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     "This is stupid."
    "Shut up. You talking right now is stupid, hyung. You have to stay silent, remember? People might recognize your voice." Tae sighs at me as I tug on my hood.
     Right now I'm walking through Taehyung's recently reacquired company, trying to stay inconspicuous as alphas and betas roam past us, greeting their new CEO. I avoid detection.
I'd much rather be with Yoongi right now, though. He and I have been on shaky ground here lately and I don't like it. I know he's mad I went after that stupid beta but I have every right to. He's the enemy. Yoongi doesn't want to understand that. He's too stubborn.
"We won't be here long. I just wanted you here with me." Tae says quietly as he uses his keycard to open his office door, locking it behind us. No one can enter but him. He's the only one with the keycard. Thankfully.
"You could have asked Namjoon."
"I could have but you're my hyung. I wanted you here with me. Besides, Namjoon is having his own issues at this moment and he might be too distracted to pay attention."
I scoff. "And I'm not? All I can think about is Yoongi at home with that fucking beta of his! He's putting shit in my omega's head. I don't like it."
He pauses, staring at me. "Is he? Putting stuff in their heads?"
I wave my hands in exasperation. "Since we captured him, Yoongi barely even looks at me. He doesn't let me touch him and ignores me most of the time. I've caught him several times down in the cellar talking to him. I'm over it. I want to just kill him and get it over with."
"You know we aren't killing him."
I frown. "What if he...tells Yoongi things? About me."
"Well then I think those things you should have told him yourself, don't you? You've lied to him. That's your fault. I wouldn't blame Yoongi for being pissed off."
I scowl. "I didn't really lie, per say.." trailing off. Okay, I lied. A lot. I just didn't want him to think I'm like all those other psycho obsessed alphas out there. I'm not, really. And that whole beta and omega killing thing...wasn't intentional. I wasn't honest with him about it, either, though. Not how it really went.
     Taehyung snorts, rummaging through the desk drawers. "Right, okay. You just didn't trust him to tell him the truth. You thought he'd be pissed and refuse to stay with you—which he would have."
     I scowl, slumping in a chair and rolling around, distracted. "I'll tell him the truth when I think he's ready to hear it. He's not."
     "I think you mean when you feel ready." He tilts his head. "This isn't about Yoongi at all. This is all about your selfish need to feel his undying love and loyalty to you. You went crazy and killed that beta in revenge over something stupid that happened to me. I got over it. That omega got in the way so you shoved him, hurting him, which inevitably led to his miscarriage and death. Can you be honest with yourself please, at least? I was there. I know what happened."
     I stop moving, thinking back to that day. So I wasn't saving an omega from a beta attack. I sought out the beta and attacked him unabated because of a wrong he'd done to Taehyung in the past.
     I saw him on the street and saw red. I didn't notice the pregnant omega cowering in the alley or the fact the beta fought me harder because of that omega. I was just so angry. I didn't mean to kill the omega. I shoved him away when he came towards me. He hit his head and body too hard against the wall.
      I'm ashamed of what happened, of what I did. Did I plan out killing the beta? Not sure. Maybe I did...but the omega was an accident. A casualty that should have never happened. I couldn't tell Yoongi the truth. He would have hated and feared me.
     I would never hurt him. Never. He's my mate. I chose him. Wanted him more than anything and had to have him.
     Whether or not we're actually true fated mates matters not to me. It's irrelevant. I would have chosen him regardless. He's mine. I know he was meant for me.
     "Hoseok..." Tae stops moving around and stares at me. "You should tell him the truth. About everything including the mating. He suffered a lot, don't you think?"
    Frowning, I sit up straighter. "Yes but if I told him the truth then all his suffering would have been for nothing, right? I mean...he doesn't need to know that he shouldn't have been sick and hurting so much."
     "I can't make you tell him but you should. I hate lying for you but since you're my hyung I feel obligated. I never would have done that to Jin, though. You shouldn't continuously do this to your mate."
    "Nothing can change now anyway. He's mine and pregnant. What's the point of dredging up the past again now?"
     He shrugs. "I don't know. You're the one worried about Yoongi finding out."

     When we get back, I find Yoongi hanging out downstairs again. Much to my annoyance. Jungkook is smiling widely, still chained up to the wall. Yoongi is sitting way too close to him for my comfort.
    Clearing my throat, I eye them both. Yoongi slowly gets up off the floor, his little bump showing just a bit more making me satisfied as Jungkook's eyes settle on it.
     I take Yoongi's hand as we walk up the stairs to our room. "Are you hungry?" I ask, closing the bedroom door behind us.
    Shaking his head, he sits on the bed. "I'm fine." He pauses, looking like he wants to say more but doesn't.
     I hate this. This...distance growing between us. "Yoongi, do you have something to ask me? Has Jungkook said anything to you? You've been different towards me lately."
      His eyes widen. "I do actually but I don't want to. I've been thinking about  it but...but I just can't understand it."
     I frown, unsure what he means. "Go ahead." I sit down beside him and squeeze his hand. "I'm your mate. You can ask me anything."
     I notice as his lips twist a bit at that and my anxiety comes back. The pit in my stomach growing.
     " my wouldn't lie to me, right?" His eyes shine directly into mine. Staring into my soul. I shift uncomfortably.
     "Not unless it was just to protect you." Evading the question. Shit. I knew I had to be worried. That fucking beta. I grind my teeth together in anger.
     He nods. "I want to know something and I'll know if you lie to me."
     I lick my lips nervously, nodding. "What is it?"
     "You aren't really my destined mate, are you? You took me just because you wanted me. Not because we belonged together, right?"
     I jerk in surprise. Completely expecting him to say sometime else. This catches me off guard. "W-Why would you think that?"
      He turns fully towards me. Serious and confident. "I know to truth. Jungkook is my true mate. Not you."
     My entire body locks down as rage unlike I've ever felt in my life overcomes me. My hands shake from the need to go kill that son of a bitch.
     I snap, standing up and growling. "He said that?!" I was towards the door but he runs towards it, slamming his body against it to stop me. His palm hits my chest.
     "Just stop and tell me the fucking truth, Hoseok! You've lied to me all this time! You've just been using me, haven't you?" A single tear slides down his cheek. "Everything is a lie!"
     My gaze focuses on it as I take a deep calming breath. It doesn't work. "Move."
"No. You aren't going to hurt him. At least he has the nerve to be honest with me unlike my own mate." He spits.
I flinch. "What makes you think he's telling you any fucking truth?"
His hand pulls back, crossing his arms. He stares at me as if I'm a stranger and I don't like it one bit.
"Your actions. Your actions speak much louder than any of his words." He hesitates, looking vulnerable. "I don't think I know you at all."

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