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     I watch anxiously as my mate sleeps peacefully beside me tucked into the sleeping bag and thick blankets. I can smell the change in him but don't want to worry him about it.
      I know it'd just add unnecessary stress and that's very dangerous for expecting omegas. They aren't meant to be so active while carrying and one wrong move could cause miscarriage.
       I kiss his plump cheek softly and carefully crawl out of the tent to talk to Namjoon and Hoseok. The other omegas already in the tent sleeping while we plan our next moves.
       Of course the two proud alphas are already bickering. I plop down beside the fire and stretch my sore muscles. "Have you plotted our next stop?" I ask, eyeing the leftover s'mores. I grab a few and scarf them down, starving.
      Hoseok shoves away from Joon, rolling his eyes. "Yes, I did, but dumbass thinks it's a bad idea. Too close to the sanctuary but it's really the safest position in this forest. We know where the betas do their nightly patrols and the spot I chose to stop at is perfect." He pauses. "But also right in the center of their patrolling grounds. They'll be circling around it but never breach past their paths."
      I ponder this. "One wrong move or loud sound and we're all dead. They have no use for used omegas." I remind them harshly. "First rule of breeding them. That's why they are kept in the sanctuary." I hate saying it but it's true. It's what our father always taught us. Taught me.
       They both flinch. "Do you really think they would kill them?" Hoseok asks.
      I remember a memory where my father brought me out to teach me everything needed to know about omegas and pairings. I was so young. I witnessed a beta guard taking advantage of a young scared omega. I ran and told my father naively.
     They shot them both.
     Of course I don't want to bring that up. I've never told anyone. "Yes."
      "Okay then. We could just keep going deeper into the forest and not stop until we reach where your house is. It's..what? A couple hours extra walk."
      Grimacing, I stretch out my legs. "My mate is pregnant. He won't make it and I can't carry him the entire way with all of our supplies as well."
       "Already?" They both gasp.
      "Thought I sensed a change. Isn't Yoongi's scent changed as well?" Joon asks.
      Hoseok sighs. "Yup. He refuses to acknowledge it but we both know."
      "Jin doesn't know he is but I'm not going to scare him by telling him, though, until we reach our destination."
       "Okay. How about this—Taehyung, you know when betas take their mid day and evening breaks, right?"
       I nod cautiously.
      "Great. We leave earlier than planned and get to the resting point just in time for their first break. We rest and assess everything for only a few short hours then when they dismiss for their evening break we continue on to your house. It cuts out an extra day and the added danger. Surely we can remain silent and stay put for a couple hours." Joon offers.
      "It's not a bad idea. I know they usually break at 12pm, 5pm, and 10pm."
      "Fine. We need to rest up then if we're leaving much earlier."
      We put out the fire and climb into the tent—Hoseok offering to take the first watch. We'll switch in a couple hours.
      I crawl back to my mate's side and pull him into my arms. His scent so strong refreshing. A little spicy from the new hormones. I'm amazed he hasn't sensed it yet.
      My palm slides carefully under his shirt to feel his soft flat stomach. I can't wait to see it big and heavy.
      Yawning, I close my eyes and fall into a restful sleep.

     I'm shaken away hours later by an exhausted looking Hoseok. I change places with him, sitting out on the ground and just staring up at the stars. It's not as cold as it was before. It's nice and silent. A peaceful night.
      A rustling to my left makes me sit up. Jin struggles to climb out of the tent, his blanket tangled around his leg. Grinning, I help him get free and kiss his temple, pulling him down onto my lap. "You like watching me patrol, hm?" I chuckle, remembering the time I first had a watch with him.
      So much is different now. He was so scared and innocent. Standoffish. Now he's all mine and happily snuggles into my lap.
      He yawns, nodding. "I was lonely without you."
      I thread my fingers through his, resting our clasped hands around his stomach. "I love you."
       I can feel heat of his blush. "Love you, too." He leans his head back on my shoulder. "It's so pretty."
      I look back up at the stars. "Yes. It is."
"C-can you tell me about your family? About your know, before this?"
I hesitate. He might hate me for the things I've had to learn and sometimes do. "It wasn't a pleasant life. The only good thing out of it was me being here, finding you." I admit.
He turns in my arms, straddling my lap. We gaze at each other. It's intimate. Like he can see into my very soul. "I don't care. My life hasn't been exactly pleasant, either, you know." He reminds me with a soft smile.
I snort. "I guess you're right about that."
"I feel like I really still don't know you that much. We're going to your house...I just don't want any surprises. Please."
Taking a deep breath, I release it slowly. How can I deny him anything? Really? "Okay...I'll tell you, love."

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