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Jungkook is nowhere to be found when I go back to my room. Feeling relief at having some alone time, I head into the bathroom and strip off my robe, starting the water and pouring the strawberry mint scented bubbles in the little pool.
I've been told that our bath water matches to our actual scents but I'm not sure if that's really how it works. I can't smell myself so I don't know either way, I guess.
I make sure the water is to my liking before slowly slipping inside and try to relax. I'm a nervous wreck over the coming mating. By the end of the week I'll be mated to an alpha I've never met before. Forced into a mating and filled with pups...
I hate it. I don't want it. It's not that I don't want pups or anything but...I just hate the society and their backhanded demeaning ways. They say we're special and to be cherished but really I feel like we're just cattle awaiting for slaughter. Objects to be used over and over again.
My head snaps up as the door opens and Jungkook walks in. I gasp and cover myself the best I can. I've never let him see me naked. I'm not comfortable with it. "W-What do you need?"
He sighs and massages my head with his strong palm, obviously not taking my hint of discomfort. "I should be asking you that. Why do you never ask for my assistance? It makes me feel useless. You won't allow me to do my job." He says, frustration clear in his voice.
I bite my lip. "I can just handle things on my own."
"You're too stubborn for an omega, Yoongi-Ah." He chuckles. "Please, let me help you." He reaches for a towel and holds his hands up.
I hesitate before reluctantly giving in and shyly standing up, my face blazing scarlet as his eyes slowly trail the entirety of my body before gently wrapping the towel around me. I snugly tuck it against me and duck my head so he can dry my hair.
"You're very beautiful." He whispers and I swear I think I feel his lips touch my neck. "Why hide yourself from me, hm? It's my job to take full care of you."
I step away when he's done and follow after him as he pulls out a fresh white cashmere robe—our permanent attire. Since we never leave the sanctuary we don't really need normal clothes like others. We just have endless robes in pale shades but mostly white. Rather boring.
He looks at my towel pointedly and whining lowly, I slowly drop it to the floor. He steps up behind me—much closer than necessary—and slips the robe over my shoulders. His arms wrapping around my naked torso to tie the robe very loosely.
His fingers lingering on the bare flesh of my stomach. Swallowing hard, I attempt to step away but he holds me in place. His free hand tucking my hair behind my ears. "I'll really miss you when you're mated, Yoongi." He sighs.
My heart clenches painfully as he slowly releases me. "Yeah, I'll miss you, too, Kookie." I smile widely, teasingly. "I'm sure you'll miss Jimin even more, huh?"
He flushes. "What? N-no. No." His voice turns firm as he stares into my eyes intently. "No, it's you I'll think about frequently." He admits.
My eyes water and I look away. Why is it always like this? Why does he try so hard to make me feel? It's impossible. I don't feel anything but familiarity for him but it's more than obvious that he has much deeper feelings.
He looks up to meet my troubled gaze and I'm shocked by the depth of emotion swirling inside. His hand caresses my face making my breath catch. This is wrong. "Please stop this." I whisper.
His entire body seems to shudder and he grasps my shoulders tightly, holding my in his embrace. "Yoongi...I'm sorry. I believe you know how I feel but I can't help it. I've tried to drown it out but it just won't go away." He pleads me with his eyes but I avert my gaze. "I think I'm in lo—"
"Please release me. I should sleep." I cut him off nervously. Afraid.
I step back and turn away but his hand catches my wrist, holding me in place. "Kookie...don't do anything you will regret." I plead, closing my eyes.
Since we were children, Kookie has always felt everything so much more. His passion for life and for his job has surpassed all others. He's always clung to me making me distance myself unconsciously.
I take a deep breath and turn to face him, to ask him once more to stop this. Opening my mouth to speak—
My lips are taken by his own as my body is pressed tightly against the wall by his stronger one. I gasp in shock and horror as he takes my first kiss, his mouth demanding and harsh—rough. His wet tongue sliding along my lips.
I flush, having no idea what to do. I shove him away with shaking hands and wipe my mouth, tears filling my eyes. " took my first kiss. You can't do that! You know that's punishable by death!" I cry, wrapping my arms around myself.
He seems to be shocked himself and shakes himself out of his daze. His head snaps up to mine and he looks horrified. "I'm s-sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me, Yoongi. Please don't report me! I'll never do that again." He falls to his knees at my feet and lowers his upper body to the floor.
I lick my lips, tasting his strong beta scent. I feel dirty, used. Tainted. "I-it's Okay. I won't tell anyone. Can you give me some space please?" I whisper, ashamed.
Nodding, he silently gets up and leaves the room, his hands trembling. I take a deep breath and walk over to the sink, scrubbing my lips clean but still feeling dirty.
It's just a kiss. A stupid kiss.
But at the same time it's a big deal. My lips are only for my alpha. No one else. My future mate would be furious if he ever found out someone else took my first kiss. Touched me in any inappropriate way.
      I shouldn't be so upset over this but I am. Perhaps I am just like all the other omegas around here. Maybe I am just as brainwashed as the others.
      I can't tell anyone. Not even Jimin or Jin. They would be horrified and upset for me. No doubt demand I report his careless and crude actions but I couldn't do that. Jungkook has been by my side for as long as I can remember and he's never done anything so inappropriate like this. I can't let this little slip on judgement ruin his life.
       Even if it will forever scar mine.

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