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I wake up with hot sweet breath caressing my face. Smiling groggily at my happily resting omega, I roll him carefully off my chest and fix the pillows so he'll be comfortable as I quietly climb out of bed.
Stretching, I run my hand over the freshly healing bite mark on my neck and the scratches on my arms. We might have gotten a little rough.
Grinning, I slip on some shorts and go into the kitchen, ravished. I stop short when I see Hoseok sitting at the counter, silently staring at his glass.
"What's up?"
He shrugs, not moving. "Nothing."
I take a seat beside him. "I know you better than that. What's wrong? You and Yoongi still fighting?"
He takes a sharp breath. "Not really. We've more or less worked things out. Actually...I thought maybe you deserved to know why we were arguing." He admits.
I frown, unsure. "It's not really my business unless you want me to know."
"He's been mad at me because I told him something that upset him."
I'm still confused. "Does this have something to do with his evading Jin?" Grasping at straws.
He nods, cursing under his breath. "I never told you that before...all that shit happened...I'd chosen a mate, right?"
I hesitate, not sure where this is going. "I remember you going to pick out an omega, yeah." It was a long time ago.
He takes a sip of his drink and I realize he's drinking alcohol. "It was Jin. As my brother you deserve to know that I had chosen Jin as my omega at that time."
I stiffen. Blink. What? The mated possessive alpha in me growls. He doesn't flinch. "You wanted my omega?" I demand, trying to keep my voice down.
He shakes his head. "No, it's not like that. I chose him at random. I didn't even know anything about him. I was obsessed with Yoongi from the moment I saw him though I recognized Jin right away. I just...wanted you to know. Didn't want to keep that secret between us."
I look down at my hands. A few calming breaths. "Okay. You weren't angry about me claiming Jin as my own then?"
"Not at all. I wanted—want—Yoongi. From the moment I saw him. I just wanted to be honest with you. It's why Yoongi has distanced himself a little from Jin and why we've been fighting so much. He's jealous and insecure."
"He shouldn't be. Can't he see how much you love him? It's obvious by the way you look at him." I frown. "Just the way I'm hooked on Jin."
      He smiles. "He's a little hothead but he's...sensitive about himself around Jin and Jimin. He's got a bad inferiority complex with those two for some reason."
      I laugh. "He's every bit as perfect as the other two."
     "I think it stems from the fact he's never thought he fit in as a proper omega like the others." He shrugs. "I like that about him, though. It puts him more my equal in a way. I don't want an obedient slave but a partner. A proper mate." He explains.
      I nod. "I get that. I do wish Jin would open up more for me but I think he's still afraid to speak his mind. It's like pulling teeth getting him to talk to me."
     He smiles. "Don't have that problem with Yoongi. He's a loud mouth." He looks amused.
     We both fall into companionable silence. Both of us staring off into space thinking of our own...
     "I see Jin marked you." He remarks quietly.
     I cover my neck, flushing. "Uh, Yeah. I guess he talked to your mate about that and he wanted to do it, too." Rolling my eyes.
     He snorts. "Right. Guess I better take care of that tonight then so Yoongi doesn't feel left out. We were planning on doing it tomorrow but I don't want him to see you first." He groans.
      "Sorry. Hard to resist them, you know."
     "Oh, I know. I'm not mad. Let's just tell Yoongi ours happened first, shall we." He winks.
     "Yeah, that's fine. I'll tell Jin not to bring it up, too."

"Where'd you go?" Jin yawns as I slide back into bed, snuggling him into my side. He buries his face in my chest and sighs contentedly, eyes closed.
I thread my fingers through his hair. "Was hungry." Realizing too late I never actually got any food. I stifle a groan and sink deeper into bed, prepared to endure starvation until morning.
He sniffs me. "You smell good."
Chuckling, I kiss his forehead. "Just all me, baby."
He peaks an eye open with a wide sleepy grin. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
I can't help but think about what Hoseok told me. Imaging Jin belonging to him instead of him. Of Jin having his pups and not mine. Having to watch my soulmate from the sidelines live happily without me...god, it hurts.
I hate that I feel relieved things didn't work out for Hoseok. Selfish but true. I need Jin. I don't think I could survive without him should something happen.
It's a miracle that Hoseok saw Yoongi before meeting Jin in person. Would he have taken him if things were different? What would I have done?
I really don't want to think about it. It didn't happen and Jin belongs to me. Nothing can separate us or take him from me. Nothing. I'll do anything and go against anyone that dares try to pry him from my hands.
He's mine.

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