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     "Is Taehyung going to mate you?"
     I choke on my juice and snap my head over at Jimin in shock. "W-What?"
      He huffs and scoots closer to me while Yoongi stares at us in interest. Weirdly subdued. "Is Taehyung going to mate you? He said that you two are mates last night."
      I gape at him. "He said that? How do you know?"
      "I heard them. They were all fighting about us last night. Tae said he didn't want to take us—you specifically—back because he knows you two are mates. Hoseok said that Yoongi is his mate, too!" He whispers.
      I look at Yoongi with wide eyes. "What?!"
       He sighs and puts down his cup. "Hoseok is my mate. I know it but have no idea if he's going to mate me. I don't know." He shrugs, glaring at Jimin.
      I shyly glance over at the alphas who are outside having a tense discussion. "I told him I didn't want to go back. I j-just don't know how he feels about it, though. I don't think he wants me around." I sigh, fidgeting.
       "Oh please! He was so sure and confident calling you his mate last night! No way he will take you back. Guess what!" Jimin giggles happily.
       "Namjoon is my mate, too! How crazy that the three alphas that found us are all meant to be with us! Leaving the sanctuary was the best decision we've ever made!" He cries.
       Yoongi scoffs. "Mates or not, it will be hard living out here in the wild. It's cold and we have no sure way of keeping supplies. Staying here could kill us."
       I look at him. "I thought you wanted to leave more than any of us."
      He looks down. "I d-did. I didn't say I want to go back it's just that...I realize how hard it will be living out here."
      "How do you know they will keep us here? What about that settlement they were searching for? Maybe they still want to go."
"I guess that's true."
Sighing, I slump down in my chair feeling anxious. I shift uncomfortably in my chair. Worry piercing my thoughts. Since I woke this morning I've been feeling off. Well, not totally off just...I don't know.
I do realize the timing, though. My heat is coming up. There's no way to stop it. It was supposed to be perfectly timed to my being mated back home. My new alpha was supposed to take care of me this time instead of going it alone and among the other omegas.
I'm too ashamed and shy to mention it to Taehyung, though. I don't even know how he officially feels about me. Even if Jimin overheard him...well I need to hear it from him.
"You okay? You look a little heated." Yoongi asks, finishing up his oats we managed to find and cook for breakfast.
I huff, shifting again. "No. It's just..." I look around before leaning towards them. "It's my h-heat."
They both gasp. "Oh yeah, it's that time, right?"
I nod, groaning a little and rubbing my stomach as it begins to ache and burn. "I think I'm going to go lay down." I mumble.
      They look at me in sympathy as I slowly trudge into the bedroom and climb under the blankets. I'm cold and hot at the same time. Staring up at the ceiling, I whimper as my thighs begin to feel wet. Oh no no...I don't know what to do.
      It would usually not be a big deal because I've had many heats in the last few years but...we've been taught that our heat changes in the presence of an alpha. It becomes much more intense and painful, our bodies adjusting to the rush of hormones and pheromone imbalance. Instinctively preparing for carrying pups.
      I have no idea what to expect now and it terrifies me. I flinch when I hear Taehyung's voice among the others in the kitchen. Squeezing my eyes closed, I hide under the blankets as the door creaks open.
       "Jin? You okay? Jimin told me you weren't feeling well." He murmurs, walking in and closing the door. "What's wrong?"
       I blush, unable to answer. It's embarrassing. I don't want him to know.
      The bed dips down beside me and his close proximity makes me tense up, a whine leaving my mouth. My breathing just harsh pants as a wave of pain consumes me. My heats have never hurt this badly before.
       "Jin? Talk to me? What's wrong?" He demands a little more firmly.
      I swallow hard as he wrestles the blanket from my grasp. I bury my face in the pillow to avoid his gaze.
      " you not trust me to take care of you? Would you like me to leave?" He sighs.
       I peak up at him with flushed cheeks. "I d-don't want you to leave but...but..."
      He frowns, cupping my cheeks and staring into my eyes. "What do you need?"
      "I need...n-need..." I stutter, unable to speak properly.
      "What, baby." He leans his face down to mine, our noses touching, lips barely brushing. "What do you need me to do?"
       A burst of confidence rushes through me and I attempt to sit up. He helps me. "It's m-my heat."
       His eyes widen and he drops my hands. Looking uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Oh. Oh." He clears his throat.
      I look down, embarrassment coming back along with surprising anger. It's not like it's my fault! I can't control it. "Are you mad?"
       He looks back at me in shock. "Of course not. It's not your fault, baby." He caresses my cheek, wiping a tear away.
      I blush, ducking my head. "Y-you keep calling me baby." I whisper.
      Looking up, I notice him blushing, too. "Sorry."
     "No!" I grasp his hands tightly. "I like it. Please keep calling me that way." I mumble shyly.
       He smiles making my stomach tingle alongside the pain. I really like his smile.
      "D-Do you want me to help you? With your heat?" He asks. "I'll leave if you want me to. I won't do anything you're not ready for or uncomfortable with." He reassures.
       I can't look him in the eye. "I w-want you to stay. H-help me...please?"
      A rush of air leaves his mouth and he clears his throat again. "Yeah, okay. Of course...w-what usually happens during a heat?" He asks, not looking my direction.
      The awkwardness is real. Maybe this isn't a good idea. No, it is. If he's really my mate...I want it to be him. "Tae?"
      "Just do...." I hesitate, taking his hand and lacing our fingers together. "J-Just do what...what a mate would do to ease it away."
      His gaze snaps up and he blinks. Licking his lips, he squeezes my hand. "Really? Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you but I'm pretty sure it will hurt. From what I've heard from other's not easy for an omega's first mating and heat." He explains.
      "I know that. We've been taught...things to expect." I blush. "B-but this was supposed to be my first heat with my future mate anyway. I want it to be with you, Tae. Tell me the truth—do you want to mate me?" I force the words out of my mouth, trying to remain calm and ready for anything.
       He gives me a look like a deer would give a set of headlights. Caught. Frightened. Shocked.
      I hold my breath and grit my teeth through the pain as I await his answer, knowing it will change everything for better or worse. Will he accept me or reject me?

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