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     I growl loudly as the little omega that cost me everything cowers behind the other two. Hoseok and Taehyung seem shell shocked seeing the three weaker beings alone in the forest. Obviously lost.
      I try to calm myself as the omega—as Jimin—whimpers on the ground, fully distressed and hyperventilating. His wet robing drooping open as he scurries as far as he can from me.
       Control. Control, Namjoon. You have to control yourself. I take a deep breath before turning away and staring out into the ever lightening forest, slowly but surely regaining control, my anger soothing.
      "What are you doing out here?" Taehyung speaks up, his eyes respectfully averted from the trembling three omegas. "How did you get out of the sanctuary? Were you taken?"
      The tallest one straightens with effort and bows his head. "We...we—"
       "We were taken!" Jimin cuts in, his eyes wide with fear and apprehension. The omegas share a look before he continues, clearing his throat. "It was while we were sleeping. We woke away from our home. We weren't able to see who took us away. We've been running since we woke, trying to make it back."
      The other two bite their lips but nod along, frowning in discomfort.
      I look at Hoseok and Taehyung. "I'm not going back there. Fuck the sanctuary." I snarl making the omegas flinch.
      Hoseok groans but I can see his eyes constantly flickering towards the blue haired omega with interest. "Rogue or not we can't just leave them out here alone. Their captives could come back or the elements will kill them."
       I scoff. Good riddance. "Going for sainthood now, are we? I'm going to the settlement with or without you and if they leave I'm not waiting behind." I demand.
       Tae looks very conflicted. "It's wrong to leave them. I don't think I could live without myself if they die. I may have abandoned the society but I'm not a cold hearted criminal. I still have morals and values, Joon. I will stay and escort them home." He announces, confidence in his voice.
       Hoseok frowns at this. "Tae...they won't thank you. As soon as the betas see you with them they will kill you. I won't allow that to happen."
      Tae smiles. "You should go with Namjoon. I will keep the omegas safe."
       We both scoff, eyeing one another. "That's very stupid. What if their captives are still here? You can't protect them and yourself from several betas or other alphas alone."
      Hoseok nods. "I'm not leaving you behind."
      My eyes wonder back to the omegas shivering in their wet dirty robes. It's an unbelievable sight. Not only seeing unmated omegas out in the world but, I supposed? Unclean.
      "If you could just direct us the right way we can go ourselves. We can make it back." The taller, dark headed one speaks up again. "We just need the direction." He pleads.
       I smirk. "It takes nearly two days to walk from here to the sanctuary. You three would be long dead before reaching it. You're closer to the settlement." I explain.
       They stiffen. "H-how is that possible? That can't be right!" Jimin cries out, despair in his voice. I stare at him and hate that my mind conjures the image of him years ago. Naked and pure. He was younger then. I wonder if his body has changed at all...matured perhaps?
      Fuck...why the hell does that matter? "It's the truth. We're going to the settlement. If you want to die then by all means head that direction." I swing my arm behind me through the trees. "You won't make it a full night."
      The blue haired omega looks up and I'm taken aback by his pale beautiful features—having not payed attention before. Damn...omegas really are something. 
       "Please. Can we come with you to the settlement?"
      We all stare in shock at his request, the other two omegas seeming just as surprised as us.
      "What?" The tall one asks.
      Jimin keeps glancing up at me with fear.
      "If we have no chance of making it back to the sanctuary and if you refused to take us...can we at least go with you to get supplies then we will come back alone." He suggests.
       Taehyung tilts his head while Hoseok just remains silent, his eyes never leaving the pale omega.
       "Do you even know what's at the settlement? Nothing for omegas. Roguish and criminal alphas and betas on the run from the society. Most probably hate omegas and the other would kill to claim you immediately. It's not safe."
      "You c-could protect us, right?"
      I laugh when the others remain silent. "What's in it for us?" I demand.
      Jimin's lovely silvery head snaps up and he meets my gaze. "I will clear your name. I will take back what I said when I had you arrested." His voice is shaky and quiet. "I'll say it wasn't you, it was another and I was confused. You could regain your standing." He offers.
       I stare at him in shock. "Can you even do that?"
      He straightens his shoulders confidently. "An omega's word is gold. I will make sure you regain your stature in society."
       I look back at the other two alphas who still seem unsure. "And what about him?" I nod towards Hoseok, unsure why I even care enough to ask about the stupid bitchy alpha.
       The blue haired one looks at him. "We'll find someway to rid him of his crimes and be allowed back into society."
      I sigh. A decision has to be made and soon, it's getting later in the day and we have to pick a direction.
       Taehyung nods, his eyes on the taller omega. "Okay. We will have to go to the settlement first, though. We have no supplies. You need clothes and we all need food and water. You can't stay in those robes, it's too conspicuous and dangerous."
       "Are your matings soon?" I ask, abruptly realizing the time of year. It's around mating season for omegas of age.
      They all nod. "The end of this week." Jimin says quietly.
      Damn. A week. We have a week to have them back at the sanctuary before they lose out on their chance of getting mates.  
      I look at Hoseok, surprised by the angry look on his face as he tries to avert his eyes from the blue haired omega. "What do you think?"
       He huffs. "It'll be close. Too fucking close."

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