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    As soon as I feel Yoongi's breathing even out in deep sleep, I let him go and climb out of bed. With a frown, I exit the room and put on a heavy coat and my boots.
      I do a quick scan through the dark cabin before walking outside to do a scan of the grounds, making sure no one is coming. I doubt anyone out in the cold would be able to survive right now anyway. Not in this storm. It really feels like it's well below zero right now.
      Groaning, I trudge through the deepening snow to find the generator out in the shed behind the cabin. We can't go without power for too long. As soon as I break open the lock on the shed, I feel a presence and jerk around to see Namjoon walking my way.
      Sighing, I wait for him and together we enter the shed. "I fucking hope those alphas made it to the next settlement before this shit hit." He mutters, looking out into the dark barren white forest.
       "Yeah." I find the generator and begin loading it up while Namjoon grabs the propane tanks we need to run it. "This is bad. Do you know how long it's supposed to last?"
       He shrugs. "Maybe a few days. Let's hope for no longer because we'll most definitely run out of food."
       I agree. We walk back into the cabin to see Taehyung by the fireplace, waiting. "Everything okay?" He asks.
       "Yup. Quiet as a graveyard." I mumble, setting the generator down and letting Namjoon fill it up with fluid.
       It starts up immediately and I feel warmth blast out of it. We all breathe a sigh of relief. I look up at Taehyung with a smile only to see him frowning down, avoiding my gaze. "What is it?"
       His gaze flickers up to mine then back down. "'s just..."
      Namjoon and I sit down while he paces in front of us. "What is it, Tae?" I soften my voice for my brother.
       He stops. "You know how I think Jin is my mate?"
      I nod while Namjoon rolls his eyes.
      He stares at both of us for a moment. "Well...Jin doesn't want to go back. He wants to stay with me and to be honest...I want him to, too." He admits.
      I hesitate.
      "No way! We can barely feed ourselves. If he doesn't go back this all this would be for nothing! The only reason we're taking them back is so we can maybe have a chance back in the society. Do you think you could permanently live this harsh life? You can't keep him safe out here." Namjoon argues.
      I glare at him, smacking him upside the head. "Shut up! It's not just your decision, you know. There are three of us." I take a deep breath and stand, moving over to grab ahold of Tae's shoulders firmly. "Maybe he's right, though, Tae. We have a chance to go back." I remind him softly.
       He shakes his head. "If we go back...if I go back...I know Jin will never be my mate. I really don't want to see him mated to another." He huffs.
      I shake my head sadly at him. "You know...when we take them will probably never see him again anyway. You can move on and find another." I urge.
      He shakes me off. "No." He glares at me. "And what about you? You straight up said Yoongi is your mate! You're seriously just going to let him go that easily?! You only ever get one true mate in life!" He yells, losing his temper.
      We all try to calm down and stay quiet so not to wake the omegas. I take a deep breath. "Did you know that those omegas can't even decipher their mates by scent?" I say. "Jin doesn't know you're his mate."
       They both frown at me. "How do you know that?"
I smile bitterly. "I was smelling Yoongi's delicious scent earlier and asked him out of curiously how I smelled to him. Chocolate and cherries. He didn't even know that my smell connecting to his favorite foods and scents mean we're mates. They leave those omegas completely clueless. They may sense it deep down but nowhere near as strong as us and are probably taught to ignore it." I explain.
"I know Jin senses it." Tae whispers.
"This is crazy. Of course they know nothing of matings! They were born and raised to be dumb and blind to everything except what the society teaches them. They want them to be docile little dolls made strictly to look pretty and procreate." Namjoon scoffs.
Tae throws his hands in the air. "Then why do you want to take them back if they don't want to go? Maybe they'd be better off with us."
"No they wouldn't! It's too dangerous. Do you want to get them killed, huh? If they stay with us too long they'll get killed." Namjoon argues.
I frown, staying silent. I hear a creak and snap my head up to see Yoongi standing in the shadowy doorway, eavesdropping.
I leave them to their bickering and walk back into the bedroom. Closing the door firmly, I lean against it and stare at the omega as he fidgets back on the bed.
He avoids my gaze.
     "Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask.
He flinches. "I was but I heard loud arguing and woke up."
"What did you hear?" I ask, hesitant.
He frowns, clenching the sheets in his hands. His eyes meet mine. "Am I really your mate?"
"If you're really my mate then why do you want to take me back so badly? I t-thought true mates were a big deal. So I guess I'm not worth it, huh?" He lowers his gaze again.
I still can't open my mouth.
He chuckles humorlessly. "I get it. I would take me back, too. I'm just a worthless, useless omega simply born to procreate, right?"
       He doesn't acknowledge me. Sighing, I walk in front of him and squat down, lifting his chin with my finger. "Yoongi." I try again.
      He refuses to look at me but I feel my stomach clench when a single tear falls down his cheek.
      I blink.
      And blink again.
     I stare at him as his entire body begins to shake.
      "M-maybe I don't want to go back either." He whispers brokenly, slowly breaking down before me.
      "If we are so much trouble why don't you just leave us here! Maybe we'd be better off without you and...and—"
      I close the distance between us,  pressing my lips firmly to his plump salty ones. He freezes up, the words stopping short as I fist my hand in his shirt and wrap my fingers in his pretty blue hair.
      I move my lips back and forth over his before sliding my tongue out hesitantly over his bottom lip. He sucks in a deep breath and slowly parts his lips for me. Groaning, I tighten my grip on him and let my tongue eagerly invade his mouth.
      His hands grasp onto my shirt desperately as I explore every nook and cranny inside his hot cavern. He moans low in his throat, driving me insane. I try to teach him with actions the proper way to kiss.
      When I finally pull back, both of us are breathless and spit runs down his chin. I lick it off making him gasp and shudder.
      I pull him tightly into my arms. "I do want you to be my mate, Yoongi, but you have to understand how dangerous this situation is right now. It's not safe out here."
      "I don't care. I'd much rather take my chances out here than go back and be forced to mate with a stranger that just wants me for pups and not who I am."
       I can understand that. I sigh long and hard before pulling back and cupping his pale cheeks. I stare into his beautiful eyes. "I thought you hated me?" I tease.
      He flushes, looking down. "Yeah well...maybe I'm just craving chocolate cherries." He smirks.
       I blink, snorting. "Great. I'm reduced to tart sweets, hm?"
      He smiles and I love how it transforms his face. "You know you like me for my witty personality."
       Rolling my eyes, I stand back up. "Maybe I just like strawberries." I wink.
        He blushes again and slowly covers up and looks at me. "A-are you coming to bed?"
      I fight a smile. Oh how things have changed already. Perhaps I should have thrown out the mate thing earlier. "Mhm, I have things to do first. Go back to sleep, omega. I'll be back."

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