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HOSEOK'S LIPS TOUCHED MINE! lips have been violated by another alpha.
I know, I know—accident. God, I'm so humiliated. Not only did I cry and be a whiney mess in front of Yoongi's mate but...but...I inadvertently became a crack in their mating. I really hope he never tells Yoongi. I'm ashamed.
Yoongi is already mad at Jin. I really don't want him angry at me, too. It was a mistake. An accident. Swallowing hard, I wrap my arms around myself still on the kitchen floor.
I want Namjoon—no, I need him. Shakily, I get up and run to the cellar where my alpha is keeping away from me. Avoiding me. I try the door and—relieved—find it's unlocked.
I step inside to see Namjoon asleep on one of the small beds. Licking my bruised lips, I walk over and stand in front of him, staring down anxiously. Hesitantly I reach out and touch his arm. "J-Joonie?"
He stirs but doesn't wake.
I shake him a little. "Namjoon."
Shivering, I crawl on the bed and rest my back against the wall, pulling my knees up to my chest. I reluctantly tap on his chest. "A-alpha."
His eyes finally begin to flicker open and rest on me. I huddle closer to the wall and try to make myself as small as possibly.
Groaning, he rubs his eyes and sits up. "Why are you here, Jimin?"
Sniffling, I feel tears fill my eyes. "Please don't hate me."
He stares at me in concern. "I don't hate you, okay? What's wrong?"
Lips trembling, I hesitantly move myself closer and rest my head on his chest, falling into his arms and clinging. I feel...I don't know. I don't feel right. I feel... "Please c-claim me." I whisper. My voice cracking. "Please."
He sighs. "I'm not going to do that. I made a promise to you that I wouldn't. I don't know whats going on with you but you're wanting to make a rash decision."
I glare at him. "S-Stop treating me like I'm a stupid idiotic child! I'll admit I was scared and confused before but I'm not now! I want you to claim me!"
"No. I'm not the alpha for you—"
Enraged and insulted, I pull back and hit him as hard as I can. "You're an ass! Why won't you mate me?!" I grasp his shirt and shake him, my tears spilling over. "Why don't y-you want me anymore?!" Full on sobbing now.
Growling, he grabs my wrists and jerks me. "Watch it, omega. I only have so much patience and understanding. I'm still an alpha."
Ignoring his words, I struggle free and hit him again in the chest. "What? Are you afraid! Y-you're a coward! Just do it!" I scream in his face, my emotions and actions uncontrollable. My self doubts and fears exploding out in a way I can no longer hold back.
His eyes flash red and he bares his teeth at me. "Jimin!"
      I lash out, his stupid frustratingly calm tone angering me even more. I shove away from him and get up. Panting, I clench my eyes shut and try to calm down.
      He doesn't want me. No one does. Why would he? I'm just a dirty used omega. I'm better off dea—
      Namjoon's large body slams into mine, shoving me face first against the cellar door, his hand roughly tugging my pants down my legs as he growls. "You want to be fucked and claimed, omega? Huh? You really want it that bad you don't care who it is? Is that it?!" His voice raises with every second and I bite my lip as his fingers roughly spread my legs apart.
      I yelp in pain as he fondles me before pushing two fingers inside me. I clench around them but he just pushes them deeper, using his knee to keep my legs spread. Tears run down my cheeks as I struggle to relax. To accept him.
     "This what you want?! God, I tried to be kind and distance myself for you! I wanted to give you choices! You asked for this! You want me to just do it, for fucks sake!"
     I hiss as he rips my shirt painfully off my shoulders, shoving his body even harder against mine, forcing his fingers even deeper inside me.
     It hurts. He's hurting me.
     I choke on a cry as he grabs a fistful of hair and jerks my head to the side, baring my throat to him. He licks my neck.
    "Say it, Jimin. Say this is what you want from me! Any alpha will do, right! You don't even care if it's me, right!" He jerks my body painfully making me groan. "What about me?! Why is this all about you! You're so fucking selfish! Do you have any idea how I feel about this?! Being used to make yourself feel better, huh?! This is a lifetime decision, Jimin! Not just some fucking childish whim!"
      I sob, hating myself and hating him. "I-it's not like that! Joon—p-please—" I gasp as he removes his fingers and roughly thrusts into me, filling me so painfully hard I feel it in my guts. My knees buckle but he holds me up by my hair. His own panting breath on my neck hot and moist.
      I claw at the door, too agonized to even scream as he takes me with every bit of alpha strength he possesses. I shudder and feel myself breaking apart as he latches onto my throat and bites down hard. It's pure fire.
     I black out.

     When I come to, I'm lying on the floor naked and covered in blood. Shakily I grab my neck and feel blood dripping on my fingers. Choking on muffled cries, I sit up and look around.
     I'm alone. The pain in my backside is excruciating as I climb to my feet and stumble against the wall. I c-can't believe...believe he'd...he' No no no no.
     Gulping and shivering, I slowly walk—almost crawl—out of the cellar, something wet and sticky leaking down my thighs as I walk. Wiping my eyes, I look for him.
      For my mate.
     I make it to the bedroom only to find it empty. I search everywhere trying to stay quiet through the pain so I don't wake the others. I shove my fist against my mouth as a realization comes to me.
      He abandoned me.
      He mated me—claimed me—knotted me and left me. He's gone.
     I fall to my knees and shatter apart. I've never felt such pain before—this time from my chest. From the inside.
     I don't know what to do.
     I want to die.
     If my mate really abandoned me like this...I don't think I could live with that.

Pure; omegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now