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     The anger in JB's face is controlled as he watches me enter the training room. I haven't seen him in weeks and have no intention on letting him know where exactly I've been. I want to keep my promise to Yoongi, at least.
     I know I have to think of something, however. You can't just disappear for weeks and think no one will notice. Especially your potential mate. Who happens to be obsessed with you...
      He gives me the obvious cold shoulder as I begin my training, ignoring all the questioning looks tossed my way. My body is a little out of practice from being held captive and no proper exercise. I take a few more hits than I'd like and end up limping after barely winning the match.
      Cursing, I wash my bloody hands in the bathroom sink, refusing to look up at my reflection, unable to meet my own eyes. I know what they will reflect.
     Yoongi kissed me.
     He kissed me.
     I used to dream about his lips on mine. Imagine us together like that...but then why did it feel so wrong?
     Is it because he's already claimed to another? Because I'm worried about JB? We aren't anything really...not yet, anyway.
    I jump at the sound of the door banging open. I finally force myself to look up, seeing JB stepping in and locking the door behind him. I gulp.
     "Listen, I—"
    "No, you listen, Jungkook." He demands, cutting me off. A scowl on his handsome stern face. Stalking forward, he grabs my hand and studies the wounds. "You think it's okay to just up and ghost on me like that?" His grip tightens on my fingers painfully.
     I lick my dry cracked lips. "JB, it's not what you think. Let me explain—"
     He cuts me off again, shoving me against the sink and crowding me, cupping my face in his hands. There's a crazed look in his eye as he gazes at me. His movements almost frantic. "I thought you were dead. You left me."
      I swallow hard, hating the pain that flashes in his eyes. "JB..."
     He settles between my legs, pushing me further up on the sink as his head drops to rest against mine. He breathes in deeply, scenting me. I get shivers.
    "How could you do that to me? Don't you fucking know..." he pauses, clenching his teeth and rubbing his nose over my jaw.
     I feel worse than I did before. "I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
    "I had to stop myself from taking off every fucking day to find you. I've had nightmares every night expecting to find your body any day. Do you have any idea what that's like? Having to keep doing my duties here while being terrified over losing my mate! I haven't even had a chance to mark you yet!"
     My throat clogs up. "I didn't mean to—"
     He laughs gently, bitterly. "You never fucking do mean to do anything painful to me right? But you do...Kookie-ah...have you decided to reject me?" He asks carefully. His voice as controlled as his face. Only the pale undertone to his usually tan skin the only sign of his internal distress.
I hesitate but he takes it the wrong way.
He steps away from me as if burned. My own skin tingles where his hands once were. "You're really cruel, you know. Do you get off on playing with my head? Is this what this is? You never planned to let me claim you, did you? Have you already found someone else?"
Pain contorts my face and I reach out. "It's not like that!"
"Then where the fuck were you!" He yells, losing his temper. His eyes flash reminding me more of an alpha than a beta.
"I can't tell you but there's no one else. Why can't you just trust me! You never trust in me!" I plea, upset at his lack of faith.
He scoffs. "How can I? You always lie and keep things from me. You won't let me complete the mating bond that I've repeatedly begged you for and you refuse to open up even a little bit." He shakes his head. "If I were Yoongi, you'd have already been mine."
I flinch. "That's not true. I told's not Yoongi anymore..."
It's obvious he doesn't believe me. Growling, I stalk forward and punch him square in the face. He looks at me in shock before baring his teeth and rushing me, slamming me hard back into the mirror above the sink.
Wincing, I hold my own despite my precarious condition and try to beat the living hell out of him. He takes a few hits before grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head.
Blood decorated his lip as he growls at me. Scowling at him, I lean forward and lick the blood off his lip. He blinks in surprise, eyes dilating.
"You're such an ass." I hiss.
His grip tightens but expression softens a bit. "I just want to know you trust me. You need to talk to me." He implores, pressing his face into my neck, rubbing his nose over my skin. "Please, Jungkook."
"I c-can't...I can't tell you, I'm sorry. Please just trust me. Just this once. I do want your claim." My voice is barely above a whisper.
He pulls back just enough to look into my eyes. I have no idea what he seems in them but he abruptly releases me and steps away.
Running a hand through his hair, he eyes me up and down. "Then let me claim you. Right here, right now. Let me have you, Jungkook."
I tense, nervous all of a sudden.
He grabs my hands and sinks to his knees in front of me. "I don't kneel to or for anyone, Kook-ah, but I'll do it for you. Only for you. Let me claim you. At least this way I'll always know if you are safe or in danger. Let me have that, at least."
I gulp. I do want him, want this, but it's scary. The unknown. The whole claiming thing...but if Yoongi can do it then I can, too...right?
I'm Jeon Jungkook. I fear nothing. I can do this. Taking a deep breath, I cup JB's face in my hands. "I-Okay. Okay. You can claim me."
His eyes widen as if he never imagined I'd actually say yes. He scrambles to his feet, pulling me into his arms and kissing me roughly. His strength barely under control as he maneuvers me on the sink and begins working my pants open.
"W-Wait! W-what are you—"
"Shh." He cuts me off with his lips and tongue, a hand slipping inside my pants making me moan. "I told you. I can't wait. I want it now."
I'm left speechless as well as breathless as he quickly strips me and himself. I can only hold on for dear life, clawing at his nape as he forcibly tilts my head to the side and clamps his teeth down on my throat.
Blood flows down my neck as my body releases into his hand. I choke, shuddering as he removes his teeth, licking at the mess.
He sloppily kisses me again and again. "You're mine, Jungkook. Only mine." He whispers, caressing my face.
Panting, I nod weakly. "I'm yours, JB."
Grinning, he lifts me into his arms. "Now let's go complete the mating." He chuckles darkly, running to his room.
I gasp. Oh god, what have I gotten myself mate is a beast.

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