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"You fucktard! Why did you do that shit? You want us to be caught?"
Namjoon growls and shoves me away. Taehyung, my brother, laughs quietly from behind at our bickering.
"You do realize that we could be killed for being here? We're too close to the omega sanctuary. We have to be careful." He chimes.
I groan. "Fuck. How did we end up on this path? We need to hurry the fuck out of here before we get shot."
"It's too late to keep moving now. Let's make camp here before heading out tomorrow. We can take turns keeping watch for betas."
"Fine. You get first watch, Joon."
He glares at me. "Why the fuck is it me?"
"Because you're a whiny bitch and I'm sick of hearing you." I retort.
He makes to lunge at me before Taehyung stops him. "Stop it! Any fighting will be heard by the watchers. Do you want to be shot?!"
"Whatever. I'm getting some sleep."

I'm awakened by Taehyung as we switch shifts. Groggily, I trudge over to the tree we've set up as base and climb up to the top for watch. All is dark and silent as I observe every direction for intruders.
My eyes catching sight of lighting in the distance, I find myself reaching for my binoculars. My eyes widen as the sight of a bedroom from the sanctuary is revealed by an obvious omega.
I stare.
     He's...exquisite. The most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my entire life. My mouth waters as I take in his lovely pale features. His slender arms and legs bare beneath his pale white robe. His body illuminated by the light shining around him like an angelic halo.
My cock hardens in my pants as he leans against the golden railing, his robe slipping off one shoulder and revealing his bare chest just enough to make me want more. Those little pink nipples...Holy fuck. I can just imagine them plump and engorged begging to be sucked. Flowing with sweet milk while his body heavy with pups. My pups.
I've never been given the blessing of seeing an omega up close and personal that wasn't mated. Once an omega is mated, they are allowed out of the sanctuary but must be covered for all except their mate. Their bodies are only for their alphas to indulge. No one else.
I lick my lips and groan as he turns around and I can see the outline of his perky ass and curvy hips. Holy fuck. I want. Oh, how I want.
Too bad I'm not up for getting an omega anytime soon. Probably never. Being a rogue on the run alpha and all. Shit. What a shame. It pisses me off thinking of any other alpha getting a taste of that one. He should be mine. I can feel it.
I frown as another were walks out  onto the balcony, grasping the arm of my omega. I scowl. Obviously a beta. Probably his protector. He's very attractive—too much for my liking— and muscular with dark brown hair and tanned skin. His face a little bunnyish for his strong body. Hm.
The light in the room goes out and everything goes dark ahead. Not being able to watch the gorgeous specimen any longer, I lower the binoculars and sigh.
We'll be gone soon. No point in getting aggressive and possessive over a little omega I'll never be able to get near except in my wet dreams.
Rolling my eyes, I lean back and try to actually do my job of watching the surroundings here in the immediate vicinity.
      I stare up at the night sky and try not to imagine how sweet that omega would taste, how deliciously his soft voice would be crying out underneath me. How tight his smaller body would milk mine. How much he'd glow with life and vitality while carrying my pups.
      A smirk covers my lips. An alpha can dream, can't he? To be honest, I've never been for that whole stupid mating system, though. Omegas trapped until they are blindly forced to follow their alphas around and raise pups.
      I would love to have a mate that wasn't so weak and fragile. An omega that has a mind of their own that actually wants more than to carry my pups. I don't want a follower. I want an equal if possible. I know that's nearly impossibly from an omega, though. They just aren't wired that way. They are raised from birth to be obedient to their alpha mates.
      No, I'll probably end up with a beta but of course betas can't carry pups. Only omegas can. I've resigned myself to never have an heir. My line will die with me.
      I'm a lawless alpha without any place in society with my younger-saner-brother and a frenemy that we somehow got stuck with on our journey. Another criminal alpha on the run, Namjoon.
      Yeah, my life has no place for a weakling follower omega no matter how nice the fantasy is. I could never provide a safe enough place for one and a litter of pups. That life isn't for me. Maybe once upon a time but now?
      No way. That dream got snatched from me as fast as my high standing in society. It's best I leave my illusions behind with that sweet little omega. Not like I'll ever see him again anyway.

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