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     "P-please...kiss me."
     Jimin's desperate plea is like music to my ears. My blood throbs and pulses hotly through my veins as I pin him to the bed, his face flushed and breathless from my teasing.
     My omega.
     Mine. He's mine. For some reason it's just computing in my brain. Jimin is mine. Mine only to touch, to please, to kiss, to enjoy. Mine only to care for, to protect, to guide through life along with our future pups.
      My hand trails under his shirt and presses flatly onto his stomach. He could really be pregnant. Also mine. No one else will ever have the chance to touch him. Never.
     That fact thrills me beyond reasonability and I groan, burying my face in his neck and breathing him in. His sweet scent, his delectable taste on my tongue.
      His hands timidly move to my shoulders to trail down my back. His soft touch rouses something deep inside me. Something primal and animalistic. Something savage and unknown.
Growling under my breath, I begin kissing and nipping at my bite mark on his throat, licking it while my hands grip the flesh of his hips tightly, leaving marks.    
     "N-naked." I rasp against his skin.
     He moans. "W-What?"
     I lean up on my arms and look at him. "Get naked. Right now. I want to look at you."
    He blushes and sits up, hesitantly removing his shirt but pausing on his—my—shorts. I sit up on my knees and push his hands away, jerking them off impatiently myself. He gasps, attempting to hide his body for some unfathomable reason.
      I grab his hands, pinning them over his head as I devour his gorgeous but too skinny nude body. My fault. I'm going to have to make sure he eats all the time to fatten him up.
     I lick my lips, craving a taste. He whimpers, legs sawing against the sheets. "Joonie..."
      "Shh. I'm observing art." I smirk teasingly.
     He huffs but his eyes sparkle with happiness. I'm glad I'm the one to make him reflect that.
      "C-can you admire art later?" He groans, bucking his hips. "I need you..."
     Fuck. I crash my lips down on his hungrily as I part his legs around me and rut against his ass. "I'm going to eat your ass out properly later but since you need it too much right now..." I purposely miss a few times earning needy little whines from him before, unable to deny myself anymore, sinking deep into his body.
      We both moan as his tight inner walls suck me in deeper. "Ah! Nghnnn...a-alpha..." he claws at my back as I slam into him over and over again, growls vibrating out of my throat as I take him hard. My own need winning out over gentleness.
      I know he loves it, though. His cock leaks copious amounts of precum on my stomach as I suck on his tongue, my hands using his hips to bounce his ass on and off my cock.
      He screams, entire body tightening up as cum erupts from his tip. I reach down and stroke him through his climax, never slowing my pace as I take him, chasing my own release.
      "Oh god! Oh god...J-Joonie...n-no more...I can't...too much..."
      I squeeze the base of his dick and angle inside to hit his sweet spot on every stroke.
     He loses it. Wildly, shoving his body down on my erection and clawing me closer, initiating the kiss this time. Hot and sloppy and I love every minute of it. His hot breath in my mouth, swallowing his delicious cries of passion as I release his cock and feel him explode once more.
      His voice echoes in my ears and around the room as I roll over and force him to ride my cock. His sweat slick body bows back as he moans and I groan at the puddle of cum growing on my stomach as it drops down his balls.
      His lips are puffy and bruised, Marks mar his pale skin as he bounces up and down, taking me deep.
     "Ah, Ah, ah! Alpha!" He gasps, rollin his hips so sexily. I'm taken aback by how wild and uninhibited he is during our sex. He's...absolutely stunning. Perfect. Glowing.
      I feel my own climax reaching its peak and grasp his hips to hold him still as I grunt, filling him up with my cum.
     He moans, collapsing down on top of my chest and panting hard. I wrap my arms around him tightly and try to catch my own breath, feeling his twitch and shudder against me as another orgasm rocks through his limp, pliant body.
      That was...this was everything our first mating should have been. Gently, I tilt his head and brush hair from his neck, pressing my lips to my mark and biting down, reclaiming him properly. Without pain.
      Gasping, he cries out and I feel he ass clench around me as he spurts cum between us adding to the growing puddle and a gush of fluid flow around my cock still nestled deeply inside him.
      Releasing his flesh, I lick the mark before rolling us back over and kissing him softly again and again. Remaining inside him, I enjoy the way our mouths fuse together and tongues dance in sync.
     There is no battle for dominance, no control. No overbearing alpha to his omega. Simply an equal understanding of lust, need, love, and passion. A soft wet tangle of muscles and tastes mingling as one.
     When I pull away, I gaze at him under me and cup his face. Tears flood his cheeks as he smiles up at me.
     "Baby, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"
     He shakes his head, clinging to me. "N-no. No you didn't hurt me. I'm j-just happy. Happy you accepted me."
     God, I hate myself for making this angelic creature so unsure, so self conscious and insecure. "I don't deserve you, Jimin. Thank you for still accepting me." I whisper, kissing his nose.
     He giggles and the sound is like music. Soft and sweet. "I love you."
     I begin to pull out and roll off him but he grabs me, holding me still. "What—"
     "No. Don't go. Stay. Please? I want to stay like this." He begs, eyes wide.
     Smiling, I nod. Gripping his tightly, I roll us so that he's settled on top of me, my cock still safely nestled within his inner walls. He sighs in contentment and lays on my chest.
      I rub his back soothingly as he adjusts. I can't help it if he makes me hard again but I try not to move too much. I don't want him too sore.
     His eyes close as I stare at his face. My fingers tracing his cheeks and lips in awe. I'm such a fucking idiot. Have been since the moment I met him.
     I almost lost this. I almost gave up this masterpiece and why? I have no idea now. Nothing is more important than making him happy.
      If being by his side makes him happy well then...that's where I'll be. Making up for all the dumb mistakes I've made from the beginning.
      I listen as his body completely relaxes and soft snores come from his mouth. "I love you, too." Whispering so as to not wake him.
    Eventually, I settle him on the bed and pull him into my arms, kissing him constantly, just enjoying his presence. I'll clean him up later. I rather enjoy my scent all over and inside him. It's how it's supposed to be.
      I won't deny I love smelling like him, either. He smells much better than me anyway.

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