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I toss and turn anxiously in bed, hating that Taehyung isn't here yet. I understand the reasons he needed to stay in the other room and why I'm not allowed to join him but still. I need my mate. I can't sleep.
My eyes snap open when the door creaks and I smile widely as Tae finally steps inside and closes the door quietly. I reach out for him eagerly. Maybe I'm too clingy or desperate but I can't help it. I want to be around my mate all the time. I want him touching me all the time. I want to smell him all the time!
He sighs, kissing my cheek. "Baby, why aren't you sleeping?" He climbs into bed beside me and I immediately snuggle into his side. "Need you. Can't sleep." I mumble against his chest.
He chuckles and I smile as it vibrates my cheek. "You're so cute, love." He threads his fingers through my hair and I instantly feel much calmer and relaxed. My eyes droop and I yawn loudly.
His arms wind around me, his warmth and scent drawing me closer and closer to sleep. Finally.
"Are you still hurting?" He asks quietly after a long comfortable silence. I'm nearly asleep. I shake my head without opening my eyes. Ever since we mated he's been so worried about my body which has fully recovered from our mating.
It's a little embarrassing but I like the extra care he's showing to me, the concern for my wellbeing mentally as well as physically. I could never ask for a better alpha. I know for a fact any alpha I would have mated back at the sanctuary never would have been so gentle or kind.
He most likely would have just used me for his own pleasure over and over again I got pregnant. I highly doubt he ever would have asked how I felt about it or if I liked it.
The thought makes me cling just a little tighter to Taehyung. He notices. "Jin, you okay, sweetheart? You seem tense or stressed."
       I blush. "I'm f-fine. I'm just glad you're my mate." I whisper shyly. "Thank you, alpha."
       "I love you, my omega. I'm so glad you're my mate, Jin. So glad I found you." He sighs. "I'm going to take care of you for the rest of our lives. I promise."
I beam. "I know you will, Tae. I love you, too."

When I wake up, I'm in bed alone. I can tell it's late afternoon and everyone else is already awake. Stretching, I climb out of bed and pad into the bathroom to wash my face and wake up a little more.
Conversations can be heard as I make my way into the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders, the chilly morning coming in through the small cabin. Tae, Namjoon, and Hoseok are all talking and Tae is checking over Namjoon's gash. It looks awful but maybe not infected.
Tae notices my arrival. Smiling, he wraps his arms around me and nuzzles my face and neck. "Good morning, baby. Hungry?" He asks, rubbing my belly underneath my baggy shirt.
Blushing, I nod. Giggling as he tickles my stomach. "Starving."
He lifts me up onto the counter like I weigh nothing and kisses my nose before opening the fridge and getting out pancake mix. I feel eyes on me and realize the other two alphas are watching us curiously. I duck my head and hide within my blanket, shy.
A muffled sob catches my attention over the talking. I hop down from the counter and walk quickly into the living room. Yoongi is bundled up in a mess of blankets and and crying silently. Jimin looks stressed and worried as he rubs his back.
Frowning, I kneel down beside him. "You're heat?"
He nods. "I'm s-scared, Jin. I don't want to do this."
"Come on, let's get you into bed." I help him up and weave weakly to his and Hoseok's room. Laying him down on the bed. He chokes out another sob and rolls himself into the fresh sheets. How had the alphas not scented him? " you like Hoseok?" I ask.
He bites his lip, nodding.
"Do you trust him? He's kept us safe so far and seems to really like you." I note.
Reluctantly, he nods again. "Y-Yeah. I'm not ready, though...for..." He shakes his head frantically.
"You do know this has to happen. Whether or not it would be with Hoseok doesn't matter. We all knew this heat was meant for an alpha. You would already be mated to another right now, remember? You have to be ready." I grimace. "Trust me, it won't get better until he takes care of you." I shiver at the painful memories.
He looks horrified. "It hurts really bad, right?"
I smile, running my fingers comfortingly through his blue hair. "It does but I promise you it will all be worth it. I trust Hoseok to take care of you properly." I pause. "You have to trust in it, too. It's nature, you know. This is meant to be. It's our biology and we can't run from it or change it." I say quietly.
       He groans, burying his flushed face in the sheets. "Okay. C-can you...let him know?" He mumbles, embarrassed.
        I smile. "Yeah. I'll send him your way." I get up and close the door, making my way into the kitchen where Hoseok and Namjoon are still bickering about whatever. Tae steps away from the counter and pulls me into his arms. It's so natural—being with him. Safe in his arms.
         Clearing my throat, I look at Hoseok. "Can you go help Yoongi? His heat has started." I explain.
        He stops speaking mid-sentence, looking a little shook. "W-What? Already?" He seems uncomfortable.
       I lace my fingers with my mate, nodding. "Actually I think his is a little late. He should have started yesterday probably. He needs you right now."
       He glances towards the rooms, gulping. "Is he already in there?"
       "Yeah. He's waiting for you. Please be gentle with him. He's hurting a lot."
      Nodding, he lowers his gaze and sighs. "Okay. I'll, uh, be back later I guess." He mumbles, walking down the hall.
       I smile widely as Tae hugs me tightly and kisses my neck. "They'll be fine." He whispers.
       "I know." Looking up at Namjoon who slowly lies down on the couch in pain, I think I'm more worried for Jimin and Namjoon. How can he care for Jimin's heat in his condition?

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