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Yoongi's lips are so soft and luscious as he gives in to me. His sweet moans filling my ears as I caress his pale thighs and lean in a little closer.
I trail my fingers over the edge of his shirt, my kisses distracting him as I push it up over his chest. I pull back long enough to chuck the shirt over his head leaving him naked. He squeals and jerks the blanket up to his chin. "Hoseok!" He growls.
He's cute, trying to look tough and menacing while cowering behind the blanket. I press my lips into a hard line trying not to laugh. "Yoongi!" I mock. "I can't help you unless you show me where it hurts." I tease.
        He glowers at me. "T-turn the light off!"
       "You know I have night vision, right?"
       "Don't look!"
       "You're seriously asking your alpha—your mate—not to look at you? It's not going to work that way, baby. I'm going to admire and observe every little nook and cranny on that beautiful body of yours and there's nothing you can do to stop me. You were made for me, gorgeous, it would be a crime not to admire such perfection."
        He shakes his head. "P-please." I'm shocked to see tears fill his eyes. My strong and usually emotionally unattached mate is crying over this.
        Sighing, I grab his hands and lace our fingers together. Staring deep into his eyes, I kiss his nose then lick his tears away. "Why are you so scared for me to see you, Yoongi? There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect to me no matter what. Like I said—you were made for me. You have nothing to be afraid of." I stress.
        Sniffling, he tries to look away but I force him to look back. "I'm just..."
        Very slowly, I ease him back on the bed against the pillows. I rub our faces together, our lips catching and soft pecks turn to slow deep kissing, my tongue guiding his in a gentle dance as I carefully maneuver myself between Yoongi and his safety blanket, covering him with my own body.
        He, thankfully, doesn't seem to notice as I never break the kiss. I can feel him shivering and tensing up under me in pain so I move my lips down his jaw to his throat, sucking and mouthing sloppily down to his chest.
        He watches me with wide eyes, his lips wet and dripping saliva as I bite down on a perk nipple and growl, my gaze focused completely on his as I mouth and suck around it before going to the other and repeating.
        His lips drop open, body arching up as his fingers lock in my hair. His need becoming more pronounced as his breathing becomes harder, almost panting.
        My hands caress down his sides, rubbing and kneading his soft pale skin as my lips trail down his quivering stomach. "Nghnnn...a-alpha." He whines.
      "Shh, let me take care of you, baby. Let me make it better." I coo, lifting up onto my knees to get a good look at him. His entire body is flushed red, his pink nipples swollen and wet from my ministrations. His eyes squeezed tightly closed as I pry his legs open to admire every secret part of him.
       All mine.
       My mouth waters as his scent overwhelms me, his thighs and sheets wet from slick. Fuck, I have to taste. Bending down, I suck on his inner thigh eagerly earning a loud cry from the trembling omega.
       Groaning, I keep him pinned and open for me as I take what I want. Moving from one thigh to the other, getting closer and closer to that magic spot.
       His little pink hole flexing and glazed so prettily for me. I swipe my tongue over it, moaning at the taste as he jerks in my hold.
        "N-no! Don't—"
       I give him a look and, while keeping his gaze, slide my tongue inside him. He gasps and clenches the sheets, his thighs trying to close around my head as I begin eating him out properly. God, so good. Rich and deliciously sweet strawberries with a tinge of spicy mint. A delicious platter just for me.
I bury my face between his spread cheeks and go to town, pushing in as deep as I can, sucking and lapping at all his juices flowing into my mouth. Goddamn. I never want to stop. My alpha urges begging me to just take him, fuck the ever loving life out of him again and again until he's crying and begging me to either stop or never stop but I fight it.
That's for another time when he's more comfortable with me and his body. I plan to get him fully acquainted with sex and every dirty sloppy amazing part of it.
My fingers leave bruises on his thighs as I try to turn him out with my tongue, groaning as my mouth fills with strawberries and fresh mint. He squirms under me. "Ugh...nghnnn...H-Hoseok...p-please....ahhh..." He sobs brokenly above me.
When I've had my fill, I sit up and lick my lips, wiping my mouth clean. His little plump cock hard and stretched over his stomach, leaking precum steadily onto his flushed, sweaty skin. Beautiful.
"You're fucking gorgeous, omega." I growl, pulling him into a sitting position and kissing him deeply, devouring and owning.
He whimpers sweetly against my mouth as I frantically begin stripping my own clothes off. Once I'm naked, I flip our positions so that I'm on my back and he's straddling me. He looks scared as he hovers over me, fully exposed. "W-What—"
"Come here. I want to suck you off." I demand, grasping his ass and pulling him forward forcefully. He yelps and grabs hold of the headboard as I take his cock into my mouth and suck hard, hollowing my cheeks and teasing his slit with my tongue.
He gasps and pants over me, hips bucking of their own volition as his flushed face hides inside his arms, thighs clenching around my chest.
"So good, you taste so good for me, baby." I growl around his cock. He pulses in my mouth. Needing to taste his cum like I need to fucking breathe, I grasp his ass, nails digging into his flesh as I spread him wide open, my fingers working around his tight hole, needing to be inside him.
He cries out, slumping over me, as I rub his rim, sliding a finger deep inside. Fuck, it's so painfully tight. I don't even know if I can fit fully inside without tearing him apart.
I carefully ease another finger alongside the first, his cock sliding out of my mouth as I duck down to mouth his balls instead, leaving nothing of himself untouched from me.
       "P-please...." He whimpers.
       I stop mouthing and sucking his balls, trying to look up at his hidden face. "Please what, Yoongi? Tell me what you want." I demand, pushing my fingers deeper, frantically forcing them in and out of his ass brushing his prostate. He wails and jerks over my chest, slick drenching my hand and arm as he cums on my throat.
      I immediately suck his cock back into my mouth and tease his slit, milking him of any leftover cum. He shivers and clenches around my fingers.
       "Stop hiding from me." I demand, sitting up. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, arms and legs wrapped around me like a koala. I remove my fingers from his ass and calm him, breathing in his scent. His stomach clenches tightly. "Let me make love to you. It'll make the pain stop." I sigh.
       He pulls back a little, face scarlet red. "I'm scared." He whispers.
      I cup his face, taking his lips in a slow but growing heated kiss. "You don't need to be scared with me. I will never hurt you. My entire being is here to protect you." I remind him, all our teasing and mocking nature aside.
       Biting his lip, he nods. "I know that but it's just...this is hard for me." He admits.
       I rub our noses together making him snort. I smile. "I know. I can feel it."
       He scoffs, smacking my chest. "I'm serious!"
       Smirking, I look down at his still hard cock. "I am, too."
       He grumbles, shifting over me uncomfortably.
       "Let me..." I whisper against his lips.
       He nods into the kiss. I lay him back down and caress every inch of his body from his arms to his stomach to his thighs and back up. "You are absolutely exquisite, Yoongi. Do you know that?" I stare into his eyes as he looks away in embarrassment.
      Smiling, I open his legs wide for me and slide in between. "It's true so I won't stop. You need to hear it so I'll say it over and over again every day until you believe it."
       He pouts but it quickly changes to a gasp as I drop down over his chest, the head of my cock teasing his rim, easing inside just a bit. He grunts and grasps onto my shoulders.
       I take his lips roughly as I push all the way inside his tight hot walls. "Bear it for me. A-almost there..." Groaning as he clenches around me, milking me. I don't stop until I'm fully seated, buried deeply inside his body. He pants hotly against my mouth. Tears setting his cheeks.
      I pause, waiting for him to adjust to my size and the intrusion. It's silent except for our harsh breathing—a loud growl and moan from down the hall startling us both.
      Looking at each other, we laugh quietly. "Sounds like Taehyung and Jin haven't had enough." I tease.
       He snorts, burying his face in my chest. "Y-Yeah. They're shameless."
       I rub my fingers through his hair, trying to relax him and get him comfortable. "Are you ready for me, baby?" I ask.
        Hesitating a bit, he nods. "I t-think so."
      I grasp his hands, pinning his wrists above his head as I begin to move, stroking in and out of his pliant body slowly. He moans, thighs locking around my ass as our mouths meld together in a passionate, desperate, kiss.
      I move faster and faster, groaning into his mouth as I lose grip on my tight control. My hips snapping frantically against his plump ass, his moans and breathless cries urging me on.
      "You feel so good. Your body was made for me." I growl, thrusting in and out at a blinding pace. He wails, tensing up, his hole clenching me painfully tight as he orgasms between us.
      "Oh yeah, baby. Cum for me. I want you to cum again. Can you do that for me?" I gasp out, releasing his wrists to stroke his limpening sensitive cock back to full hardness.
       He gasps, jerking in my hold. "C-can't...too m-much...."
I tsk. "Oh baby, this is just the beginning. I won't stop until you cum for me a few more times." I growl. Relentless as I pound into him.
He claws my arms, his head thrashing on the pillows as I work him up towards another orgasm. "Oh g-god..."
"Oh yeah, baby. Feel good, huh? Is your alpha making you feel so fucking good, yeah? Feel me deep inside? Fuck, you're so tight." I rasp against his lips, hips frantically slamming into his. So close..
"Y-Yeah..." He whines, tensing up. I stroke him fast, twisting the head of his cock expertly, my thumb pushing inside his slit slightly.
"Yeah, baby." I coo as he shakes underneath me. So fucking pretty. I can't believe he's mine. All mine. Made for me. "Cum for me, Yoongi." I growl.
His mouth falls open in a loud cry as cum explodes out of his cock and drenches my fingers.
"Fuck!" I force his head to the side and bite down hard on his throat as his body forces the cum out of me, milking me as I ride out both our highs. I bury my teeth deeply, tasting blood. Mine. My knot pushes out, stretching him even wider and latching onto his prostate.
       He screams, nails scoring my back. I release the bite and pant over him, catching his lips in a sloppy lazy kiss. He moans, jerking constantly as he's milked to oversensitivity, his body sucking and absorbing all my cum obediently. His own body constantly squirting cum and slick all over me. Soaking me.
       "Holy fuck, baby." I coo, exhausted but happy. I've never felt this way before. Heightened senses, running on adrenaline. I feel high. Drugged. Drugged on the omega's thick pheromones surrounding me. Filling me.
       I hold him tightly in my arms until both our breathing slowly return to normal. I pepper his face with kisses as my knot finally releases after several minutes.
     When I look down, he's fast asleep.
      Cute. His blue hair a tangled sweaty mess, cheeks flushed and vital. He glows. Looking even more beautiful after our passionate mating. His heat dissipating but leaving behind a subtle healthy sheen.
       I think about the very first time I saw him, innocent and covered in his signature white robe. Bathed in the moonlight making him look ethereal. Angelic. Pure.
       He still looks that way, even after being completely ruined by me. Even while still impaled on my cock. The innocence in his sleeping peaceful face remains.
       How the fuck did I get to deserve such a angelic prince? All I know is now that I have him, I will never let anyone take him from me. Never.

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