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   My steps falter as I pass by Jin and Taehyung's room. The urge to knock is almost overwhelming but I resist. Barely. Hoseok pauses at the stairs to wait for me.
Biting my lip, I decide to let it go and continue walking. I can't really see my feet much anymore or bend over either. Hoseok has to help me with pretty much everything much to my disgust and annoyance. I'm hungry and tired all that time. Irritable. So I've stayed away from everyone just to wallow alone in bed all the time.
     Hoseok is trying. I know he is. I'm trying to open myself up a little bit as well but it's hard. I'm scared. I'm still hurt and the lies have just been so much to handle on top of everything else. There's just so much neither of us want to say or talk about. So it just lingers around us like a black cloud.
     "Are you hurting again?" Hoseok asks, taking my hand and placing another at my back, helping me down the stairs.
     I wince at every step. "I'm fine."
     He gives me a doubtful look but doesn't argue. Instead he sweeps me up into his arms and carries me to the couch, plopping me down beside Jimin.  My eyes immediately zoom in on the large amount of food in his lap.
     Smiling sheepishly, he hands me a bowl full of chocolate mint ice cream. My mouth waters. "T-thanks."
     "My guilty pleasure. I've been eating way too much of it anyway. Take it all before I gain fifty pounds." He groans.
     Smiling timidly, I nod and put a heaping spoonful in my mouth. "Mhmm, so good." I moan.
      Jimin laughs. "You act like you didn't eat a whole gallon of that yesterday. I saw Hoseok bringing it up to you."
     I flush, embarrassed. "I can't help it." Defensive. "My pup was starving."
    He snorts. "I'm sure the pup was." He pauses, biting his lip. "Have you seen Jin lately? He never leaves his room nowadays. Do you think he's okay?"
     I frown, licking my lip, shrugging. "I haven't. I feel like he's avoiding me but then again I've been avoiding everyone too so..."
     "God, you guys are just depressing you know that?" He huffs.
     I poke his puffy cheek. "Oh please. Your middle name should be renamed depression. You went through it too so don't even start. You and Namjoon are great now but it's not all perfect for us still, you know." I point out.
     "I know and I get it between you and Hoseok but I don't understand why Jin is still hurting and ignoring Taehyung. They are like the perfect set. It's obvious!"
     I shrug. I kinda know but still don't get it much either. My issues with Hoseok are mine—not Jin's to take for himself. I know he feels guilty but he shouldn't. He has had just as much control over everything as we have. Not a whole hell of a lot. He just lucked out with his mate.
      A small voice in my head just has to remind me about Jin supposing to be Hoseok's chosen mate. God, I'm glad that didn't happen for wholly completely unselfish reasons. He never would have been happy with Hoseok. They are too different.
Jin and Taehyung? Perfect.
Jin and Hoseok? I can't even imagine it. He'd be miserable. I can take all the alpha's shit attitude because fated mates or not we are a lot alike. It's why I believed him so easily to be honest.
      My mistake. You live and you learn, I guess. I'm learning the hard way. I'm willing to keep going on the faith that my mate will change, though. That he won't lie to me or hurt me anymore. What else can I really do? We're already mated. No one else would want me or even could accept me. I'm pregnant with his pup. There's no going back. I just have to hope it gets better from here. I refuse to be so naive again, though. I know better now.
      "Hey, Yoongi?"
     "Hm?" I take another bite of ice cream.
     "D-do you think they will be okay?"
     We both look up as Taehyung walks in the house, hanging up his coat before nodding at us and walking up the stairs. I watch him go. "I don't know. I'm sure they will work through this. Jin is just hormonal, I think." I hope so anyway. I don't want to be blamed for their failed mating. The guilt would eat at me.
       Jimin yawns and stretches. "I think I'm going to go nap for a bit." He smiles.
     Namjoon peaks his head out of the kitchen at his voice and offers to carry him up. I roll my eyes. They were just a sad pair at first but now their so sappy it's sickening. Ugh.
     Hoseok sits down in Jimin's place beside me on the couch and takes my hand, squeezing. "Babe, I have to go out for a bit. Do you think you'll be alright for a few hours?"
      I frown. "What do you mean? Where are you going? You can't leave here or be seen in town."
      He avoids my heavy suspicious gaze. "I meeting someone. Another alpha."
     Apprehension fills me chest. "What alpha? Why? Does Taehyung know about this?!"
     He gives me a look. "My little brother doesn't need to know everything. It's nothing to get us in trouble. I just need to ask a few things of him. I'll be back within the night."
     I don't like this at all. "Let me come with you."
     "No." He admonishes immediately. "You're pregnant. It's too dangerous and I don't want to you around any other alphas."
      I scoff. "I can handle you, I can handle the others. I'm coming." Defiant and determined. Standing up, I put my hands on my hips and glare at him. "I'm going."
      He groans, cursing under his breath. "Fine but I'm carrying you most of the way and I want you to stay close to me the whole time. Don't even look at the other alpha."
     Rolling my eyes at his jealous tone, I huff. "Whatever makes you feel better."
     "You staying home would make me feel better."
     "Yeah not happening."
    "Fuck. You're going to be the death of me, I swear, Yoongi."
     I smile, baring my teeth. "Funny. I always thought the same about you."

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