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      I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than I want this omega right now. My hands are shaking slightly as I reluctantly pull away from him, respectfully averting my gaze from his long bare legs.
      He watches the forest covered by rich moonlight while I get my shit together. He isn't mine. He can't be mine. I'm not worthy of claiming an omega and even if I was, I'd never be lucky enough to have this one.
      "Do you miss it?" His quiet voice cuts through the silence.
      "Miss what?" I ask, confused.
      "The society. The cities. You were obviously a high standing alpha, yes?"
      I shrug. "I would have been able to take a mate this year if I'd stayed." I admit.
      "Oh. Why are you going to the settlement then? What did you do?" He asks, completely enraptured on me.
      "I, uh, didn't do anything. My brother killed a beta in an argument. He honestly didn't get a fair hearing in my opinion. They were going to sentence him to life in prison." I roll my eyes. "It was self defense. Before they came to get him, we left. Well, he left and I followed. No way was I staying without hyung. He raised me."
      "I'm sorry."
      I smile ruefully. "I'm sure you miss the sanctuary. Getting mated excited?" I ignore the pit growing in my stomach.
      He tilts his head, hesitating to answer. "I do miss the warmth and safety of home. I'm nervous, honestly. I've always wished we were allowed to meet the alphas before being mated." He admits.
       "I guess that makes sense. I'm sure it's actually terrifying for you, right? Never having seen an alpha before suddenly being thrust into a new life with the expectation of giving pups to your one. A stranger."
      He blushes as I mention having pups. It's cute. My hand twitches with the urge to touch him again but I resist.
     "Y-yes. It's a little scary. I'm comfortable and used to my beta but that's different. He's taken care of me most of my life. Besides him, I've never been around anything other than omegas."
      I hate the hot flash of jealousy that fills me as his eyes light up at the mention of the beta. "You sound very fond of him."
       He smiles, toying with the cut hem of his robe. "Y-Yes. I miss him a lot, actually."
      I can sense more in his tone. I study him as he ducks his head, his blush deepening. My body stiffening as I realize what it is. He likes him. "A crush?" I tease through clenched teeth. A growl building up that I quickly repress.
      His eyes widen in shock, shaking his head frantically but I know. He does have a crush on his beta. Has his beta touched him inappropriately? Is it mutual? Is he really still...untouched? He acts pure at least.
      " will have to get used to not seeing him anymore once mated." I mumble in a clipped tone. Irrationally upset.
      "I k-know that."
      I lick my lips. "He's never touched you...inappropriately, has he?" I find myself asking.
       He frowns. "Of course not! He does his job accurately...just protecting me and bathing me..."
       I clench my fist. "Bathes you? So he's...constantly seen you naked? How is that appropriate for your future alpha?"
      He laughs lightly. "That's normal, though. Betas do everything for us. Some even attend our heats." He admits casually.
      My eyes widen. I didn't know this. Betas take care of omega during their heats?! "Is your heat coming up soon?" I ask, not having planned on saying that but immensely curious.
      He flushes. "Y-yes. I really need to be back home soon. Before it hits." 
      I nod in agreement. An unmated omega in heat around fully grown and primal alphas? A recipe for disaster. Especially when one of those alphas feel a weird pull towards the beautiful omega...
      I clear my throat. "You should get some sleep. Do you want me to take you back down with the others?"
      He looks up at the vast night sky one more time before nodding. "I don't want Yoongi and Jimin to worry. I should go back."
I stand up and stretch before holding my hand out to him. Biting his lip, he takes it and lets me pull him to his feet before wobbling from pain and falling into my chest.
I wrap my arms around him tightly, protectively, breathing in his delicious rich vanilla scent. He squeaks, clutching my shoulders tightly, trying to stable himself. "You okay?" I ask breathlessly, our faces so close together that I can feel his hot breath on my lips.
He nods, meeting my concerned gaze with a look of embarrassment. "S-sorry."
"Let me carry you. You need to stay off your feet and let them heal." I explain.
"I'm going to pick you up now, okay? Don't be afraid." I whisper, grabbing his plump bare thighs and lifting him up into my arms, his legs automatically wrapping tightly around my hips.
He buries his face in my chest as I feel my own face heat up by the blatantly obvious position. His robe riding up his thighs...our bodies pressed firmly together in a few choice locations. I'm highly sure he's wearing nothing but the robe..
Taking a deep breath and once more inhaling his delicious scent, I begin descending the tree with him in my arms, his fingers digging into my neck and shoulders as I keep him firmly pressed between my body and the tree for good measure.
Once I'm a few feet from the ground, I grab his thighs tightly again and jump. He muffles a loud cry into my shirt at the sudden fall. Landing lithely on my feet without incident, I slowly release him and help him down.
"Sorry if I scared you."
He looks up at the high tree, shaking. "It's f-fine. Thank you for helping me."
"You're very welcome, Jin." I smile as his face heats up from me just saying his name.
"I g-guess I should go sleep." He mumbles, lowering his gaze again. "Goodnight...Taehyung." He whispers before quickly disappearing into the hut.
My smile grows wider at his cuteness. God, what a blessing that omega would be to an alpha. I highly doubt any other would appreciate him nearly as much as I could, though. I would cherish him and love every inch of him. He'd look so beautiful glowing with pregnancy...carrying mine.
Shaking such impossible thoughts from my mind, I sit down beside Hoseok as he begins waking up.
"Time to switch?" He yawns.
I nod. "I'm glad you got some sleep."
He sits up and stretches, glancing back at the hut. "You know how I said I saw an omega a couple days ago by accident?"
He fidgets. "It was that pretty blue haired one. I saw him in the sanctuary while on watch."
"I know. I feel a pull for him too. I felt it then even from such a great distance but now? It's driving me insane. We need to get them away from us as soon as we can."
I frown, completely not ready to give up getting to know Jin. I want to know everything. I hate the thought of taking him back and just giving him away to someone else so undeserving.
"Yeah." I look away, my mouth twisting. "Soon."

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