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    "The Hell is your problem, huh?!" I find my very irritant hyung in his room, sulking like fucking always. After taking Jin back to the room and making sure he wasn't hurt, I immediately came to bitch out Hoseok.
      "Get out."
     "You never put your fucking hands on my mate, Hoseok. I'm not playing with you. Don't. Fucking. Touch. Him." I spit, grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to face me.
      He sneers, shoving me back. "And what if I do? What the fuck can you do about it, huh?"
      I glare at him, enraged and a little shocked. "What the hell is wrong with you? Get a grip! I get you're struggling with Yoongi but you damn well brought this shit on yourself and you know it! I've always been on your fucking side! Always. I'd sacrificed everything for you—to follow and help you—but no more! I deserve to be happy! I'm not choosing you over Jin. You either chill the fuck out or get the fuck out!" I growl, giving him an ultimatum.
      All the anger just seems to drain out of him at once and he sighs, sliding down the wall to the floor, looking lifeless. Defeated. "I'm sorry, okay?" His voice is much softer. "It's just...Yoongi is getting to me. Our bond."
     I sigh and sit down across from him. "What do you mean?"
     "I can feel him, you know? His pain, his anger. He's so fucking angry with me. Hurt. Betrayed. He hates me. I know he does. I can feel it. He regrets mating me. He hates being pregnant and wants to break our bond. He won't fucking talk to me—to anyone. Everything he's bottling up is channeling into me too much and it's fucking with my alpha senses. I can't control it. The more subdued and quiet he gets, the angrier and more aggressive I get."
      My expression softens and I feel pity for my hyung. I know he's hurting. "I'm sorry. I don't know how to help you fix this. I don't know if you can."
     He nods, dropping his head in his hands. "I love him but I hurt him so much. I lied to him and...maybe I used him—a little. I'm selfish. I just wanted him too much. I was afraid to be honest with him. Afraid he'd fight me. Reject me."
      "...and now he is. When he's left with no choice. You took him under false pretenses. You impregnated him knowing the chances of him finding these things out. You took away his choices. You know how I've felt about all of this from the beginning but I'm just as much at fault as you are. I just stood by and let you ruin him."
     He looks up at me, dejected. "Tae...maybe I should let him go."
     I shake my head. "You can't do that. He wouldn't make it. He needs you. Whether he likes it or not—you are his alpha. He's having your pups."
     He laughs but it's dark and bitter. "Not if he has any say in it. He's trying to lose them."
     I stiffen. "What?"
    "I know he is. He's doing everything to make himself miscarry. It's one of the reasons I'm slowly going insane. There's nothing I can do short of chaining him to the bed and force feeding him and making him take care of himself."
     God. This is awful. I can't imagine Jin doing that to me. I'd die inside. I'd go crazy. No wonder he's being so angry and standoffish.
     "Go focus on your mate. I'll apologize to him tomorrow, okay? I didn't mean to scare or hurt him. He just got to me and I let my temper slip. I would never put my hands on him, I hope you know that." He sighs.
      I squeeze his shoulder as I get up. "Alright. You have to find a way to get through to Yoongi. He can't take out his anger on the pups. It's not fair."
      He nods but says nothing.
     Frowning, I leave the room—stopping short when I see Jin standing stiffly in the hall. Tears in his eyes. Shit. Did he hear—
     "How could you?" He whispers, body shaking.
     "Jin, baby..."
     "You lied. You knew everything Hoseok was doing to Yoongi—knew it was wrong—and still let him do it." He gasps, hurt. "Was that whole pained mating thing a lie, too? You all were in on it? Why Yoongi suffered so much and you just let it happen? It should never be that painful, right? That sickening?"
     I open my mouth to defend myself but he's not wrong. He pushes past me and walks into our bedroom. I follow, closing the door behind me. I watch in silence as he paces the room, his robe fluttering behind him in his angry gait.
     He stops, glaring at me. "You're just as bad as him! That's so...cruel! So evil. He cried and hurt for days—weeks! He was constantly sick! All because that alpha was selfishly wanting to claim him as his own?! You let it happen!" He sobs. "I don't even know you! You're not the alpha I thought you were." He cries, holding himself tightly.
      I'm broken, watching him back away from me. I step forward. "Please, let me explain—"
     "There's nothing you can say! It's true, right? You just went along with whatever your stupid brother wanted. Letting an omega suffer for his pleasure! Yoongi didn't deserve that and Hoseok doesn't deserve him! I hate him!"
     He tries to run into the bathroom but I catch him, holding him tightly to my chest, afraid to let him go. "Please, Jin. I'm sorry. You're right. I'm a piece of shit. I should have stopped him but I put my brother's happiness above Yoongi's. You're right. Fuck, I hate myself for it and we're suffering the consequences now. Please don't hate me, though. I can't lose you, baby—"
      He hits me. Slaps me right across the face hard. I stumble back, not expecting it. He takes the opportunity to run into the bathroom and lock himself in. I bang on the door but he refuses to open it. "Jin, please!"
      "Go away, Taehyung. I c-can't trust you. I thought I could but I was wrong. We can't trust any of you." He sobs against the door. "Namjoon hurt Jimin, raped him...Hoseok basically raped and forcibly mated Yoongi...and you...I can't even look at you."
      My heart shatters as I listen to his broken cries. I slide down the door and just sit in the dark, listening to him breaking apart locked away from me. Afraid of me. Hating me.
      "I can't lose you, Jin." I whisper, feeling my chest hurting. I press my hand against it. "Baby, please. Don't do this to us."
     "...y-you did this to us. Not me." He whispers back. I know he's sitting just like me on the other side. Both of us breaking on either sides of the door. Alone.

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