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I finish making the bed just in time for the tired omega to come out of the bathroom covered in one of my long sleeve shirts. It reaches a couple inches above his knees. It swallows him up and makes him look so fucking adorable.
Smiling, I peck his lips before rushing into the bathroom to shower as well. I would never admit or do/say anything to make him uncomfortable or self conscious but seriously...this throwing up every time during sex is taking its toll on me as well.
I might know all about these side effects but I've never went through this myself and it's rather discouraging. I know we haven't made a mistake. He's mine. That's a fact.
I close my eyes, letting the spray wash my face and body clean. I groan as the hot water unclenches my muscles and try to release my exhaustion—a cool draft hitting me randomly so I peak my eyes open. Yoongi sits down on the sink looking nervous and jittery.
"You okay? I'll be right out."
He nods. "I just want to wait on you in here, if that's okay." He mumbles.
"Of course." I finish up quickly and wrap a towel around my waist. Scooping him up in my arms, I carry him to the freshly made bed and sigh, burying my face in his neck. "Are you still feeling sick? Hurting?"
He groans, pulling his knees up to his chest. "I'm a little sore but okay. I don't feel sick anymore at all, actually."
Progress. "That's really good."
Biting his lip, he nods, grasping my wrist and tugging. I look down at his tight grip.
"What is it?"
"L-lay with me."
"I will after I get you some food. It's been hard for you to hold anything down lately so since you're feeling okay, it's best to try and eat now."
He pouts, tugging me again. "Don't leave me."
I hesitate. I've never seen him so clingy. It's not a bad thing—the opposite actually. I'm happy he's finally seeming to accept me fully as his alpha. "Baby, please let me feed you." I press my hand down on his covered stomach. "What if you're carrying my pups? Do you want to starve them, huh?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
He frowns. "No...Fine but take me with you." He sits up on his knees and reaches for me.
Snorting, I lift him up effortlessly and carry him into the kitchen. The others all back in their own rooms, thankfully. Sitting him on the counter, I get to work making him leftovers from Taehyung's and Jin's dinner concoctions. Both are actually really good cooks.
I end up carrying him back to bed and feeding him myself. Happy he keeps it all down. Afterwards, he snuggles into my side and falls asleep. He looks peaceful and well for the first time since I mated us. I think the unfortunate side effects are finally over. Now the official bonding is taking place which explains why he's so timid and clingy.
I'm sure that will pass too and he'll be his normal snarky self. I'm looking forward to it.
Just as I close my eyes, the door creaks open and Namjoon peaks his head in. "Um, I think Jimin's heat is starting..." He looks just as panicked as he sounds.
       I give him an annoyed look. "Why the fuck aren't you with him then?"
       He throws his arms up. "He locked himself in the bathroom. Going on a tangent about not turning into Yoongi! I don't know what to do"
        Rolling my eyes, I make sure he hasn't woken my mate up. "He's feeling a lot better now. The worst is over. You're the alpha—command him to open the fucking door, Joon. Stop acting like such a little pussy about it. You act like you're the scared virgin or something. He needs you to be in control right now."
        He glares at me but contemplates my words. "Fine." Huffing, he disappears and closes the door. My god I pity that poor omega. Fate did him dirty.
       Grinning at the thought of those two, I pull my omega closer to my chest and just stare down at his angelic features. He truly is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. From the very first moment to now.
       I know I said that I didn't want a mate or pups but the thought of him growing heavy with mine just sends volts it true joy throughout my body. His pale skin plump and glowing vital with healthy pregnancy. His eyes bright and happy. His cute little bickering that I enjoy more than I'd ever admit to him.
       I slide my hand under his shirt and try to imagine it much bigger, stretching the fabric of my tees. A smile slides across my face. I don't think anything has ever made me happier in my life. Not even Taehyung. My whole reason for living after our parents' death.
        Now Yoongi is my reason for living and I'll do anything to keep him and our future pups safe. Anything.

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