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    "What the hell is happening right now?"
     I glance up from my spot on the floor with a guilty expression. I fling my arms out to hide the evidence but unfortunately two of them crawl out from under me, cooing and rolling on the floor.
      Yoongi gasps, cursing under his breath and stalking forward. "Why the hell are my boys dressed like that?!"
      Pouting, I try to wrestle the babies back into my arms but Jin and Yoongi snatch them before I can. "B-But there are no girls! I just want to play dress up!"
      We all look at the four baby boys crawling on the floor in cutesy little dresses and headbands. So cute! You can't even tell they are boys!
     "Dress up your own baby!" Yoongi growls, picking up all three boys and escaping out the door with a grumpy and possessive expression.
      Whining, I look at Jin pleadingly as I hold Taehyun to my chest. His little cat ear headband poking me. He squirms in my arms as I tighten my grip protectively. "Noooo! Please. Let me enjoy this. I don't have a pup to play with!!!!"
       Sighing, he shakes his head. "If Taehyung sees this he's going to freak out. You can't just magically make boys turn into girls!"
     He shows no sympathy. "Jimin, your own pup will be due any day now. How did you even get down on the floor like that? Where the hell is Namjoon? I know he would never approve of this! You look like a balloon ready to pop. Your stomach is bigger than your entire body height! And where the hell did you find all these girl clothes!!"
      "But what if it's a boy, too! We need a girl in our home! AND I DON'T NEED HIS PERMISSION!"
      Jin gives me a skeptical look. "Really? How about I call him right now?"
My eyes widen and I scramble to get up off the floor...and fail. I reach my hands up for him. "Heeelllppp mmeeee!" I try again. "I can't get up!"
He stifles a laugh. "My hands are full."
"I hate you! Give me the baby back!"
"Stay away from our boys, you weirdo!" His playful smirk downplays his mean words.
The door opens and I see Namjoon frowning down at me. Crap! I've been caught!
Jin escapes with his pup as my mate closes the door to our bedroom firmly. "Jimin, What the hell! We've talked about this. You can't keep buying all this useless junk and playing with other people's pups!" He says in exasperation as he helps me off the floor, dusting my butt off.
I pout. "It's not fair!" Wailing, I throw myself in his arms and hit his chest.
Rolling his eyes, he lifts me up and carries me the bed. Plopping me down, he pulls my shirt off and strips me of my shorts. Nakedly, I watch as he grabs a wet soapy cloth and begins wiping me down.
Since I've gotten so big, I refuse to take baths since I can't get out of them on my own and it's embarrassing so he's taken to forcing me to wipe down on the bed.
I gripe the whole time.
"It's cold!"
"Ahhh...too hot!"
"Don't scrub so hard! I'm sensitive!"
"Hey, don't look down there!"
"Where is your hand going?!"
After thirty minutes, he finally finishes with a hard sigh. "I don't know who whines more in this house—the pups or you."
"Am I wrong?" Huffing, he changes into sweatpants before climbing into bed and pulling me into his arms, nuzzling his face into my neck and breathing in. "It's okay. I love your childishness but you should at least ask permission before you steal their pups and play dress up." He kisses my neck.
My mouth slide into a smile and he chuckles, cupping my puffy cheeks before kissing my lips. I accept his tongue, moaning and rubbing my body against his.
"W-Why are you wearing clothes..." I whine, wrapping my fingers in his hair. "I'm naked so you should be, too!"
"Well...why don't you just take them off for me then, baby." His voice runs husky making me shiver.
Without waiting another moment, I tug the offending pants down with my feet and kick them away. I push him onto his back and straddle his hips, grinding down needily.
Groaning, he grasps my butt, kneading lightly. I shudder, raising up a little as his fingers trail—
I yelp as he spanks me. "Hey!"
Grinning, he spanks me again a little harder. "Don't you think you deserve a punishment, hm?"
"For what?!"
"For being a cute little brat and doing things on your own..."
I scowl. "Joonie!" Outraged and embarrassed. "It hurts! Don't grope so hard!"
Licking his lips, he smiles up at me, bucking his hips slightly. I bite my lip to hold back my moan. I refuse to give him the satisfaction! Ahhhh!
"You like it..."
"NEVER! Get your grimy dog paws off me, meanie!"
"Ahhh...nghnnn...d-don't bite so hard..."


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