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"You take the east side and I'll grab the north."
I take my assignment dutifully and nod. Slipping my weapon into the sheath by my hip, I walk briskly out of the sanctuary and into the thick forest surrounding the mileage. I have an eerie feeling. Like I'm missing something or should be seeing something...I don't like it. It puts me high on guard.
JB takes off with IU through the trees while I stand with Rose. She smiles at me comfortingly. "So you and JB, huh?"
Groaning, I take off walking, trying to outrun the nosy predicament I'm in. It's not that I don't want to talk to Rose it's just...okay, I don't want to talk to her. Nothing personal. I'm just a private person.
      "Kook, it's okay. I'm not going to judge you. I'm with IU, now, remember? I know you know." She blushes pink.
      I smile at her despite my inner turmoil. "Yeah, congrats. JB and I...I don't know. It's nothing."
      "You know...he's always been into you. Talked about you all the time. I'm happy to see progress." She giggles.
      Rolling my eyes, I scan my eyes over the forest, tying to pinpoint where the strange feeling is coming from. I feel watched. I don't like it.
      "Look, I get it. I'll leave it alone. I'm going to move south, okay?"
      Nodding, I continue to scan the area moving from east to west. I just can't put my finger on it...
      I bend down when I catch sight of a scrap of fabric. Tent. Clothing. I sniff them and frown, my hackles raising. I know that scent.
Yoongi. Omega.
      I bite back a growl. This was not here the day before. He was here. With others. I catch alpha scents as well. Fuck! I clench my fist so tightly that the torn fabric crumbles under my grip.
      Forcing myself to breathe, I ignore my original plans and begin tracking the scent. It's fading quickly but I have just enough of it to maybe keep it up...

     I'm led towards the city. Right on the outskirts. I don't like this. This is a well known alpha community. Richest of the rich. Founding family territory. Could some of them have taken the omegas illegally instead of going through proper legal precautions? That makes no sense.
      These families are pretty much guaranteed any omega they want. I stop right on the ending trail, losing the scent. Yoongi is here somewhere and I will make it my mission in life to find him along with the other two missing omegas. It's been weeks but I don't care. It's my job.
I squint my eyes into the bright sunlight and try to picture what the alpha or alphas responsible look like...where they might have taken them.
Just as I step out onto the sidewalk, a hand grips my shoulder spinning me around. Growling, I turn swinging and JB narrowly avoids my hit.
"The fuck, Kook! What are you doing all the way out here? You left your post!" He yells at me.
I scoff. "I found the omegas's scents. I followed them to here. They are still here somewhere!" I argue.
He gives me a pitying look that makes my blood boil. I know he thinks it's just my obsession with Yoongi but that's not it at all. I failed him. I failed to do my job. I'm rectifying a mistake I made and trying to save lives. Why is that a bad thing?!
I push past him knowing he refuses to hear me out. He stalks behind me, mumbling to himself.
"What did you say?!" I demand, sharply turning to look at him.
He glares back. "You're still hung up on him, aren't you? Just fucking let him go!" His raised voice makes me flinch but I hold my ground.
"You're a fucking prick. I'm trying to do my job and if you were concerned about yours you'd be following the lead with me. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I hiss, shoving him.
Growling in rage and challenge, he shoves back, pushing me against a tree with his body and grabbing my face, getting way too close for me right now. "You want to know my goddamn problem, huh? I'm so sick to fucking death of hearing about that stupid omega! Why for one second can't you just think of me, huh? Why can't you just let me in!"
"This isn't about you! This isn't about us! It's not about just Yoongi! I'm over him. I'm j—"
He cuts me off with a harsh dominant kiss, forcing my mouth open and kissing me roughly. I fight it, too angry to submit. I punch him in the stomach and elbow him in the face.
He grabs my arm, jerking me back to him. Both of us ending up fighting and struggling on the hard forest ground.
I give just as much as he tries to take, his jealousy rearing it's ugly head over logic. It pisses me off so much the way he's acting.
When it's over, both of us are bleeding and panting hard. Clothes shredded and torn, our weapons thrown all over the place, discarded carelessly.
"...I'm sorry."
"Fuck off." I slowly pull myself off the ground and begin gathering my weapons and trying to fix my torn clothes, wiping the blood off my face and hands. I give up. It's useless.
JB silently does the same thing and we begin walking back towards the sanctuary. It hadn't realized it had gotten so late being distracted by my task. We've missed our evening meet up and dinner.
I trudge in annoyance back towards my room knowing the jackass is right behind me the entire way. No words spoken between us.
It's not until I stalk into the locker room that I snap. "Stop fucking following me! Go away."
"I'm sorry, okay?" His voice is soft, repentant. "I just can't stand the thought of him always being on your mind. Is it always going to be like this? You always trying to find him?"
Scoffing, I cross my arms. "It's only been a few weeks! You act like it's been years! I'm going my job. Our job is to protect our omegas. Why aren't you doing yours?" I demand, exasperated at how reluctant he seems to help with anything.
He ducks his head, staring at the ground with a pensive look on his face. "I was told not to look for them."
I stiffen, put off by the obvious lie. "What?"
"I was told not to look for them." He sighs. " one wanted to tell you because you were so upset but...they weren't kidnapped. They weren't forced out of the sanctuary."
"Of course they were! Why the hell are you lying to me?"
He shakes his head. "I'm not. It's true. We have video proof of them leaving the sanctuary of their own volition. I didn't want to tell you...I thought you were finally getting over it, over him." He stands up and slowly approaches me, arms on my shoulders as he stares into my eyes sternly. "He left, Jungkook. You know the rules for omegas that run away. If they can't follow our rules set out to protect them then they are not to be recovered. Just. Let. Him. Go."
I blink. Tears welling up in my eyes. He....left? Just walked could he? Why? Was fault? Did he run because of what I did to him? Oh god...this is all my fault....
"Stop it. I know what you're thinking. This isn't your fault. It's nobodies fault. They just didn't want to be here. There's nothing we can do about it now. Once they leave the property we can no longer protect them." He shrugs, seeming regretful.
"Why wasn't I told? We searched for them..."
"Yes, I asked if we could because of you. I knew it was tearing you apart. I'm sorry but the masters told us to stop. We are to resume our normal patrols only. Do not go out of boundary again, okay?"
I look away, angry and embarrassed. Who am I more angry at, though?
"Baby, I'm sorry I lost my temper a hit you." He whispers, caressing my bruised cheek.
I scoff, noting the black eye and busted lip I'd given him. "Don't coddle me. This could have all been avoided if you'd just told me the truth and let us do our job."
"You really think that little of me? I'm still upset about Yoongi. There. Is that what you want to hear? I'm not upset for the reasons you think, though. I'm over him, really I am. I've been considering us...but I won't do it without honesty and trust. You don't trust me to handle myself and you keep lying to me." I accuse.
He nods, rubbing the back of his neck. "You're right. I'm sorry. Truly, I am. Please don't give up on us, though. Give me another chance. I won't bring the omega up again, okay?"
I sit down on the bench beside him, playing with my fingers. "I'm sorry, too."
A smile plays around his lips. "You didn't do that much damage. You're forgiven."
"I'm not sorry for kicking your ass, asshole, I'm sorry for not doing it sooner."
"Lie to me again and see what happens!" I threaten, narrowing my eyes at him.
His lips twitch. "Dully noted. Now...why don't we go shower this blood and mud off us, hm?" He smirks, tugging me up and towards the showers.
Scowling, I snatch my towel from his arm and step away. "Enjoy it yourself. You're not off the hook that easy. I'll come back when you're done."

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