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I stop in my tracks, towel pausing mid hair-dry as I stare into the room at my mate. Blinking, my cheeks heat up and I suddenly feel the temperature crank up a few degrees.
Sitting on the bed in all his naked glory is Hoseok, exposed and waiting for me. A look of dark lust in his eyes.
Swallowing hard, I tighten the towel around my waist. "W-What are you doing? I thought you were hungry?"
Running a hand through his hair, he licks his lips. "I am." Eyes flashing red. "For you, baby."
Shaking my head, I snort. "What's gotten into you? Why are you suddenly for me?" Feeling uncomfortable but a little flattered, too. My voice somehow lowers huskily without intention.
I'm not sure how to take this new random development. We were planning to make love tomorrow where I'd be able to mark him. He was supposed to go grab a snack then go to sleep while I showered.
Now...I don't know what's happening. I do know my eyes can't move off him. He's such a sexy and strong alpha. His abs flexing and muscles bulging as he sits up slowly, watching me all the while.
I take a step back when he gets up. Licking my lips, my gaze devours him. "I n-need to get dressed for bed..."
"Why?" Striding to my side, he caresses my face with one hand while distractedly removing the towel from my waist with the other. I yelp as he swings me into his arms, carrying me to the bed and dumping me unceremoniously making me bounce.
Groaning, I'm stopped from sitting up as he straddles my thighs and pins my wrists to the bed. It's an exhilarating feeling, being owned, but I don't want him to know how much I'm enjoying this domination.
Wouldn't want to stroke that fancy overgrown ego of his... "G-Get off!"
Growling softly, he nips at my lips, fingers trailing down my arms to play with my nipples. "Not a chance, omega."
Arching my back, I moan brokenly, hardening in an instant for my mate. The smell of rich and musky slick scenting the air as my hands grasp on to his shoulders, pulling him down into a hot and desperate kiss. His taste sending the nerve endings of my tongue into chaos, shocking my system.
       "H-Hoseok..." I manage to gasp out as his hand trails up one of my thighs, hooking my leg around his hip.
      "Mhm, baby. Why do you always taste so fucking good, hm?" He pulls back to stare into my hooded eyes before nuzzling my throat. I gasp as he bites down hard. My body pulsing wildly as he draws out more and more pleasure.
      "Ah! P-please..."
     "Please what, sweetheart?" Sitting up, he moves down my body and begins teasingly running his tongue around my navel in little circles, eyes glued to mine.
      Biting my lip, I buck my hips up as his tongue dips into my belly button. The extremely sharp pleasure going straight to my aching cock.
      He gropes my ass. "Mhm, baby, so wet for me. Tell me how much you love it." He demands.
     I blush, embarrassed by just how much I do love it. Everything he does to me is driving me insane. But I shake my head, refusing to give in so easily. It's nice to finally be able to enjoy this sexual exploration with my mate without nausea and pain kicking in.
He smirks. "No? You refusing to give me what I want, baby?"
I swallow. "M-make me."
Giving me a menacing teeth baring grin, he grabs my hand and runs my palm down his sweat slick abs, forcing my fingers around his throbbing cock and stroking him. It's insanely hot. I pulse for him.
He holds my gaze hostage. "Feel this, baby? All for you...what you make my body do. No one else can make me this crazy, this out of control. Do you get that, Yoongi?"
My throat closes up and I feel embarrassing tears well up despite our very explicit position of my hand wrapped around his large cock, his own hand forcing me to jack him off.
"I d-do. I do get that, Hoseok." He releases my hand and cups my face, kissing me gentle and sweetly like I'm fragile as glass already cracked as ready to splinter apart any second. Maybe I am.
"Bite me." He whispers against my lips. "Claim me, Yoongi. Only you ever could. I submit for no other. Ever. Only you."
With tears running down my cheeks, I tilt his head to the side and mouth his throat, feeling the throbbing vein on my tongue before biting down as hard as I can, drawing blood.
All the while I can feel Hoseok positioning himself and as soon as the first drop of blood hits my tongue, he slides in, impaling me slow and deep.
Loud moans leave both our mouths at the double invasions. I've never felt more complete, more closer and connected to my mate than this moment. It's...invigorating. The alpha submitting to his omega. Oh god...
He begins pounding into me so hard my teeth lose their grip and I release him, sloppily licking the blood and holding on for dear life as he uses my body like a rag doll, forcing my climax to hit like an unsuspecting wrecking ball.
I gasp, spilling my cum between us, hot pants the only sound I can manage, my inner walls gripping and milking him as he grunts, stuttering and cumming inside me. I feel it in my stomach.
I cry out as his knot invades its way into my body without mercy and takes claim. My toes curl and another orgasm ruptures throughout my entire being. I feel lightheaded.

When I come to again, I'm in bed alone. I guess I passed out. Sitting up slowly, I wince at the pain in my ass and stare down at the fresh bruises on my thighs. God, he must have continued to mate me after I passed out.
The thought of him that out of control that he doesn't even stop taking my body when I fall unconscious is...unbelievably hot for some reason. Maybe I should be upset but I'm not. All I can think about is the fact he let me claim him.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed and hesitantly get up, biting back the pain in every step as I stumble to the bathroom to clean myself up.
It's strange though because usually Hoseok always helps clean me up after an intense mating. My behind is still wet and sticky with cum and my own fluids, dripping down my legs uncomfortably.
I must not have been out for too long at least. Where is my mate? Grumbling to myself, I hop in the shower—for the second time tonight—and thoroughly wash myself. Feeling much better and refreshed.
I pause when I walk past the mirror—an object I tend to avoid at all costs—and stare at myself. My eyes draw down to the little bump that is my stomach. I put my hand on it and feel...emotional. An array of emotions I can't describe.
Taking a deep breath and shaking my head, I walk into the bedroom and grab one of Hoseok's large shirts, putting it on and standing at the end of the bed. I really don't want to get back on the soiled sheets.
I need to change them.
Making a decision, I rip them off the bed and bundle them up in a pile, heading to the laundry room. I quietly walk down the hall not wanting to wake everyone else up.
      I absentmindedly start the wash and head towards the kitchen—more than likely where my mate is. Smiling happily, I peak my head in the door—
      My smile drops as well as my stomach at what I'm seeing. I have to be imaging things...not after what we just did together...
     Hoseok is inside alright.
     With Jimin. In the dark.
     And they're kissing.

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