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"You're okay, you're okay. It's going to be fine. Don't move!"
I flinch, looking up at Hoseok in concern as he seems to have a mental break in front of me while I try to get comfortable on the bed.
"Will you stop? I know I'm fine. I just hurt my leg." I lift my shorts to show the bloody cut on the inside of my thigh where I landed on a few sharp rocks.
Groaning, he drops down and grips my leg, eyeing the every inch of me from groin to ankle. I blush, attempting to push him off.
He glares at me. "Yoongi! What the hell were you thinking?! You can't just jump in a fucking alpha and beta fight and throw yourself in danger! You're a pregnant omega!"
Rolling my eyes, I give him a look. "So what?! You should have left us alone! I was trying to talk Jungkook out of reporting us! I almost had him convinced, too, until you went crazy and attacked him!"
"He was touching you!"
"He was chained up! I touched him and it was just checking on the cut on his head!" I retort angrily.
Shaking his head, he gets up and paces. "We'll have to kill him."
"Over my fat hormonal body!"
"This isn't time to joke!"
"Who's joking!"
Sighing, he pinches the bridge of his nose with two fingers, trying to calm down. " you have any idea how bad this is for us? We—Joon and I—are criminals. If Jungkook turns us in we will be captured and most likely put to death. You will be either sent back to the sanctuary or disposed of for lack of maintaining your purity. They will kill you and our pup. Do you understand that? Not just for us—but for Jin and Jimin as well."
I stiffen, upset. "It won't happen."
"Jungkook isn't on our side. He was your beta but not anymore. He has no loyalty to you—to any of us. He is and always will be working for the Masters. The sanctuary. You are just another rare omega that broke the rules. You could be punished severely, too." He stresses, dropping back down and taking my hands. "I'm just afraid of losing you."
I bite down on my lip. "I don't want to kill him. He's been in my life since before I can remember. He's my friend. He can't die. Please, give me another chance to keep convincing him."
He stares up into my eyes for a long time before sighing. "Fine but he will be tied up so he can't try anything. He almost ran with you."
I wince at the reminder. I hadn't been expecting him to do that. "Fine."
"Now let me clean that cut."

All is quiet a couple hours later when I leave the bedroom. Hoseok left to talk with Taehyung. Walking down the hall, I hear Jin and Jimin talking in Jin's bedroom. I almost go inside but decide against it.
I'm still not over being angry at Jimin for the kiss. I haven't said anything about it but I won't forget. I'm angry at Hoseok, too, but we've had so many other problems going on I haven't been able to actually dwell on it.
Now that I have some peace and quiet, it plagues me. Why? First Jin...and now Jimin. Does Hoseok even really want me? Maybe he only gave up on Jin to be nice to Taehyung because he saw how badly he wanted him. Maybe he secretly wants Jimin but knows Jimin is all into Namjoon....
I can't stop doubting myself and our relationship. He says he loves me and only me. He says that he fell the moment he saw me before I ever met him. He says that I'm the only one.
Then why do I continue to catch him in lies and omissions? Maybe he just settled with me. After my heat...he didn't really have much choice with the mating and me getting pregnant.
I pause at the top of the cellar stairs. No one is around right now. Maybe now is a good time to talk to Jungkook again.
I walk down and open the door, seeing the beta sitting up and staring right at me from across the room. He's now on the bed, his wrist chained to the wall.
"Hey." He clears his throat. "Are you Alright? Did you get hurt?"
I smile, slowly and hesitantly sitting beside him on the bed. "I'm okay."
"Listen, Jungkook. I'm trying to save your life. My mate really wants to get rid of you." I admit.
He scoffs. "Course he does. He's a filthy criminal!"
"No. He's not a bad alpha. He was framed—"
"Is that what he told you? Of course he did. Just to get you on his side. You're too naive, Yoongi. You know nothing about these alphas except for that they tell you. There's reasons why they are scared of being reported and captured."
"Yeah because you will have them killed!"
"For good reason! Do you even know what he did?"
Scowling, he turn away from him. "He was framed by a beta attacking a pregnant and mated omega on the street."
He laughs. "Are you kidding me?! Yoongi..." he shakes his head. "Jung Hoseok is notorious. He's a rogue alpha. He was the one that attacked that omega!"
I glare at him. "It wasn't him—"
He levels me with a knowledge stare that sends chills down my spine. "I have proof that your beloved alpha is every bit the criminal. We have the evidence of the attack on camera."
I shake my head, not believing it.
"It was him. That beta that he 'attacked' was the omega's mate. Hoseok wanted that omega for himself and killed the other before taking that omega. He was arrested shortly after."
"No! You're lying!"
"I'm not, Yoongi." He sighs. "It's me, remember? Your Kookie. I just want to keep you safe. I wouldn't lie to you about this. I have proof. Will you please let me show you?"
I hesitate, all these doubts beginning to weigh heavily on me. Of the lies and omissions I can I be sure he's ever told me the truth? Jungkook, though...has never lied to me.
"I c-can't let you go..."
"Come with me. I'll show you."
I frown, a thought coming to mind. "Wait! I thought betas weren't allowed to mate omegas? That doesn't make any sense. It's against the law for a beta to be with an omega."
He gives a sarcastic smile. "Special circumstances. That beta was one of the Master's sons which made Hoseok's crime even worse. The beta was allowed to take an omega seeing as their family had no alphas. Being a future master, he needed to continue his line."
"That's not fair."
"I agree but it's how our system is rigged up. It really doesn't matter much what you are—but who you are. Any other beta would have never been allowed but since he was so important and the omega agreed." He shrugs. "It was permitted."
"I don't understand why Hoseok would—"
"Because he's a rogue! He takes what he wants without care. He's a horrible excuse for an alpha and you've fallen in his trap. You really mated him?" He looks disappointed and I hate that it hurts me.
I look away. "Y-Yes...I'm...I'm p-pregnant." Whispering, afraid of his judgment.
He gasps. "Are you serious? Please tell me your lying."
"I'm not. Lying, I mean."
"You told me you think he's your true mate? Your fated mate, right?"
I nod.
"Tell me—did he tell you that? Is that why you allowed him to..."
I nod again.
"Yoongi...he lied to you. He's not your true mate." He insists.
"You can't know that."
"How was your mating? Did it hurt when he claimed you? Did it make you sick?"
I frown, not liking where this is going. "M-maybe."
He nods. "It's not supposed to no matter what he told you. Being claimed by your true mate should only feel good and pleasurable. No pain or illness. He took that from you. I'm sorry but it's true."
I scoff, feeling my heart pound. "How would you know? You know nothing about true mates."
He stays silent for a long time. "I do know."
I glance up from the corner of my eyes to see him fully fixed on me. "What?"
"I know exactly how it feels to find your true mate because...that's always been you." He takes my hand with his free one. "You're my true mate, Yoongi."

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