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     Three rounds.
     We go three rounds and every time I sink into his hot, wet, tight body...the urge to bite him just gets stronger and stronger. So strong that I didn't want to tend to his heat the last time. Scared I'd do it against my will and hurt him. The mating bite works better when both parties want it.
       I stare at Jimin as he sleeps soundly, his sweaty hair covering his eyes and his cute pink lips parted as he snores softly.
      Groaning, I get up and walk into the bathroom, eyeing the long scratched covering my back and biceps. I'm surprised at how wild and eager the omega is during sex. Unrestrained. I can imagine how much better it will be when I'm not holding back and can focus fully on the pleasure and not fighting my urges.
       Not to say I didn't enjoy it—no, I did. It's just really hard when everything inside me is screaming to make him mine but I can't. It takes a little away from the experience.
       I wash my face with some cold water before pulling on some discarded shorts and walking into the kitchen. Yoongi is sitting on the counter blushing and laughing as Hoseok mumbles something under his breath and rummages through the fridge.
       They both pause when I come into view. "Things finally calm down in there?" Hoseok laughs. "We couldn't sleep. Wow...Jimin is...he something else. Got a mouth on him."
       Yoongi ducks his head, smirking as well. Rolling my eyes, I smack Hoseok upside the head. "Don't talk about my ma—I mean, don't talk about him like that." I almost slip, frowning.
       He looks at me with surprise. "You seriously didn't mate him? How the hell could you not? I never would have been able to control myself that many times for Yoongi."
       Said omega grumbles uncomfortably at the topic.
       I sigh. "Not like I had a choice. I'm not going to force him into it. It would be so much worse than your situation and you know it." I remind him.
       "I's just...I'm sorry. I just feel bad for you. Glad everything worked out, I guess, though."
       Nodding, I snag a drink and chug it down. "We should he able to leave tomorrow. His heat should he over now."
       "Okay. We can get started early. The storm finally receded a couple hours ago so it should be clear to make the journey by then."
       "We better get some rest then. It will take a couple days to make it back. Is everything ready for our return?"
      "What do you mean?"
      "You said Taehyung owns a large house in the city? Does he have the key? Will we be able to sneak back in without being scene or recognized? These are very important risks."
       "Oh. Yeah, he still has the key and luckily for us, the house is located on the outskirts of the city. We can enter to property right from the forest without being seen. Tae will have to make a few calls to have the power put back on and everything but it should be fine."
       "Alright. Good."
      I grab a snack before heading back into the bedroom, pausing at the door as the omega's thick scent and the smell of sex hits me hard. Wow. We really did go hard...
       Jimin groans and rolls over in his sleep so I take that as my cue to get back into bed. Closing my eyes, I sigh and drift off to sleep.

      A low moan sifts into my dreams. I feel wet heat surrounding my cock and hiss, thrusting my hips up. I open my eyes to see a naked and panting Jimin sinking down on my cock, his juicy ass bouncing frantically over my lap.
      Cursing, I squeeze his hips and help him work his body just right. Fuck. So good...his palms slap down on my chest to leverage himself as he fucks himself on me like I'm a toy. God, that's so hot.
      I let him use my body to pleasure himself and relieve that itch deep inside, groping his ass hard and spreading his cheeks so I can get even deeper making him cry out and shudder above me.
       Grunting, I fuck him hard building my own release. "Jimin...fuck baby...ride me just like that..." I hiss, forcing his smaller body up and down faster and faster until he keens loudly and drenches my chest and stomach with cum. I reach over and stroke his cock tightly, helping him ride out his high.
       His upper body collapses down on mine as I buck my hips up, our skin slapping loudly and the wet sound of our sloppy kissing filling the room.
       His scent washes over me as I flip him over and hold him down, giving it to him good and hard like we both want and need. He moans and claws at me, working his hips every bit as roughly as mine.
       I kiss him hungrily, urgently, sucking his tongue into my mouth as I ruin his little needy hole. He chokes out a sob just before I feel him clench around me, orgasming again.
       I bare my teeth as I finally release, lowering my head into the crook of his neck and biting down. He screams and struggles under me as I deepen the bite, growling possessively and dominantly. Making it hurt. Making him mine. He's mine! How dare he try to deny me this?
      "Nghnn...p-please...don''re hurting!"
      This body is mine to do as I please! He can't stop me from taking and claiming! No way. I'm mating him.
       I taste blood and groan, ignoring his struggles and cries as he fights to free himself from under me. Tries to force me out of his body.
       I press him down harder under me and bury my teeth into his flesh. My knot forcing its way into his tight little asshole, filling him with my seed ruthlessly—
       "Namjoon! Joonie, wake up!"
      My eyes snap open and I sit up, covered in sweat, panting. A dream. It was just a dream. A dream. Oh god. I didn't rape him. I didn't force him. Oh god. Gulping, I climb out of the bed and rush into the bathroom, shutting myself inside and away from the omega. A large wet patch on my shorts.
       Shit. This is bad. Alphas aren't meant to hold back from their omegas. I don't know how long I can do this. I'm scared to touch him. I know if this continues I won't stop. It will be just like my dream. No control. No mercy.
       A soft knock penetrates my deep thoughts. "Alpha? Are you okay? You were groaning and growling like you were in pain." Jimin's worried voice says from the other side of the door.
       I stare at my red eyed reflection in the mirror. Am I okay? No, I don't think so. It's not natural to be like this. An Alpha's whole purpose in life is mating and breeding omegas. How can I keep having sex without that most important basic part of our biology?
       God, I can't do this. I care about Jimin. I don't want to lose control. I can't. I have to hold it back.
        And pray it's enough.

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