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I can't stop my gaze from flickering up at the mild tempered alpha named Taehyung. Something about him just...makes my stomach hurt. Not necessarily in a bad way.
Every time he looks my direction, I find myself blushing and lowering my gaze to the ground or to Jimin who still seems to cower away from the more violent alpha, Namjoon.
I really need to know the story of how Jimin knows that alpha or how he ruined the alpha's life. Why has he never mentioned this to us before?
Yoongi slips his hand tightly into mine as we walk behind the others. His lips tremble from the cold, his robe somehow wetter than ours. Seeing as he never stepped into the river, I don't understand how he's so wet.
"Are you okay?"
My head snaps up to see Taehyung staring at us in concern. I flush, nodding.
He sighs and grasps my wrist, tugging me to a gentle stop. I gasp as electricity shoots up my arm from his hot touch. "You don't have to lie, omega. Are you okay?" He asks again more firmly. His thumb rubbing soothing circles on my inner wrist.
I shiver, my thighs instinctively clenching. "J-just cold." I whisper, embarrassed. Just the fact he's touching my wrist is scandalous enough considering the looks Jimin and Yoongi keep throwing me.
I breathe a sigh of relief when he lets go. "Let me see what I have." He drops his bag and rummages through it. He pulls out a warm looking but dirty coat. "It's dirty but warm. It's all I have." He places it around my shoulders and I blush, taking a deep breath of his heavy scent saturating the clothing. It smells so good like expensive cologne and fresh rain.
"T-thank you." I whisper.
He nods and walks back up with the other alphas, talking about our journey. I lean into Yoongi and Jimin and let them get warm too.
"I t-think he l-likes you." Jimin chatters through the cold.
I huff, the frigid air hurting my lungs. "No h-he doesn't."
Yoongi smiles. "I think Jimin is right. He's nice. I don't know much about alphas but I didn't picture them so kind." He looks at Jimin pointedly. "So what did you do to that alpha anyway? You've never told us you've met one before."
He flushes. "Umm. It was a couple years ago. I was doing my normal teasing to the betas when I stepped out on the balcony. He was down in the garden, I s-suppose he lost his way. He s-saw me n-naked." He whispers, shame in his voice."
I gasp. "Jimin!"
"I know. I was so scared and shocked I screamed without thinking and Rose took care of him. It was the most humiliating moment in my life." He grumbles.
Yoongi scoffs. "And yet you still run around shamelessly naked all the time!" He tsks.
I grin. "Seriously. How had you not learned your lesson?"
He pouts. "Stop ganging up on me! You guys are mean."
Chuckling, I glance up only to Taehyung watching me again. His dark yet kind eyes hooded and unreadable. I duck my head, flushing again. Why does he keep staring at me? It makes me feel weird.

We walk for a few hours until the night returns. The alphas set up a small camp and a fire.
      "We should reach the settlement by tomorrow." Taehyung explains as he studies the map.
     "Who does first watch?"
     "I will since you stayed up all night last night." He replies.
      The two alphas, Hoseok and Namjoon, begin putting together a hut of sorts with branches and vines and leaves they can find. Once set up, they layer the discarded clothing in their packs on the ground for us to sleep on.
      With one last look at Taehyung as he begins climbing up a tall tree, I slip inside the little hut. The three of us curl up together for warmth.
      "Why did you tell them we were kidnapped?"
      He sighs. "Because saying we waltzed out into danger on our own and got lost sounded so stupid and ridiculous! It makes more sense for us to be kidnapped." He pauses. "Plus I figured it'd make them want to help us more if they thought others were trying to get us."
       "Do you think we'll still be able to be mated? This is most definitely bad for matings. What if they think us tainted and refuse us a mate now?" Yoongi wonders aloud.
      I frown, having not considered that. "I don't know. I guess we'll find out." 
     "I think that one alpha likes you."
      I flush. "What? That's ridiculous."
     Jimin huffs. "No, it's not. Why wouldn't he like you? He's an alpha and you're an omega. It makes perfect sense. You know I have good instincts towards these things."
      I sigh. "Just because he likes that I'm an omega doesn't mean he likes me." I argue. "That really doesn't mean anything. It just means he could like you or Yoongi, too. Not me specifically."
       He shakes his head. "Whatever. Just watch out. We have to remain pure."
      Yoongi laughs. "I can't believe you just said that. I think if anyone has to worry it's you, Jimin. That alpha has already seen you bare once. What's stopping him from seeking revenge on you and taking you by force?"
He gasps. "No! I w-won't let him lay a finger on me."
"And who's going to stop him, Jimin? Us? We can't protect you from an alpha. There's really nothing stopping them from taking us right now by force. We can't really do anything." I sigh.
Silence falls as my words are taken in. It's true. There is nothing we can do if they change their minds and decide to force a mating onto us. We could never fight them or get away.
"Well let's hope they don't then. I rather miss my cozy bed and would rather not sleep on leaves for the rest of my life."
I snort. "Shut up, Jimin."
"It's true! If they did force a mating they'd never take us back. We'd forever be on the run with them sleeping like this! I can't survive like this. I need actually security." He gripes.
I roll my eyes but still hug him tighter for warmth. "Let's just sleep."

I can't sleep. I try for hours but end up slipping out of the hut much later to get fresh air. It's cold and my feet ache, having lost my shoes awhile back. My feet frigid and bloody but I never complained. What would be the point?
    I wrap my arms around myself to keep warm as I look around. Namjoon and Hoseok are sleeping on the cold ground. It looks uncomfortable and I feel bad that we took the warmth from them. No doubt they'd used those clothes for blankets but still gave them to us.
      "Is everything alright? Why are you still up?"
      I jump in surprise as Taehyung appears, a fist full of berries in hand. He holds some out to me and I take them silently, my stomach growling loudly.
      He smiles and ducks his head in acknowledgement. "Can't Sleep?"
      I shake my head. "No."
      A twinkle appears in his eyes and he glances towards the tree he was using as a watch tower of sorts. "Want to see something cool?"
      I find myself nodding. He motions for me to follow him. I hesitate as he begins to climb the tree, though, knowing I'll never make it up.
      He seems to understand my dilemma and hops back down. "Here, climb on." He bends down, offering me his back.
       "W-What? You'll drop me."
      He chuckles. "Just don't let go. It's a high drop. Climb on." He urges.
      As much as my brain is against this, my body refuses to listen and before I know it, I'm hitching myself up onto the alpha's strong back. Jumping in surprise and shock as his hands grasp onto the backs of my thighs to pull me tighter against him.
       I can feel the warmth of his hands through the thin fabric of my robing. I bury my face in the back of his neck as he begins climbing again high up on the tree, tapping my thigh when we arrive. I look around and gasp as he helps me down on the wide sturdy branch.
      I can see the sanctuary from this height. It shines like a lovely beacon in the dark. I can hear the rushing river we've long past hours ago. It's amazing and I've never seen a more beautiful sight. "Wow."
      I glance back at him with an excited smile only to see him frowning at me. My smile slips. "What?"
      He kneels down and jerks my foot into his lap. I squeal and he pegs me with a strict look, silencing me. "Why didn't you say anything about not having shoes? There is blood all over your feet!" He demands.
      I open my mouth but nothing comes out but a squeakish apology. He shakes his head. "Sit down. I need to bandage these before infection sets in."
      I sit down and hesitantly place my feet into his lap, feeling hot all of a sudden as he slowly begins raising my robe up my legs, revealing more and more skin.
      "W-What are you doing? My legs are fine." I panic and grasp his palm to stop him from revealing my thighs. Fully aware of my nakedness underneath.
      He chuckles at my fear. "Relax, omega. I'm going to rip some of the fabric off so I can use them to protect your bare soles. You don't have to fear me. I'd never take advantage of you like that." He stares into my eyes reassuringly before pulling out a knife and tearing off a large chuck of my robe making it sit from ankle length to knee length.
      I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them to keep arm as he works on each of my feet, disinfecting them and covering them with parts of my robe.
       "That should work." He sighs, pulling back.
       A small smile graces my face. "Thank you, alpha." I'm shy, ducking my head.
       He gazes at me, his hand still placed on my ankle, sliding up to my calf. "You're very welcome, omega." He pauses. "Can you tell me your name?"
      I lift my eyes to his. "Jin."
      "A beautiful name to go with a beautiful face." He moves away from me, giving me space.
     My smile stretches a little wider.

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