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     "What are you looking at?"
    Namjoon turns away from the kitchen window and smiles at me. "Hoseok and Yoongi are back. I was worried about them. They were gone for a long time and it's cold."
I peak over his shoulder to see the alpha carrying Yoongi towards the house from the thick forest of trees. "Where did they go?"
He shrugs, turning to face me and cupping my face. "Don't know." He pauses, eyes zooming in on my face making me self conscious. I blush, ducking my own gaze.
"W-What? Is something on my face?"
"Mhm." He hums lightly, leaning in and kissing me softly. "Me."
A laugh bursts from my mouth and I push him away just as the others make it inside. My face is flaming with embarrassment and joy. "Stupid."
He grins, dimples proudly displayed on his strong face.
I wisely look away, shy.
"You guys are still up?" Hoseok drops Yoongi on the couch before removing his thick coat and dropping a large duffel bag onto the floor.
"I was hungry." I admit, suddenly remembering why I got up in the first place. Food.
Namjoon nods and heads to the fridge, making me a snack. I plop down beside Yoongi and help him pull off his own heavy coat and hat. "What's going on? Where did he take you? Are you okay?" I worry, lowering my voice.
He smiles and it's a serene smile. One I haven't seen on Yoongi before. Calm. Relaxed. "You'll know soon enough and I'm fine."
My brow pinches as I ponder his words. Namjoon walks in with a huge plate of sandwiches which Yoongi and I hoard over.
Hoseok walks upstairs then comes back down with Taehyung and Jin after some time. My pulse spikes as I try to think about what's going on. Is it something bad? No, Yoongi is happy. It can't be bad, right?
Hoseok looks at everyone before grabbing the bag and dumping the contents on the coffee table before us. "I've been working on a way to eradicate our rogue status and help us rejoin society." He explains as we all stare wide eyed at our new identification cards and mating documents. He continues. "We should have no problem going forward or worry about being hunted or killed."
I glance at Namjoon to see him frowning.
"How did you manage to do this?"
"I have a friend."
"How come I've never heard about this 'friend'?" Tae chimes in, suspicious.
Hoseok smiles. "Henry."
Taehyung's eyes clear at the name and he smiles. "You decided to ask for his help? I thought you swore against it?"
He glances at Yoongi once more. "I changed my mind. This is the best for everyone, right? A fresh start. A new life."
     "Won't we still be recognized, though?" I ask quietly.
     Hoseok pauses, looking conflictedly at all of us for a long moment. "We will have to leave here. Start in a new city far away from here. Most rogues are only hunted around the area of their crimes. We won't be bothered if we leave. They will never check."
     I glance at my mate nervously.    
     He stares back at me, calm. "Then what's the hold up. This is great, right?"
     "I can't just pick up and leave. I've finally returned and continues father's company. My absence will be noticed." Tae finally announces.
    Jin doesn't speak, just looks down, contemplating.
     "Tae...I've been thinking about this. Why can't you appoint someone else to run this specific company and branch out in a new location? You can also keep the wealth and benefits with a fresh start. No one will question your mate, either."
     I hold my breath, anxious. I don't want to leave Jin behind. He has to come with us.
     Taehyung frowns, thinking it over. "That takes time. I can't just abandon everything in one day. It will take weeks to find a successor for me and a new start up plan elsewhere..."
     "But it's doable, yes? We can go ahead and get things prepared elsewhere while you finish up here then you can join us. Jin can come with us so you can hurry faster." Hoseok continues to persuade.
     Jin finally looks up. "I don't want to be away from him."
    Tae smiles and runs his fingers through Jin's soft hair. "I think this is a good plan, love. Go with them and I'll hurry back to you, Alright? I won't forget or leave you."
     They both share a special look that makes me look away. Their love is ridiculously deep and pure. My eyes wander to my own love to see him already staring at me in the same way Taehyung is to his omega.
     A shiver runs down my spine and my fingers tremble. His gaze tearing down my defenses and burrowing into my very being, my very soul.
     A new start. A fresh life without fear or hiding with Namjoon. My alpha. Our pups. A real future without restraints. We can be happy. Really happy. A smile slowly crosses my lips as excitement replaces my anxiety. This is it.
     After secretly praying and dreaming of such a life since childhood—trapped and caged in that sanctuary with no hope of escape—my wishes are finally being redeemed.

    After setting up the plans for moving in the next few days, we head to bed. My fingers are securely wrapped in Namjoon's strong hand as he helps me up the stairs to our room.
     He stops just beside the bed, observing me. "Are you okay with this, Jimin? You haven't talked much."
     I nod shakily, unable to accurately express my real emotions. "Mhm." I slide down onto the bed and gaze up at him. "I'm fine. I'm happy."
     Sitting down beside me, he touches my cheek. "I really hope so. I want to give you the life you deserve. Something I never thought I'd be able to give you."
     I lean in to his touch and rest my head on his shoulder. "I really don't care about any of that. Having you accept me is enough." I pause, grabbing his hand and playing with his fingers. "But I do like the thought of having a true home for our pups. We can give them a future." I smile gently.
     He kisses my hair. "Yeah, a future for our pups."

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