquire omegas?!"
He nods, looking down in shame. "I've never met the man but I know a close acquaintance that's mentioned him. I could make a visit."
Hoseok stares at his brother, tense. "If we get caught...we're all dead. How the hell do you know about such a person and I don't?"
Tae smiles without humor, ignoring his second comment. "Our only other option is another camp setup nearly fifty miles away. We'd never make it in this weather and their conditions. If we don't do this, hyung...we're dead anyway."
I've been silent most of this time so I'm surprised when they both set their gazes on me. "What?"
"How do feel about this plan?" Hoseok frowns.
"I think we should do whatever gives us the best chances at survival." I admit.
"Then it's settled—"
"But shouldn't we ask them how they feel about going back? Their opinions matter, too. Explain the seriousness of the situation and what's expected of them."
They pause, Hoseok speaking up. "I think they trust us to take care of them."
Sighing, I know he's right. "Can we at least wait until after Jimin's heat before making any hasty decisions. Now isn't the right time."
"Okay. I'm going to go check on Yoongi again." Hoseok sighs, rubbing his face as he grabs a damp towel and some snacks and drinks. I don't question it.
Tae pats my shoulder. "You know this is a good idea. Yes, it's dangerous but no worse than where we're at now. I don't want my mate to have a harsh life out here everyday fighting death. Unless someone discovers you, there isn't a problem. It's not like they do random checks at alpha's houses. Especially those of us with higher standings." He reminds me.
"I know." He's right. What other choice do we have? We all know the omegas will never make it all the way to the next settlement. Hell, we probably wouldn't either.
"Go check on Jimin. I'm sure he's really stressed right now." Smiling, he walks off.
I stand alone in the kitchen for a few minutes, reflecting. At least we have a couple of days before Jimin's heat. Maybe we could possibly come up with a better plan but honestly I doubt it.
It's not a bad idea. Stupid, maybe but worth it to protect them.

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