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      I'm so goddamn pissed at myself. Like holy fuck I'm stupid. So much for that god forsaken genius rep. Nope, instead I win the dumbass award of the century.
      Scowling up at the darkening sky from my—self made—prison, I curse loudly and kick at the dirt. Snow is about knee deep now and I'm freezing my balls off.
        I can just imagine the smug ass look on Hoseok's face when he finds me—if he finds me before I either freeze to death or drown in the heavy ever growing snow.
       I was going to be smart during this hunt. I spent all early morning building this huge deep pit and planned to chase some animals into it. I even found a couple. A large bear and a small deer. Perfect, right?
       Except for the fact I didn't take into account that another bear we sneak up on me, crashing into me from behind and knocking me into the pit along with it. Fucking hell. I managed to kill them before they caused me serious damage but now I'm trapped in this huge fucking pit full of dead animals. The snow turning red immediately upon falling down here.
       I can't even sit down and rest. I've been in here for hours. All day. I would have been back before lunch time if that stupid bear had not have sideswipe me.
       My ears perk when I hear heavy footsteps. I hold my breath...waiting...could be enemies....
      I release the breath. "Hoseok! Down here!"
      The footsteps begin running—or more like trudging to be honest—and stop just at the lip of the pit. He grins down at me and I have the urge to kick out the dirt wall he's standing over and bringing him down to my level. Smug prick.
       But since I want to get out of here and, you know, not die, I resist. I do flip him off. "Get me the fuck out of here. What took you so damn long?" We have a plan in place on purpose. If one of us don't return within a specific time frame then the other goes to search.
       He snorts. "Well...I figured you'd be able to handle yourself out here. Pity my illusions are proven false. You're just as pathetic as the rest of us." He teases.
       Growling, I throw a large snowball at his face. It hits him square on, knocking him to the ground. I smirk.
       "Fuck you! Maybe I'll just leave you down there. You seem comfy enough, huh? You can make animal skins to keep you warm."
       I break off one of the huge sharp antlers from the deer and throw it at him. He curses loudly so I know I hit my target. He glares down at me holding his arm, a patch of blood soaking through his jacket.
"What the fuck, you dingdong!"
"Don't call me a dingdong, dickface!"
"Fuck you!"
"Get me out of here so I can kick your ass." I growl.
He throws the antler back down at me nearly missing my head. "You almost killed me!"
"Good fucking riddance! You did this to yourself so don't get pissy with me, bitch."
I start to reply but my rude comment get disrupted by a wet coughing fit. My lungs burn and I see blood on my fingers.
I glance up to see Hoseok noticing as well. He drops down onto his knees and begins pulling out supplies from his large bag. He throws down a rope and ties the other end to a huge tree.
I test the sturdiness of the rope and it seems to hold my weight up quite well. I flinch when a hand ax is thrown down at me and grimace up at the laughing alpha. "Careful asshole!" I grumble, taking the ax and using it to beat out footholds in the deep snow covered dirt walls of the pit.
I make about five deep footholds that lead over my head and hopefully Hoseok can help pull me up the rest of the way. I grasp the rope and begin slowly walking up the slick wall using the holds. Thank god my hands are gloved or I would be severely burned and raw right now.
I use all my strength to pull myself over halfway up and Hoseok grabs my jacket and begin tugging me up, groaning loudly about my weight. Once I'm finally out of the pit, I begin coughing again, brutally and soaking the white snow with blood.
He hands me a small towel so I can wipe my hands and face. This is bad. Really bad. I didn't think my fall into the pit damaged me that much but holy shit if I'm coughing up blood, I have internal damage somewhere.
It seems all my strength chooses to wane right after and I collapse on the ground. I close my eyes and just listen as Hoseok gathers up the supplies.
"We'll have to come back later for the kills." He hesitates. "You did a good job, Joon. We can eat off those for a good while." He admits.
I nod faintly, on the verge of throwing up and/or passing out. He tries to get me up to walk but I'm too weak even with leaning up on him. He heaves me onto his back and I'm ashamed to admit the relief I feel as he carries me back to our cabin.
I didn't realize I'd gone out so far but it takes nearly thirty minutes to get back to our shelter. I end up blacking out before reaching it.

When I wake up, I'm out of my wet clothes and lying on a huddle of blankets and pillows beside the fireplace. I sit up and wince. Looking down, I see a huge crudely stitched gash on my ribs going down towards my stomach.
Taehyung and Hoseok are lying on the couch. "W-What happened?"
Tae stirs, eyeing my haphazardly sown skin. "You were impaled a little when you fell. I disinfected the area and cut out the intrusion. You must have been in shock and the cold kept you from really feeling it. You've been out for hours." He yawns.
I glance around. "Where are the others? Jimin?" I ask cautiously.
"Sleeping. We told them to go on to bed. Didn't want them to see you like this or what had to be done. They aren't used to things like that, you know. Didn't want to traumatize them." He shrugs.
       I nod in understanding, slowly breathing in and out through the stinging pain. Well at least it wasn't too bad. I'm alive and recovering. Good.
       I try once more to sit up but he stops me. "Don't. You need to stay by the fire to warm up. You had hypothermia but we got it under control but you need to stay there to regulate your temperature again." He explains.
       I sigh. "When the hell did you get a medical degree?"
       He smiles a wide boxy smile. "What degree? We just winged it. You're lucky to be alive." He laughs.
       "Well glad to give you two some practice." I grumble, leaning back down.
       "Yup. Well, now that I know you're okay, I'm going to bed. Jin can't sleep without me." He smiles widely.
       Rolling my eyes, I huff at his gooey reaction to his mate. Lucky bastard. Or maybe not. Perhaps this is the wake up call we needed. Out in the middle of nowhere in a snow storm that never seems to end with little food or supplies and no medics.
        Just great. I am lucky to be alive. Fucking 'wing it' on my life. Just wait until one of them need me. Ha.

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