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The week flies by much faster than I had anticipated. Having everything ready to move and packed up nicely, Taehyung gets a large car for us to make it to our new destination two cities over. A new society without judgment or condemnation.
     I'm eager to get our new life started.
I can hold my head up high and show off my mate without fear. The thought nearly makes me want to cry. I never thought I'd be able to do that with Jimin—not just because of what I am but because of how we came to be and who he is.
     It's hard to believe this can actually be real.
     "Ugh, I hate this shirt."
     I glance back to see Jimin pouting and tugging at his blue v neck shirt. It's a little snug, to be fair.
    Grinning, I spin around and capture him in my arms, nuzzling his neck. "Want me to help you change? We have some time before we leave...besides I'm sure Taehyung is making good use of his time with Jin before we leave."
     His breath catches in his throat and his eyes darken. Licking his red puffy lips, he nods. "Mhm. Please."
     Lifting him up in my arms, I replace his tongue with my own and slowly walk towards our bare bed. Everything is packed up and ready to go so there's no blankets or pillows.
     Instead, I use my arm to cushion his head as I nibble on his chin and throat, growling at his taste. Moaning, he wiggles under me, clutching my hair tightly in his fists.
     "So beautiful. So sweet." I sigh into his mouth. Pulling back a bit, I admire his heated look. All for me. I run my thumb over his bottom lip and he laps at it teasingly.
     "I hope you always think that." He whispers.
    "With'll only blossom and grow sweeter for me." I say confidently making him blush.
    Unable to wait, I take his lips again—much harsher this time—while removing his pants from his legs, stripping him naked within seconds. His nimble hands work on my own clothes and I pull up just long enough to remove them.
     His eyes roam over my body as mine does the same to his. So different yet similar. Both males and yet...our different statuses obvious.
      He spreads his legs for me and I swarm in between, enjoying his soft luscious thighs tightening around me, holding me hostage. The only prison I will willingly remain inside of permanently—his body. "Baby."
     His soft whimpers as I thrust up against his weeping cock fuel the fire inside me. I tease his body with mine, feeling my own groin grow wetter and wetter with his eager fragrant fluids.
     Groaning, I tease his hole a little before lining up and sinking inside—careful to not put my full weight down on his heavily pregnant body. Instead, I place my fists on either side of his head and begin furiously pounding inside his ass, cheaper heaving and breath harsh in the air between us.
      He cries out, sweat blooming on his face as he works his hips under me, trying to keep up. I lick the sweat off his forehead and groan, trailing my lips down to his mouth and slipping my tongue back inside—swallowing his loud wails.
      So tight. So hot. So perfect. Our bodies made to be one. Meant to be together.
     "Ahhh! Ah!!...a-alpha...nnnghnnn...please..."
     Panting, I press my sweat-slick body to his. "Please what, baby?" Ruthlessly rutting between his thighs.
     His inner muscles tighten around me and I hiss, slamming my hips harder and faster into his soft pliant wet flesh.
     He gasps. "D-deeper...cum in me..." His desperate, breathless, pleas spur me on and within a few thrusts, I jolt to a stop and cum deep inside.
     Reaching between our bodies, I stroke him through it until my fingers are covered in his sweet essence.
     He shudders as I slowly pull out, rolling to his side to catch my breath. Raising my hand to my mouth, I eye him as I lick his cum off my fingers. His face reddens but he continues to watch. I smirk.
      He giggles. "I'm ttttiiirreed." He moans, yawning.
     "How? I did all the work!"
     "As you should. My body is constantly exhausted by providing a warm home for the life of our future generations. How can you expect me to do the work on creating it, too? That's your job." He pouts.
      I blink at him. "That's right." Hiding a teasing smile, I roll back on top of him and slither between his red and chafed thighs. My hands roam covetedly over his body, claiming. "This is my job. Keeping you full of our future generations. I should continue to do a good job, right?"
      He gapes at me, paling. "H-huh? What? I mean...that's not what I—"
     "Shh." I cut him off with my deep hungry kiss. "Don't talk. Conserve your energy, my love. I'll do everything as your mate should, hm." I lap at his neck, tasting salt and his sweet natural flavor.
      He whines. "I hate you."
     Grinning widely, I pin his arms above his head. "You brought this to my attention. You've only got yourself to blame. I'll be sure to permanently keep you providing a space for our pups. Forever." I threaten, amused.
      He struggles but it's already clear he's given up in defeat. "At least feed me first, you beast. It's not easy pleasing you...and you're heavy."
      "You are incorrigible." I mutter, shutting him up with my tongue. I guess our car will just have to wait...

 I guess our car will just have to wait

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