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     I'm about to shoot myself in the head. Or better yet turn myself in and let the betas shoot me. Holy fuck, if Yoongi nags me one more fucking time I'm checking out for real.
     "Watch out!"
     I manage to barely dodge around a deep hole in the ground. Yoongi tightens his grip on my neck, muttering obscenities at me under his breath.
     "Will you just shut up for like a minute! You're going to get us killed!" I gripe under my breath, heart racing at the near miss.
     He scoffs. "Let me down. I'm walking. I trust my own feet over your clumsy ones."
     "I thought alphas were supposed to have perfect vision or something? You're practically blind!"
     "You little—"
    "Hoseok? Is that you?"   
    We both still and become silent as the very rogue I'm meeting appears out of the trees. A smile spreads across my face as I shake his hand.
     Yoongi eyes the alpha cautiously, unconsciously stepping closer to my side. The rogue—Henry—smiles at him.
     "So is this the reason you acquire my services finally, hm? He's cute."
     I tighten my grip on the omega and nod. "He's one of them, yes."
     He eyes Yoongi curiously but respectfully as well. "I never thought you'd get yourself an omega, to be honest. Too free spirited."
     "Things change. I've changed."
    "I can see that. I'm happy for you." Clearing his throat, he drops the bag on his shoulders and pulls out a large case. I nudge Yoongi over to the trees and help him sit down as I help Henry begin sorting the papers out.
      The papers that will change all our identities so we can all rejoin society. Not even Taehyung knows about this.
     I met Henry on one of our many voyages through safe places for rogues. The alpha is a genius. Very talented and helpful. I could never figure out why he hid himself among other rogues when he's never done anything to be considered roguish.
     Turns out his mate had been killed by a rogue years ago and he joined our kind to find him. He could see all the alphas that didn't deserve the stigma placed on them and offered to help them.
     I kept turning him down when he offered the same for me. I never really liked or cared about society anyway but now that I have Yoongi...and pups on the way. We need this to live. 
     He thumbs through the files and pulls out a pack of IDs. I go through them. It's pictures of me and Namjoon. Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin. New names and proper mating documents. All false of course but would definitely hold up as truth to anyone asking.
     "Thank you, Henry. This means a lot. Really."
    His eyes find their way back to my mate. "He reminds me a lot of my mate. You need to take good care of him. You never know when things will change again."
     I nod. "I will. I've done a lot of things wrong with him but I'm going to make it up. Everything." I vow.
     He claps my shoulder. "Tell Taehyung I said hello." He nods towards Yoongi who flushes, looking away. "I'll see you again one day. If you need anything else let me know."
    He pauses, glancing at me. "Yeah?"
    "Did you ever find that alpha?"
    He smiles a little, looking down. "I did."
    "Really? You're not going back into society then?"
     He shrugs. "No point. Without my mate everything just becomes meaningless. I like knowing my presence is helping others out there. I'm fine where I am."
     "Please come visit me when you change your mind."
    "I'll hold you to that." He nods at Yoongi. "He shouldn't be out here. It's cold and dangerous. Take him home."
     I grin. "He's stubborn."   
    "Ah, a worthy mate for the likes of you then."
     His laughter trails off as he disappears back into the trees. I secure the papers and new IDs in my coat pocket before walking over to help Yoongi up.
    He stares at me, pondering. "What was that about?"
     I show him the papers. "I don't want to keep running and hiding. I want to give you a proper life. I know you got stuck with an asshole like me but I love you and want to make it right."
     He bites his lip, observing the IDs for us all. Taehyung isn't a rogue so he doesn't need one. It's been so long that no one is really searching for us anymore and we can just move to a new city and start fresh. No one would ever question it.
     "W-we're going back to society?"
     I nod, taking his hand and kissing his fingers. "We will move to a new city. Make a new life."
     "What about the others? Taehyung's business is here. They can't leave, right?"
     I hesitate. "Namjoon and Jimin will come with us. I will talk to Taehyung and see if he wants to come as well."
     He frowns but allows me to lace our fingers together. Tugging him closer, I tip his chin up and kiss him softly on the lips. "Will you please come start a new life with me? Start everything over?" I plead.
     He doesn't speak for a long time, thinking. "I' that."
     "Me, too." Sighing, I hold him tightly to my chest and breathe him in. Letting his scent comfort me.
     "I feel bad for that alpha. He lost his mate." He muses quietly, muffled against my chest. "He was nice, too."
     "Mhm. Me, too. It makes me think about how crazy I'd become if something happened to you, Yoongi." I pull back to meet his eyes. "I couldn't handle it, baby."
     He ducks his head back down. "Let's go home and talk to the others then."
     Grinning, I sweep him up into my arms and begin the trek back to the house. He's not as nagging as before, thinking. This is the beginning of our real future, I can feel it.
     Everything will soon fall into place and we can actually live a real life for our pups. We can keep working on our relationship as well.
     He's finally beginning to forgive me as well for all my mistakes. I'll keep making up for them as well.

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