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  My feet hurt. I'm tired and hungry but refuse to open my mouth as we all trudge on in a group through the forest. I already miss our little cabin getaway. It's so far back to the society. Jimin and Yoongi do not look much better.
Actually, Yoongi is bring carried on Hoseok's back right now where he's been so sick lately. He could never make the whole journey on his own feet. Jimin is barely hanging on—having just had his heat. His body is still recovering and his limp is very evident.
I think at this moment I'm the most physically able omega and that sucks. I want Taehyung to carry me but his hands are full and I know the alphas are exhausted, too. We've been walking for over five hours.
All of us having been bundled up in the left over winter clothes from the cabin. It's still cold but at least no longer a blizzard storm.
"Alright. I think we can set up camp here. There's a river stream close by for water and we can make a fire here." Namjoon says, dropping his bags on the little clearing.
       Thank god!
      Groaning, I sit down on the ground and rub my tired and swollen feet and legs. Ugh. I don't even know why I'm hurting so much. I've never had a problem walking any distance before. The trip to the cabin wasn't nearly this bad so why?
        "Jin, sweetheart—you okay?" Taehyung crouches next to me in concern.
        I force a smile, nodding. "I'm o-okay."
       He stares into my eyes for a moment. "Are you hungry?"
       I nod.
       Smiling, he pulls out the food we pre-made for this trip. Jimin and Yoongi plop down next to me to eat while Namjoon and Hoseok get the tent put up and a fire going. I eat my meal slowly, feeling nauseous.
This trip has taken a lot out of me but no way am I telling Tae that. I know this is hard on him, too. I refuse to make him worry more for me.
"Are you okay, Jin? You look...pale." Jimin whispers, his voice hoarse and cracking a bit. I smile. He certainly used his voice these last couple nights.
"I'm fine." I'm really not, though. If I didn't know any better I'd think Yoongi gave me his sickness but I know that wasn't contagious.
"You haven't looked right since we left." Yoongi chimes in, reading my thoughts.
Sighing, I put down my sandwich. "I just don't feel too well. My feet are swollen and I just need to lay down." I admit.
They both look worried. "Your feet shouldn't be swollen. Did you injure yourself? You should have said something!" Jimin frowns.
I shake my head. "N-no I didn't. I didn't hurt myself. I don't know...I've been hurting since before we left."
"Why haven't you told your mate?" Jimin demands while Yoongi continues stuffing his face, stealing my sandwich.
I nervously wring my hands. "W-Why haven't you mated your alpha yet?" I retort, trying to get the attention off me.
Yoongi snorts. "Smooth, Jin. He's right, though. Why the heck haven't you let him mate you? Stop being a damn baby already. We're meant to mate." He rolls his eyes.
Jimin scoffs. "Funny coming from you. You used to be so against mating."
"Yeah but I got over it because I realized it didn't make sense to fear it. I know my alpha belongs to me and I belong to him. Mating and bonding go hand and hand. It's supposed to be that way. I feel bad for Namjoon, Jimin." He argues.
I can't help but agree. Jimin looks betrayed. "How can you blame me?! After everything you went through!"
He shakes his head. "Key words—everything I went through. You aren't guaranteed to have the same experience. It could be like Jin's. You're letting your selfishness and fear dictate your relationship with your alpha and that's not right. Do you even think about what Namjoon could be going through not being able to mate his omega?"
"It's not normal to deny those natural urges, Jimin." I agree. "It's dangerous. If he continues to hold back for your sake...well, it's not good. Alphas aren't good at resisting their needs. We learned that, at least."
Jimin becomes quiet for a bit. "D-do you think he hates being with me? Do you think he thinks I'm selfish?"
Yoongi and I exchange a look. "I guess you just have to ask him that, Min. I don't think he thinks your selfish but if you keep making him drag this out it could turn out badly for the both of you. Please reconsider the mating."
"Even after everything I went through, I don't regret it." Yoongi says, shrugging. "It's all worth it, I think. You can't let fear dictate you forever."
I look over to see the tent up. It's huge and large enough for all six of us. "I think I'm going to go lay down. My stomach hurts." I mumble, getting up to check out the sleeping arrangements.
Taehyung is just coming out of the tent. He smiles and takes my hand. "You sure you're okay, love?"
I avoid his gaze. "Just tired. Can I take a nap?"
He studies me for a long moment but I know he won't pressure me to answer him. "Of course. Come on." He pulls me into the tent and I gasp at the sheer size. It looked big from the outside but the inside is ginormous!
Six sleeping bags are laid out but each two is separated by thick blankets hanging up on the posts. Giving each couple their own privacy. That's nice.
"Ours is on the end there. Go lay down and I'll come back with some s'mores and hit chocolate, love." He smiles.
I blush, loving that he accepts my sweet tooth. "Thank you."
"Anything for my omega." He kisses my nose then leaves me. Groaning, I take off the thick outer layers of clothes until I'm only in a t shirt and shorts then snuggle under the blankets.
As promised, Tae comes back with two mugs of hot chocolate and a few s'mores.
God, I love this alpha.

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