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Unlike the very passionate and lust-filled room across the hall, our room is more somber and weighted. I snuggle my head onto Taehyung's shoulder as he holds me on the bed in his arms. I'm sitting on his lap, my legs and arms wrapped around his body. "I miss you already." My lip poking out.
He sighs, kissing my head. "It won't be long. I've already spent this week working on my replacement and making investments to grow the company. I've found a good location as well. I promise I won't stay away from you for long."
I tighten my hold on him. "A day is too long. Feels like a lifetime. I'm lonely already." I can't help myself from feeling depressed. "It's not fair. Can't I please stay here until you go?"
"No. I'm going to be going back and forward putting everything in motion. I can't let anyone know about you here. I will claim you as my mate in our new city and if anyone asks—I met and mated you there. We have to be smart about this, love." He reminds me gently.
     I still pout. "I hate this. I mean, I'm happy that everything will soon be perfect but I don't want to be separated. What if I have our pup early, hm?" I remind him. "You won't be there!"
     He hesitates, having not thought of that possibility. "I won't be gone that long. Don't jinx it, baby. You should still have a few weeks. At most I'll be two weeks."
     "Two weeks?! I thought it was only one."
     "...well, there are a few more things I have to deal with before completely moving. I have to supervise my new replacement for a few days as well to make sure they don't mess everything up."
Grumpily, I wiggle completely on top of the alpha's warm body and nuzzle against his neck shyly, stretching out. My fingers sneakily slip under his shirt to grab onto his sides.
He gives me a warning look. "What are you up to?"
I pretend to be innocent. "Hm?" My fingers slide teasingly over his heated flesh, sneaking slowly up to his armpits.
     His eyes watch me with predator-like precision as I avoid his gaze, flushing.
     "Why are you looking at me like that?"
     "Looking like what?"
     "Like you're starving and I'm fresh meat."
     My smile breaks and I laugh. "Kidding." I remove my hands and place them innocently back on his shirt, gazing at him with pure love and adoration. "I won't be difficult. I will wait for you to return to me. I'll be good."
     Sighing, he shakes his head before taking my lips. "You really want to kill me."
     "You guessed it?"
     "You're not that innocent. I can read you like a book."
    "A mystery book, right? I'm hard to crack at least?"
     He gives me a look, snorting. "More like a child's book. Figured you out on the first page."
     I gripe. "Mean."
    "Truth. You're see-through."
    Groaning, I roll off him and decide to leave him alone. He's been packing everything up for me recently but I haven't helped. I've been secretly rebelling since he's staying behind. I will take the initiative to finish packing my belongings to show my good will now though.
     He watches me for a while without saying anything before reluctantly tugging me back to the bed and pressing me down on the sheets. "You're moving too much. Not good for our pup."
     "It's good to get some exercise." Protesting a bit.
     "You can only do a certain type of exercise." He smirks down at him, eyes roaming over my body lazily.
     I catch on immediately. "I'm tired. Exhausted. Packing all those things really took me out." I yawn loudly, exaggerating.
     A growl crawls up his throat as he hungrily begins nipping at my neck. "You only finished packing one bag."
     "It was a big bag!"
     I stifle a moan as his lips trail over my chest, hands shoving my shirt out of the way to tease my sensitive nipples. "Tae..."
     "Still tired, love? I'll do all the work." There's a knowing light in his eye that makes me shy.
     "...maybe not too tired after all." I grin up at him shamelessly.
     Rolling his eyes, he rolls us so that I'm suddenly sitting on his lap as he leans relaxedly against the headboard. You're really going to make me do all the work?! How heartless!
     Without complaint, I pull off my shirt and shift up, removing my shorts and underwear so that I'm sitting naked on his hips. His gaze is smoldering as he grasps my hips, eyeing me like his favorite dessert.
     My own hands trail over his arms and chest, admiring his strong body as he lets me pet and play. I lean down and kiss his mouth before trailing wet sloppy kisses down his chin and jaw to his neck, biting down hard.
     His hips buck under me and I moan as his hard cock throbs lively against my trembling hole. Eagerly, I lick around my bite, digging my fingers into his biceps, rolling my hips slowly to tease.
     "Lift up. Let me see you."
     Biting my lip, I sit up on my knees and he immediately latches onto my inner thighs, pushing me back and spreading me wide open. Laying back, I stare at the ceiling and wait, letting him tease my body to his liking. Who knows how long we'll go without this in the future...
      He crawls on top of me, kissing me hard and hungry, devouring my mouth—claiming it's ownership once more. His fingers thrust inside me, seeking my sweet spot and I moan loudly against his tongue, spurring around his fingers.
     "So sweet like honey." He groans, withdrawing his finger and replacing them with his cock. I pant, clenching around him with my inner muscles and locking my arms around his neck.
     His lips never detach from mine, tasting me with no thought of time. Lazily. As if he has forever to taste and tease me with his tongue. I willingly accept his every whim as expected.
      I am his forever so he should have forever to savor me. Tonight, there is no time separating us. There is no way we could ever be apart. Right now, we are one body, one mind, one spirit, one soul.
     I will remember every touch, lick, and kiss for the nights I'm in a cold bed alone. I'll remember these moments until he returns to replace them with new ones.
     I will also work hard to give him memories of me to enjoy and think over so his mind doesn't wander elsewhere. He's mine and I have a right to be worried and jealous. Who knows who might persuade him to look away when I'm gone!
      I have to leave my own mark and scent for when I'm far away from him. So tonight I will throw away my pride and do everything for him in mind. Benefiting him now will inevitably benefit me as well in the future.
     So I will be pliantly defeated tonight and ignore the indignity and pain of being parted for two weeks despite my strong protests.
     Then you better be prepared to repay me this! I won't forget!

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