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I can't believe I fucked Yoongi unconscious. It's cute, really. After my knot releases I pull out with a groan and kiss his cheek, pulling the sheet over him to keep him warm.
Stretching, I yawn and use a random discarded shirt on the floor to wipe the sweat off my face and chest. I'm tired. We planned to do this shit tomorrow but since I didn't want Yoongi to get upset after seeing Taehyung's mark, I wanted it taken care of tonight.
I admire his sleeping form for a minute before slipping on some shorts and walking back out into the kitchen, starving since I never actually got food earlier—talking instead to Taehyung.
Making the conscious decision of grabbing a snack then going back to clean my mate up before going to sleep myself, I whistle lowly making my way to the fridge.
I pause at the door though when I see Jimin slumped down on the counter, sipping on a glass of water.
"Hey." I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze. "You doing okay? You and Namjoon still fighting?"
He shrugs, not looking up. "H-he hates me. Thinks I'd be a horrible mate for him, I guess. So much for being a treasured coveted omega, huh?" He chuckles bitterly. "No alpha would want me..."
      I watch awkwardly as he begins to cry, sniffling and covering his face. "That's not true, Jimin. Namjoon just...he's a very complicated person. I'm sure he has his reasons for being this way and I'm sure it's not to be cruel to you. He's just as upset, you know." I try to explain.
      "I know I'm horrible and selfish and I should have let him mate me...I j-just...I tried to make it right but he turned me down..."
     My brow furrows. "Jimin, maybe he feels your forcing yourself to accept him and he doesn't want to force you. We have our differences and argue a lot but he's a really good guy and doesn't seem the type to try and trap you."    
      "He wouldn't be, though!"
     "Have you explained how you feel to him?"
      "I tried and he kicked me out of his room. Completely shut me out! He refuses to be around me. How can I make him see it's not what he thinks. I'm just a hopelessly selfish bitch!" He sobs.
     Sighing, I wrap my arms around him for comfort, unsure whether I should get Namjoon and force him to talk to his distressed omega or not. It seems like a personal issue between them...something I don't really want to invade in....
       Looks like I'm never getting my snack...
      He turns in my arms and buries his face in my chest. Rubbing his back, I try to think what to do. Should I get Yoongi? I don't want to wake him though...
       Maybe Jin? No, he's probably exhausted too and Taehyung would kill me for disturbing his mate...looks like it's me or Namjoon.
     I glance down at the small shaking omega. "Jimin, let me get Namjoon, okay?" I step away but he shakes his head frantically.
      "No! Don't. I refuse to continue to throw myself at an alpha that doesn't want me."
      Sighing, I grasp his arm as he tries to walk away. "You need to talk again. Please—"
      He struggles to free himself from my hold. Gasping in pain, he hits his back on the edge of the counter and spills the glass of water on the floor.
      I catch him tightly as he slips on the water and—shocking both of us—our lips somehow manage to touch. Eyes wide, I hold him steadily as we break apart in the dark. Holy shit.
      A total accident but I still immediately feel guilty as if I just did something horribly wrong. Jimin falls to his knees and nervously begins cleaning up the water spill, unable to look up at me.
      I rub the back of my neck, clearing my throat. "Uh, are you alright for now? I n-need to get back to Yoongi."
      He nods frantically. "Y-Yeah. I'm sorry for bothering you with my problems. You have your own mate to worry about." He gives me a forced uncomfortable smile.
      Knowing the longer I stand here will just make the atmosphere even more awkward, I nod and book it out of the kitchen and back towards the bedroom.
      When I get back inside, I know my face is flaming and I feel uncomfortable as hell. I think it has to do with my new mating mark. Ugh, what a mess.
      The bed is empty.
      Frowning, I notice a pile of fresh sheets on the floor so I give Yoongi alone time in the bathroom—where the light is on and door closed—and make the bed.
      I crawl under to cool sheets and wait for him to come out. After about half an hour he finally emerges from the bathroom looking pale and shaky. I sit up in immediate concern. "What's wrong, baby?"
      He stares at me for a long moment in silence and I notice his eyes are red. Very red. He blinks. "I'm tired." Barely Whispering as he crawls into bed beside me, turning away on his side.
      I lay back down and pull him back into my arms kissing the back of his neck, sighing peacefully. "I love you, sweetheart."
      He stiffens in my hold for some reason. "I...I l-love you, too, alpha."
     I frown as the bite on my neck begins to burn but try to ignore it. "Sleep well."
      He hums but otherwise doesn't reply.
     Why do I feel all our progress tonight has been lost for some reason? Why can't anything ever just go right for us?
     Why is he distancing himself from me again?

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