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     I stop shoveling caramel popcorn in my mouth when Yoongi plops down next to me, looking miserable. I let out a deep breath and try to think of something to make him feel better.
     There's nothing really, considering I'm just as worried. I mean, Namjoon has been gone all damn day and I've been worried sick! I've used food to distract myself, practically eating all the sweets out of this place.
      I can't think of anything negative. I refuse to—I mean, I've just discovered Namjoon can be mine and we've just started working out our, uh, past. I know he's warming up to me, too.
     "Why aren't you worried?!" Yoongi demands, sitting up.
      I sigh. "I am, I'm just not having a visible panic attack like you." Rolling my eyes.
      He pouts.
      I gape at him. "Holy crap! Yoongi...the omega resentful of all omega and alpha totally freaking whipped for an alpha!" I shoot up and clap my hands, bouncing up and down.
      He scowls at me. "Shut up! Am not!"
      "Oh my god! You're totally going to let him fill you with his pups!" I cry, laughing.
      He flushes. "N-no I'm not! Shut up, Jimin!" He throws a pillow at my head.
      "Yoongi is in love!"
      "I will kill you!"
      "Totally going to mate! Ohh!"
      "I will strangle you! Don't test me!" I run as he chases me around the couch, barking out denials we both know aren't true. I won't admit that I kinda feel the same about Namjoon. Nope. I'll keep my delusions.
     I stop running to catch my breath as Jin walks sleepily out of the bedroom to the living room. Both Yoongi and I stare at him, surprised by his appearance. And his limp.
       He yawns and stretches, slumping down on the couch and rubbing his face. His drooping oversized sweatshirt hangs over one shoulder giving a perfect view of at least ten or twenty consistent hickies covering his skin, trailing away from his mating bite to hide under the shirt. His boxers—that obviously belong to his mate—exposing his pale legs and hickey covered thighs.
      It's shocking. Although we know what happens during a mating, we've never seen another omega right after a mating heat. He still as a dreamy look in his eyes as he curls up on the couch, snuggling into the rough blanket.
       Yoongi stares down at him wide eyed. "J-Jin?"
      He shuffles a little, yawning again. "Hm?"
      His entire change of...personality? Mood? Normal omega actions?...are beyond shocking.
       "A-are you okay?"
      "I'm great. Riding on top of fluffy white delicious squishy marshmallow rainbow clouds. Never felt better. Why do you ask?" He mumbles sleepily. "Mhm...I really want marshmallow cream now." He grumbles.
      I look at Yoongi, shook.
      He frowns. 
     Oh that what matings do to omegas?! I don't want to be like that. That is terrifying. He's like a drugged out love struck zombie...
      Suddenly, Taehyung steps out of the room, clearly just having took a shower and dressed in simple sweats. He smiles down at Jin on the couch and kneels beside him, nuzzling his face and neck before kissing him.
      "Are you okay, baby? Do you need anything?" He asks gently.
      Jin smiles. "I'm hungry. Can you make me some hot chocolate and cookies with marshmallow cream?"
      He chuckles, running his fingers through his hair. "Of course, my omega. I'll bring those right out, okay? You stay here and rest your body."
      Jin nods, clutching the small couch pillow tightly.
      Taehyung smiles at us as he stands. "Do you two need anything?"
      We shake our heads, still shocked by the scene we've witnessed. He disappears into the kitchen. Immediately we both run around the couch and stare at Jin like he's an alien.
      "W-What the hell? Jin..."
      He opens his eyes, frowning at us. "What's wrong?" He asks, slowly sitting up.
      Yoongi sputters while I roll my eyes. "Did Taehyung's cock wreck your freaking brain?! What's wrong with you??"
      He flushes hotly at my words. "Jimin! D-don't talk like that." He sighs. "I don't know what your talking about."
      " was it? Your heat and...and.." I trail off, embarrassed myself.
      He ducks his head, biting his lip. "It was...really painful at first." He admits. "But after awhile it felt really really good."
      "Was it worth it? Worth all the hype they teach and prepare us for?" I ask.
       He nods, pink tinted cheeks. "Definitely. It was really scary, I'm not gonna lie but..." he smiles. "I love Taehyung and he treated me really well. Made me feel so good. I can't believe he's my my mate."
      "Aw, you're so whipped." I tease.
      Yoongi scoffs. "Did you see Taehyung? If anyone is whipped it's that alpha."
      Jin rolls his eyes. "Just you wait—both your heats will hit soon and you'll know first hand how terrifying yet amazing it is. You'll be flying over fluffy rainbows and clouds, too." He chuckles.
      Yoongi chokes while I try not to imagine Namjoon taking care of my heat. I can't deny it's an intriguing thought, though.
      "Anyway...where did Namjoon and Hoseok go?" He asks.
      I realize with a start that he's been cooped up in his room recovering from his heat and mating all day and doesn't know about the situation.
      "Namjoon has been gone all day and we all got really worried. Hoseok went out to check on him." I say.
       He gasps. "I'm so sorry. I'm sure he's going to be okay. They all seem like super tough alphas."
      I nod. "Y-Yeah. I'm sure everything will be just fine."
      Jin opens the large blanket to us so we all sit on the couch and snuggle together. I notice that Jin's vanilla scent had changed slightly from his mating. Now he kinda smells like a mix of himself and Taehyung. It's interesting.
      The alpha soon comes back with four mugs of hot chocolate and a huge plate of cookies for us all to share. I smile at him shyly while he starts a movie to help distract us all from the fear of the other two missing alphas.
      Please, please let them come back soon. And safe.

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