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     As soon as the omegas leave the room, I slump down. "This is a nightmare."
      "At least we have some supplies." Tae chimes timidly.
      "Do you think Jimin is your mate?!" Hoseok randomly blurts out.
      I freeze, staring up at him in shock. "E-excuse me?"
      He paces the room. "Tae is obviously weirdly overly attached to Jin. I know Yoongi is my mate. I felt the pull before I even met him. What are the odds that those three randomly ended up with us? If they are our mates..."
      I scoff. "Don't believe in that fake mate fake love bullshit. The society doesn't even do real mates anymore. It's all spontaneous pairings. True mates died out centuries ago."
      He shakes his head. "It's nature. It's possible. Just because the society tried to smother our natural instincts doesn't mean they don't still exist! They do—especially out here. You really feel no pull towards that omega?" He demands.
I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "Oh I feel a pull alright—to choke him to death!" I huff.
He rolls his eyes. "I'm being serious. I bet if you spend any time with him you'll feel it. I think it was fate that we stumbled across them."
I gape at him in shock before bursting out laughing. "S-stop it. Seriously? Fate?"
Both alphas glare at me. "I believe it, too. I can feel it. My bond forming with Jin. Hoseok is right."
"You would agree with your brother, of course." I snort.
"God, you're annoying!" Hoseok snarls.
I lurch to my feet and growl I'm return. "Do something about it!" He launches himself at me while Taehyung rolls his eyes and begins getting the clothes and blankets out.
We wrestle on the floor, biting and growling, until the bathroom door opens and three pairs of eyes peak out from the crack in the door. We immediately get up and dust ourselves off.
"C-clothes?" One of them squeaks.
Tae smiles and hands them a pile of clothes. "Sorry but this is all we've got. They will probably be way too big for you but it's the best we've got."
Jin reaches out and takes the clothes with a quiet 'thank you'. Tae scowls at us. "You two need to stop fighting so much before you scare them away! Start cooking!" He growls and we both jump into motion, getting the door ready I'm embarrassed silence.

     The boys come back out about ten minutes later in huge oversized sweaters obviously meant for alphas and baggy shorts. I refuse to admit how beautiful and adorable Jimin looks as he drowns in the clothes.
      They all look uncomfortable, though. "What's wrong?" I ask as I put their food into bowls for everyone.
      Yoongi frowns. "N-nothing it's just..." He hesitates as we all look at them.
       "We aren't used to wearing anything except our robes." Jimin finishes.
      "Oh. Well..." Tae sighs. "Sorry. There's nothing for it."
       Jin smiles at him. "It's okay. We'll adjust."
      "So...sleeping arrangements." Hoseok says, already stuffing his face. I roll my eyes at him and sit down. "There are three rooms." He begins, swallowing his food. "I think it's safer for an omega to sleep in a room with an alpha for protection. Never know when a wayward dangerous alpha on the run will just show up. Last thing we need is for one to find a room full of unmated omegas."
I hate that it makes sense. This is a sanctuary for dangerous criminal and outlawed alphas, though. It's a real possibility. "Okay but I don't think we should get to choose who stays with who." I shoot them annoyed knowing looks.
      They both look away.
      "I'd like to stay with Taehyung." Jin speaks up, his eyes glued to the shyer alpha.
      I scoff and open my mouth to protest but before I can, Hoseok smacks me. "Just give it up. I'll take Yoongi and you get Jimin." He smirks at me.
      I scowl as Jimin looks completely distraught at this decision. Really? I saved that brat's life and he still treats me like this? Just great...

     We finish eating and cleaning up—taking turns showering so the omegas are never unprotected. It's late by the time we all get the rooms ready. I watch in irritation as Tae gently glides Jin towards the back bedroom after the omegas all wish the other goodnight.
       Soon after, Hoseok is nudging Yoongi into the middle room and firmly closing the door. Fucking prick. I hope that omega kicks him in the balls. Then I'm left alone with Jimin. Who still looks like I'm about to attack him any second. As if. He isn't worth the energy deficiency.
      We sit in silence across from each other until I'm utterly bored. It's late. I'm tired. Standing up, I stretch, watching as he flinches from my sudden movements.
       He stifles a yawn. "Let's go."
       Silently he follows me into the first room and presses himself against the wall. Rolling my eyes, I climb into bed and glare at him. "I didn't realize omegas could sleep standing up." Remarking.
       He flushes. "W-we can't."
      "Then what are you doing?"
      Biting his lip, he looks anywhere but at me. "I'm sorry!" He suddenly blurts out.
      I furrow my brow in confusion. "Come again?"
       Finally, he raises his gaze to mine. "I'm s-sorry. I'm sorry about that night. You s-saved my life and I got you arrested. I'm truly sorry. I j-just...I panicked. It was scary. You're the very first alpha I'd ever seen and you were just so c-close and I was—"
       "Naked?" I snort.
       Blushing, he nods shamefaced. "Naked."
       "Can I ask why you go around flaunting your body like that? I highly doubt your alpha would approve of such things. It's an insult to your future mate. Your body is supposed to be for them only and yet you...prance around teasing everyone with it. Don't you have any respect?" I ask.
      He flinches, looking shocked at my words. And humiliated. "I g-guess I've never thought of it like that before. We're raised by those betas. They do everything for us. They bathe and clothe us everyday. It's normal for them to see us naked. It's not like I'm baring myself to the whole city!" He argues.
       I smile. "You have one assigned beta, correct? Those others do not need to see your body, just your personal guard." 
      He huffs. "Why were you there in the first place? An alpha is not allowed on sanctuary grounds unless it's time to pair a mating." He counters.
      Groaning, I lay back and rest my hands behind my head. "It's a...long story. I wasn't there under devious means, though. I was truly only on the up and up. I wasn't there for an omega." I admit.
      His eyes widen cutely. "Oh. W-who was you there for?"
      I stare up at the ceiling, sighing. "I was actually there looking for a beta. Guess that backfired when they all swarmed me." I snort.
       "I'm so—"
      "Don't. I suppose it was only a natural response. I guess I should have let you fall to your death." I mock. "Would have saved me a lot of trouble."
       He slowly approaches the bed and sits down, fidgeting with his fingers. "I can't apologize enough for what I did. I didn't think of you getting in trouble—that wasn't my intention. I was just scared and shocked and I couldn't control it."
       I feel my lips twitch at his shamed and guilty expression. "Whatever. I suppose I should get over it, hm?"
      He carefully eases himself under the blanket and curls up into a ball. Outside, the snow storm approaches and the roof rattles from the wind. Suddenly the power goes out and the cabin is engulfed in darkness.
       A loud squeak comes from beside me and suddenly Jimin is in my arms, shivering and whimpering. "I'm scared. I h-hate the dark."
       Eyes wide, my arms slowly close around him protectively. Instinctively. I want to kill Hoseok as I feel a slight tug in my chest. This is all his fault. "It's okay. I'm here, okay? You don't have to worry. I'll...protect you, I guess."
      He burrows into my side and wraps his arms around me. "I m-miss home." He mumbles.
      My hand begins threading through his hair of its own volition. Soothing the frightened omega. "You'll have to get used to being away from home. Aren't you being mated when you get back?" I remind him.
     "I d-don't like to think about it."
     His answer surprises me. "Aren't you excited about your mating? Getting an alpha to care for you?"
      He sighs, resting his head on my chest. "Not really. It's nerve wracking. The high expectations placed on us as omegas. The burdens. Yes, we're pampered and taught all the ways of being a proper mate and eomma to our pups...but we're also basically taught to lose our identities. Not to think for ourselves and only blindly follow our mates. It's scary. I don't like that."
      I laugh. "I'd say not, you have a very loud obnoxious personality. Why would you want to silence that?"
       He huffs and smacks my chest. "You're mean!"
      I snatch his hand teasingly making him look up with a pout. Without realizing it our faces are suddenly really close together. His breath hits my mouth and I swallow hard, slowly releasing him and looking away. He does the same.
       "I'm t-tired." He whispers.
       "Yeah. Me too. Let's sleep."

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