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As soon as the door opens again, I bury myself shamefully under the blankets, unable to look at the alpha. I'm sure he's dying of smug satisfaction right now. I hate that my body is betraying me. I don't want to give in to him so easily mate or not but it seems it's out of my hand.
Jin is right, though. I really knew to expect this. I guess I was just secretly hoping it'd skip me unrealistically a month or two...
"Yoongi?" His voice sends shivers down my back and I squeeze my eyes closed, clenching my thighs as my shorts are drenched, my scent filling the room. "Omega, talk to me. Are you hurting?" He sighs, sitting down on the bed.
Groaning, I uncover one eye and peak up at him. He honestly doesn't look smug. He looks concerned. He places his hand on my thigh and I jump in surprise but he doesn't try to rip the blanket off me or touch me. He just rubs my thigh comfortingly over the blanket.
"It h-hurts." I admit hoarsely. Hating my weakness as an omega. I don't like it. I want to be strong but I just can't be. Why the hell do heats have to be a thing? It's so unfair.
"I can help you if you want but I won't force you, Yoongi. I'm not going to lie and say I don't want you because I do. You're my mate and I want you so much but despite my shortcomings, I'm not that bad. I won't make you do anything you don't want or can't handle." He explains calmly.
I look away, thinking. God, what happened to the mean alpha I've known this last week? He's being nice. I don't know how to take this. Is it an act to get my defenses down? It's not like he really has to try hard right now. I'm in heat so I can't put him off forever. Eventually it's going to be too much and I'll have to give in.
"I d-don't think you're that bad." I whisper. "You're an ass but that doesn't necessarily make you bad." I crack a smile.
He snorts. "Technically I'm your ass to put up with so I don't feel bad."
Rolling my eyes, I sit up and fidget with the blanket, nervous. All at once it hits me—he's going to be inside me soon. Filling me up with his cum and maybe even pups. It's scary.
And it's stupid. Why am I so afraid of something I've spent my whole life preparing for? This is normal. This is what I'm made for. Providing pups to alphas. God, why does that sound so pathetic? Maybe that's why I'm so afraid of giving in.
Maybe it has nothing to do with Hoseok and more with the situation. That makes sense...
My thoughts are cut off abruptly with a quick hot spasm of pain, my abdomen clenching painfully as a cry leaves my lips, my body curling up. I pant and try to take several deep breaths. Hoseok looks worried as he watches me, his hand reaching out and brushing my sweaty hair off my face.
"Let me help you."
I naw on my lip, nerves wracking my body alongside the pain. I stare into his eyes for a long time. "O-Okay."
He eases the blanket away from my tight grip making me shiver as the cold replaces the warm fabric.
"Lay back." He says as his hand slides back onto my thigh and squeezes.
I hesitate before doing as he says. I hate how submissive and easy I'm being for him. So what if I'm supposed to be like this? It doesn't feel like me. I'm not truly submissive—I'm combative and stubborn.
I jump as he swiftly jerks my shorts all the way off. Gasping, I pull down my shirt to cover my privates. "What the hell?" I yell.
He stares at me, just as surprised. "What? I can't help you with your pants on." He gives me duh look.
Swallowing hard, I try to relax but can't. "I don't think I can do this." I mumble.
He licks his lips, tossing the shorts on the floor. "Will you tell me what the problem is? Are you afraid I'll hurt you?"
I shake my head.
" it me? Do you not trust me? I know that we didn't start off the best but we both know we're bound to be. Whether you like it or not, it's my job to take care of you with my life. I'm your alpha, Yoongi. Do you understand that?"
I can't look at him, just nod. "I get that."
He sighs. "Then what is it? Your heat isn't going to stop." I can feel his exasperation.
I mumble under my breath.
Huffing, I glare at him. "I don't want you to see me naked. I hate my body."
He gapes at me in shock, making me feel even more stupid and ashamed. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah. No one has ever seen me naked besides Jimin and Jin. Not even my beta. I always bathed myself." I admit. Omegas are prided over their amazing bodies and features. It's embarrassing to be so self conscious.
I feel his fingers lift my chin, forcing me to look at him. I scowl, hiding my shame with temper instead. Hating to be so vulnerable.
"I guess I'm just going to have to show you how beautiful your body is. One kiss at a time." He says, arrogance and challenge in his eyes.
I groan, knowing I can't deny it—him or the challenge. "I hate you."
A smirk forms on his lips. "I'll make you love me. I'll make you obsessed with me." He leans in and kisses my lips gently. "I'll make you crave for me, omega. Just you wait."
I open my lips to retort scornfully but his tongue cuts off my unspoken words, sliding into my mouth and tangling with my own. It's still a new sensation, something I find hard to get used to. Not bad just different.
        I think I like his kisses. They taste really good, too.

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